Thursday, July 4, 2024



From 3D To 4D And 5D

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev 

Posted on July 4, 2024

New, more powerful SYSTEMIC energies that Co-Creators began to direct onto 3D Earth speeded up dismantling of the entire NAA, Darks and Grays’ infrastructure, stubbing all their strongholds and power sources on the Subtle Plane. The same quantum flows, orchestrated by the planets and stars’ stelliums (see – July Octaves, DNI, 28 July 2024), accelerated restoring our DNA to the primary cosmic state and it goes further. Disclosure News not once brought up this subject. Recall the main facts.

Initially, 3D Earth that Yaltabaoth created was lifeless. Humanity in energy form lived at that time only on its thin-material double in 5D. From it, as was defined by Absolute, Co-Creators started relocating part of population on our three-dimensional planet (distorted history of it, the Bible described as the Expulsion from Paradise). To incarnate, a person needed a physical body, made of dense and tight biomaterial corresponding to this low and stiff dimension. Otherwise, he could not exist here, just as our 3D corpus will not survive in 5D.

Co-Creators assigned Pleiadians, the best geneticists of that time in the Local Universe, to create the bio-basis of the human body, and not the form (it already existed). Like other former Grey space races, they went a long and difficult way to the Light Side, and approached the matter creatively. Pleiadians didn’t adapt their DNA to 3D and reprogram its systemic evolutionary codes for our corpus. Instead, they invited various civilizations to develop together the earthlings’ DNA Matrix.

According to their plan, it was supposed to consist of the best genetic material from different space sources and from the very beginning make an earthling Homo Cosmicus. Co-Creators immediately approved this magnificent project. At the first stage, about 30 civilizations participated in its fulfillment, divided into groups: two leading (6 and 12 participants each) and one additional. The DNA Matrix was framed mainly by the first pair, in which the primary donors were the humanoid races of the Pleiades, Sirius, Orion, Lyra, Vega and Aldebaran. The Matrix consisted of twelve spirals with 144,000 genes, each corresponded to one of their maternal space objects, 3.333.333.333 nucleotide pairs, and an ideal cell that could independently generate the life energy and was adapted to the Gray matter, from which the planet was built.

The work did not stop there. To gain new experience, the Absolute and Co-Creators decided to let the earthlings go through different evolutionary conditions of Maha Yuga (change of epochs) with a gradual worsening environment. In the Golden Age of Satya Yuga, the DNA Matrix was 100% active. A person could live for thousands of years, as long as he wanted. Levitation, telekinesis, and teleportation were common routines. Then, in each subsequent Yuga, as the stiffening progressed, the Matrix was reprogrammed.

Soon, of the 12 active strands remained 6. Most of the primary genes and 95% of the brain’s capacities were blocked. In the recently ended Kali Yuga, we had only two working physical DNA helices and a minimum of active genes and brain potential. 10 wave spirals were sealed. Darks, Grays and other space races (about 100 in total) were widely involved in genetic experiments. And we lived like this for thousands of years.

In addition to genetics, the Causal and Subtle Human Bodies also were reformed. The original single Light Body was split into chakras, and their vibrations lowered in each Yuga. The unified energy body was fragmented into six shells – etheric, astral, mental, causal, buddhic and atmic, as well with a decrease in vibes. All this led our evolutionary regime to the hardest during Kali Yuga. But that was our Souls and the Absolute’s Higher Plan.

Today, all this is in the past. Now, as we transform for returning into 5D, the original perfection is being actively restored at all levels. It’s for this purpose that Co-Creators are sending more and more powerful high-frequency cosmic flows on Earth. With individual openness and readiness, they increase personal vibrations, unlock and activate dormant DNA strands and blocked genes, gradually unite the chakras into a single energy center, and energy shells – into a single multidimensional body, restore brain potential and cell structure, and much more.

But this is only part of the reformat. In addition to DNA helixes, we also have Causal DNA Matrix. Into it, the necessary systemic information is downloaded, which includes all the basic physical constants of Earth: gravity, light velocity, free-falling acceleration, rotation rate, etc. Such a firmware, taking into account local conditions, is a prerequisite for the DNA of any form of life on any planet.

From Causal DNA Matrix, Co-Creators deleted part of the data about human space donors. The free place was filled with info about man’s incarnations and experiences on Earth, and its torsion-wave component contains entries on entire evolution of the Universe. In total, 666.666.666.666 Monad’s carriers from all over the Galaxy were embodied on Earth. But only 66.6 billion Souls, which have an “earthly residence permit”, i.e. have a multiple sequence of incarnations on our planet, participate in the Quantum Transition. Such a huge difference is due to the fact that many Souls often come to Earth for only one, at most few incarnations to get needed experience for speeding up own evolution.

In the Causal Matrix, some segments of the “founding fathers” DNA remained in a latent state. When activated individually, they serve as communication channels and bio-space Portals. But the functions of this Matrix are much broader – it serves the Monads. To enter 3D for an evolutionary experience, it step-by-step unfolds its manifestation bodies from the highest dimensions down to the third density. The Causal Body, more precisely, its core is the last level, on which it materializes without changes. It can only sink lower by mixing with the Gray matter that Earth and human corpus are made of.

Everything that disintegrates after a person’s death is not his primary, i.e. the substance of his matermal Monad. Recall that on the 3rd day the etheric body disappears, on the 9th – the astral and mental, on the 40th – the causal (but not its core). That was the case until recently. This occurs much faster today. All the karma, accumulated during life, after man’s death, fills the above mentioned core. And since the latter is the substance of the Monad, it can no longer take the nucleus back with such a mutation. A person has to reincarnate to work out the karma, which at birth moves back into his nascent Causal Body.

For millions of earthlings who have already moved to 4D and 5D or are ready for it, this is already a passed stage. They have returned to their primary energy form and continue further evolution in it. Those remaining on the transformed Earth need genetics that allow them to live in local clusters with freqs of 3.85D-3.95D (see – Boosting, DNI, 24 June 2024). Restoring the 12-helix DNA Matrix seemed an ideal solution. With a little adjustment, it eases switching from the protein-nucleotide base to a liquid crystalline silicon one. But it turned out that it couldn’t maintain the corpus all the time.

Co-Creators and Pleiadians conducted many experiments to solve the problem. They developed 24-helixes and even 144-strands DNA Matrices, testing them, first, on Lightwarriors and then, on ordinary persons. But were unsuccessful. For life in higher dimensions on new Earth, ONLY a non-helix DNA Matrix is needed. What prevents from developing and implementing it? The new discovered problems.

As noted above, about 100 space races participated in genetic plug-ins. For the most part, their genes have already become an evolutionary brake for us, ballast that is stored in the non-coding “junk” part of our DNA, which makes up 99%. Something else is worse. In our genome, about a THIRD (!) is the genes of the Reptilians civilizations from Lyra, Orion and other cosmic systems. Moreover, all this content is HIGHLY ACTIVE in earthlings. Unfortunately, during the Cosmic Night and Kali Yuga, this was inevitable as prerequisite of evolution and overcoming the Darkness era. Its legacy is a human embryo at the intrauterine stage of development, which has rudimentary signs of a tail, gills, etc. This is the manifestation of Reptilians’ genes in us…

In addition to physical characteristics, they actively manifest energetically. Repts’ genes produce a huge amount of low-vibes emotions – anger, hatred, aggression, cruelty, greed, envy and other vices that control the consciousness and behavior of many. Embodied on Earth as elite, these cosmic “donors” not only observe, but also run us through their DNA fragments, up to the introduction of wave strains of viruses through which they pump out vital energy and dump their karma and toxic information waste. An excellent vampiric tools at the genetic level. Fortunately, repto-parasites haven’t access to the human reference Causal Matrix. But they don’t need to. They can steer the human genome through their genes, individually and globally, applying different occult technics. But they are all powerless against highly Spiritual men.

With the authorization of Galactic Committee and in agreement with men’s Higher Selves, Pleiadians began a comprehensive individual genetic revision of human DNA and, if necessary, its reformat. It usually occurs at night or in the early morning. The sensations are unusual, so don’t be afraid and panic, this is only for our good. The new 3D human reference DNA Matrix will be updated by new genetic donors. Co-Creators are currently deciding who exactly.


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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