Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Frequency Following Response Part 1

Frequency Following Response Part 1

By Lisa Renee

Posted on July 2, 2024 


Beloved Community, sometimes we discuss themes that are not always pleasant to come to terms with in the current terrain of Spiritual Warfare.

However, it is important that you always remember that gained knowledge is personal power. And your gained knowledge leads to greater awareness, and greater awareness gains Situational Awareness, and accurate assessments that help you to make better decisions for yourself and your loved ones, as well as to deflect harmful or negative energy energies.
So stay awake with eyes open to pay attention to your surroundings, using the tool of observe, discern, accept and stay in neutral in order to avoid catastrophizing, and going into any of the slippery slopes of fear based thinking.

You each have all that you need living inside of you. However, to understand how to effectively solve a problem, we must first identify the source of that problem.

And if we make assessments based on wrong assumptions, faulty thinking or faulty information, we may have used some logical sense, but it is still wrong if we do not understand the current terrain of which humanity is living through at this time of Spiritual Warfare, and the divide and conquer psychological warfare which is designed for Mental Bondage into consciousness slavery.

When we allow ourselves to become subjugated, or manipulated by others, who seek to control us for their own selfish motivations, “No” is a complete sentence and answering “No” to others, requests of you is your personal right and prerogative.

We can see clearly that people that did not have an accurate assessment of the Spiritual Warfare in play in our world when this stage began four years ago.

Many have since dropped their body way too early otherwise called ‘Suddenly Died’, or suffered greatly with the onset of grave illnesses, from making uninformed choices.

As horrifyingly difficult as this can be to observe, we cannot let others make decisions for us.

We must direct our lives by taking responsibility for the choices we make, which should be based on sound reasoning, and Self Autonomy, and not making decisions through coercion, bullying, victimization, threats, and Cancel Culture imposed by those around us.

The point is to guide you into Critical Thinking, using common sense, and recognizing principles of Coherence and so that the Gaslighting and Alice in Wonderland Tactics of the Theatre of the Absurd, do not cause undue pressure on your mind.

And that you have the tools to think for yourself. You must think for yourself, and put information that you receive to the boundary test within your own heart and mind by synthesizing the data in which to bring your intuition and critical thinking into balance.

Although it may seem that ignorance is bliss, in truth, it is highly dangerous at this stage of military grade Propaganda, and MK Ultra mind control methods being ramped up through Brain Wave Harnessing and eliciting customized AI programs that are now being targeted during our sleep state.

Now over the past week, deeper awareness of the AI Signals and technology used for Capturing Brain Waves while Sleeping has been made known to us and it is the reason we are having this discussion today.

The suggestion is to be aware of the agenda of brain wave capture during sleep state, and to pay attention if this is happening to you, so that you can use your spiritual power and tools to neutralize and nullify its impacts on disturbing your thinking, disturbing your emotional body, and those that you live with, thus are sleeping with in the same house or residence.

As the hidden war heats up, Silent Weapons are being generated to carry on to the masses’ brain waves through Frequency Following Responses during sleep state, which has surfaced for greater awareness in order to be made aware that this tactic is currently being used in wide swathes of the population.

And through our direct knowledge of this agenda, it leads to greater awareness and then we are empowered to mitigate and neutralize these impacts by observing and setting space with intention during our nightly shielding procedure to include statements to nullify brain wave harnessing attempts during sleep state.

And today we will also be offering a few short commands to utilize to set your space before going to sleep in order to help you neutralize these attempts if you are experiencing this particular phenomena or to just fortify and amplify your personal shielding during your sleep state.



Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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