Friday, July 19, 2024

Frequency Following Response - 4

Frequency Following Response Part 4

By Lisa Renee

Posted on July 19, 2024 


The Wernicke’s Area is the part of the brain’s function to comprehend speech, sounds and language. So it is the Wernicke’s area of the brain that is generally programmed with recurring voice recognition, negative talk.

When we talk about Voice of God technology, or other hearing voices, generally this is being programmed through the MK Ultra Satanic Ritual Abuse, right? They’re targeting the Wernicke’s area of the brain.

When there’s negative self-talk, if you hear a voice all of a sudden, you know some kind of loud voice, Wernicke’s area is the part of the brain to clear inorganic artificial sounds, or programs or brain waves of inorganic artificial speech, sounds and language.

And many times we may have a negative self-talk or negative thought forms that are programmed with booby traps.

A Booby Trap is a part of the satanic ritual abuse programming, and is a military tactic to self-destruct the person psychologically through the use of extreme fears or intimidation.

If they locate or begin to remove the implant, they may be overcome with a sense of fear: “Don’t touch that. Don’t remove that.” That’s a booby trap.

So again, if this is something that happens, you may want to be clear to identify what that is and clear the Booby Trap program, breathe through it, call upon God and Christ, know what it is as its happening, in order to continue to remove any kind of inorganic programming, implantation, binding attachments within this section of your brain.

The Broca Area of the brain is the area that causes verbal speech. So the Wernicke area and the Broca area work together.

In advanced possessions, the Broca area is the area where the demon actually uses that human’s brain in verbal speech. So the human target will have implants, programming language, inorganic artificial language into the Broca area of that person’s brain by pushing thoughts that have been perceived by the Wernicke’s; and then the speech center of the Broca area of the brain is where the speech or the verbalization, which has been stimulated by the implant will blurt out something right? That’s that impulsive speech, angry speech.

Think about, someone who has attachments or is possessed, and says something and blurts it out, okay? It’s the Broca Area of the brain that is causing verbal speech, where an entity that is outside of that person can use that person’s brain to actually get them to say something that they are not in consent with saying, or they are not willing to say, but their brain has been taken over in the Broca area, and therefore the demonic force, the cybernetic technology, the voice of God implant, the Remote Neural Monitoring, whatever it is, will cause that person to blurt out something or act destructively.

So this is how they do it through the Wernicke area and through the Broca area of the brain. Now, again, this is in the realms of the Black Sun’s MK Ultra land. This is how they create mind controlled automatons that do and say exactly what they want them to.

Moving on to the Amygdala. This is where emotional impulses and stored emotional memories are. So when we’re feeling particularly emotional, or very raw emotionally, the amygdala part of the brain is the area that might be effective for clearing.

Let’s say, the historical narrative that you become aware of is the Eieyani Massacre and destruction of the Solar Feminine Melchizedek, and it feels emotionally painful and difficult.

You can help release those impulses and memories out of the amygdala section of the brain by just saying out loud, “Clear the amygdala of stored negative emotions or pain. Thank you God.”

Cerebellum: this is the area of autonomic physical memory, where we have repeated actions like driving, or something we do kind of automated, because we’ve done it so many times.

Now, obviously, most of our suggestion is to not be on autopilot and to always be mindful.

But we do have muscles sensory memory from doing repeated actions over and over again, and that autonomic physical memory is recorded in our Cerebellum.

So this is another area as well, because we’re talking about retrieving our memories, and repelling, and neutralizing any influences or impacts of incoming broadcasts of frequency following response method mind control that is impacting us during sleep state when we are unconscious, and asleep.

If there is memories being rearranged, or memories lost, these are areas to clear within the brain in order to come back into symmetry and balance with your organic core self.

The last part of the brain I want to talk about is the Thalamus, hypothalamus, pituitary, and pineal and obviously, this is a part of that connection.

We know very much, many of the things that are connected to the spiritual function of pituitary and pineal, but the thalamus and Hypothalamus are very much connected, as well, to those functions that are related to our spiritual connection, and how our spiritual connection, our higher self-connects with our Limbic System.

So our Limbic System in our brain is extremely important for connecting our emotional experiences with our spiritual experiences.

Our functioning limbic system is what helps us to interpret our feelings and our emotions that are connected to higher sensory perception, as well as storing memories when we are having spiritual experiences.

Most of us that have had spiritual experiences and our experiencers, you know how this goes. We don’t get information that’s written in a linear format.

Our spiritual experiences when we’re meditating, or we’re connected to the Christos Guardian host or one of our guides, it comes from an interpretation of emotional feeling, like it feels like “X”, whatever that feeling is, or it sounds like…

Sometimes it doesn’t make sense in a linear perception, because when we are deconstructing our meditation experiences, or attempting to decipher our spiritual experiences in the earlier stages, many times it doesn’t make sense to our linear mind.

We have to learn that Spirit speaks in a different language and it connects into our emotional senses and sensory abilities.

So how we interpret our spiritual experience is through our feeling responses, and that is one of the functions of the limbic system structure.

Obviously, this part of our brain is very important in helping us to decipher our spiritual experiences, and to increase and strengthen our spiritual connection.

This is why when we are disciplining our negative emotions, or we are in control of our emotional state, it allows us to have a higher level of Spiritual Maturity.

More control over our emotional body is directly related to our spiritual connection. So, you can see the Controllers’ agenda, why they they have created people that are emotionally traumatized, and not competent emotionally.

They don’t know how to manage their emotions. They are easily led by their emotions. They’re very impulsive through their instinctual emotions, and that has been cultivated in the masses because that blocks our spiritual connection.

Again, this is food for thought and understanding the importance of your limbic system structure in your spiritual connection and ability to interpret your spiritual experiences through your feeling responses.

This area of our brain is wired directly with our Soul matrix, and is our higher emotional sensory body that when spiritually activated, connects into our Heart Brain Complex, and that creates natural feelings of Empathy.

This is another understanding; when spiritually activated connects to our heart brain, what does that mean?

It means we synthesize the logic of what we have learned with higher reasoning of the brain with our feeling responses as a part of a superpower, because our heart brain complex is what gives us a superpower of intuitive ability of higher sensory perception that is merged and unified with the logical reasoning of our Critical Thinking.

Humans need a healthy brain with a functioning limbic system, and a healthy Bio-Neurology that is not being assaulted by artificial mind control frequencies and neurological toxins in order for them to experience their spiritual connection, and therefore, feel Compassionate empathy and achieve a higher consciousness and spiritual enlightenment.

As most of us already know, starseeded people tend to be natural empaths, because they have unique neural profiles in which their limbic system actually functions at much higher levels to communicate with their heart center.

This makes it very clear that the Controllers want to destroy healthy emotional functions and higher sensory experiences that are connected to our spiritual experiences that are provided by healthy human brains, by targeting our Bio-Neurology with an assortment of energetic and physical neurotoxins, as well as now, the frequency following method of brain wave targeting.

Recent events revealed to us yet again, another aggressive attempt to destroy healthy function in the human brain and human nervous system with a full spectrum assault that is targeting the brainwaves, but certainly is also targeting the limbic system through the blaring fear Propaganda that we cannot escape at this particular stage, unless of course, we turn off all social media, all news and everything and just don’t listen to it, of course, which is something we all should do.

But when targeting the limbic system and Amygdala with artificial frequencies in fear, distortions in the emotional state are made which change the individual’s perception and the meaning that they assign to that emotional state.

So when circuits are damaged in the limbic system with excessive terror, excessive fear, the amygdala emotional center becomes overwhelmed with the negative emotion, plummeting that person into feelings of dark Depression and despair.

When the limbic system has been unconsciously entrained into fear and negative emotions, people have difficulty with their perceptions, and with memory recall of things, right? So they can’t recall memories, and they’re confused in their perceptions.

So they cannot use critical thinking to make a good decision as they are unable to perceive the consequences of their actions. Okay, so this is extremely important to understand.

When we feel confused about the unhealthy and the various extremely negative decisions that some people make around us, we can see that when people are plummeted into excessive terror and fear, and they are unconsciously being entrained into fear and negative emotions, not only in their waking state, but in their sleeping state; that many people that are being exposed to that are going to have difficulty with their perceptions and their recall memory, because it blocks their critical thinking to be able to see the consequences of their actions.

So meaning that they cannot see that, because the fear is blocking it within their Limbic System.

The areas of the amygdala and Hippocampus in the limbic system provide the foundation for emotional states that connect us to higher sensory perception, where we connect to positive spiritual and mystical experiences during our meditative states.

This means practicing Meditation, cultivating stillness of the mind. We can develop mental skills and strengthen our brain to overpower artificial input towards negative emotions, replacing them with positive states by training ourselves, to hold inner stillness and a clear, calm mind.

Going into deeper meditation to generate inner stillness works to clear emotional negativity and dissolve neuronal entrainment to negativity in our Amygdala, through the mere focus of going inside of ourselves, and holding Neutrality and meditative stillness.

In the nothingness of the inner void we are the eternal light within the complete absence of any unpleasant emotion or thought, just existing in the now moment as pure presence, stillness, peace and calm. When we decide to be the master of our own thoughts and emotions, we then become the master of our own brains, and these artificial frequencies and fears will cease to disturb us.

This can be achieved through simple daily meditation, in which inner stillness, focusing upon your breath is emphasized, which is suggested to maintain inner peace during these incredibly chaotic times.

Now beloved family, in light of this topic, for this month’s offering, there are four shorter invocation requests for use before sleep state, for you to experiment with, and again feel if it is in alignment with you.

It is intended to bring your awareness to this phenomenon we are discussing today, as well as your conscious participation with intentional clearings of these assorted technological weapons by stating your non-consent, and commanding the natural laws in God’s authority.

These four shorter invocation requests before sleep state are broken down as the first one is a Sleep State Prayer.

Then there is a command for sovereignty of brain and nervous system; an invocation to clear AI and toxic substances from food, water, air and supplements; and an invocation for deflecting all 5G and higher, as well as harmful as electromagnetic frequency.

May these tools be easy to use, as well as helpful for generating a restful sleep state. May you find peaceful center in the middle of the raging storm, and by commanding the sovereignty of your brain and nervous system.

Thank you so much for your loving support, your Compassion and care. We are in this together and we pray that you feel as supported as possible in the community container. We send our loving prayers of deep appreciation, and we pray for your well being and spiritual fulfillment, as God would have it be.

I command true spiritual law in all interactions, all karmic super impositions, as well as frequency following response methods of brain wave harnessing are hereby made null and void, stated in the authority of Cosmic Sovereign Law, in the power of God and Christ.

Beloved ones, during these holy days of remembrance of our cosmic origins, we ask for spiritual healing.

We asked for spiritual reintegration into the eternal Solar Light of God.

We asked to remember and reclaim our organic consciousness of all unique aspects and body parts that may have been stolen, abused, misdirected, cloned, or copied by non-human or human forces in return to rightful owner.

May we recover all of our authentic selves of angelic human consciousness, the other selves and stations of identity that may have shattered into the collective consciousness and interdimensional planes, to be fully reconnected and remembered into their true Cosmic Christos-Sophia, God Sovereign Free, eternal Holy Presence.

Much Love and GSF,

Lisa and Tomás



Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



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