Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Parallel Realities

Parallel Realities

The Blue Avians (12D)

Channel: Octavia Vasile

Posted on July 17, 2024

We are here with you and joyfully spread our wings to embrace you. In gratitude and love, we greet you today, inviting you to open the multidimensional gateways installed on your planet.

You might already have a deep sense of the parallel realities (timelines) and the connection between them. The moment has come now to merge those realities. This means that instead of existing simultaneously in different realities that you do not know anything about while your soul might project various aspects of it into different avatars, you might wish to bring all your avatars into the same vibration, having the same purpose for a greater cause.

Many of you have been asleep for a very long time. You have believed that your existence is linear and that you have one life, one body, and one consciousness. However, when you zoom out, you rediscover that reality is multidimensional and so are you. You start perceiving the variety of timelines and how they connect into a miraculous network of stories. It is just that the stories are meant to be connected into a greater one.

For example, when one of your avatars differs greatly from another, having different intentions and personalities, you will feel the effect of the opposing features in your current reality. This is because there is always an effect resembling the soul level, which transmits the information back to the individual level. When you awaken, you merge these realities, creating bridges between them. You do so by connecting with those other versions of yourself and not only for the parallel realities but also by bringing them all into the same intention, for example, to maintain the high vibration of Earth.

As you do so, you stop experiencing shifts in your mood, separation, and memory loss between the dream state and the awakened state.

Many times, your dream state is a journey into a parallel reality. You start making the best use of your time and journey, passing through realities with awareness and purpose.

How would it be if, when you go to sleep, you are aware that you are accessing another state of mind (the delta state) and while your brain generates delta waves, it projects you into an alternate reality? When you remain conscious, you simply continue exploring and creating in that reality, though be aware that you will be coming back to this one. You start learning, developing your gifts and skills, creating connections and interactions with other travelers, and your consciousness highly expands. Your reality becomes an amazing 5D story in which there is no more death, forgetting, and illusion. You become the Creator that you are meant to be.

We know that this might seem like a faraway experience, but it all starts with your intention. Once you set your intention of removing the veils between realities, it starts happening: you start receiving support, and the necessary guidance will help you create and maintain bridges between timelines.

You are all travelers, just that you have forgotten. You feel stuck in this reality, but you are meant to remove the veils of illusion and move freely once again, experiencing the vast magic of the entire Universe.

We are here to help you. Call upon us and we will be there. We love you, and we want you to have the best life experience on Earth and way beyond it! You deserve to be free.

Octavia Vasile

Compiled by from: 
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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