Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Frequency Following Response - 3

Frequency Following Response Part 3

By Lisa Renee

Posted on July 17, 2024 


We’re going to do a brief drill down on the five most basic Brain Waves in order for you to have a language when you are doing clearing of brain signal or brainwaves, that you can also utilize this as a part of your clearing commands and clearing intent. Now, Alpha Waves are neural oscillations in the frequency range between 7.5 and 12.5 Hertz.

This frequency range bridges the gap between our conscious thinking and our subconscious mind. Now this is going to be an area where the frequency following responses are largely used because the controller is attempting to mimic the frequency of our subconscious mind.

When we have too much alpha wave, again, we may have an inability to focus, we may be too relaxed, or we are daydreaming too much.

If we have too little alpha waves, we may have high stress, insomnia, OCD, panic or phobia-types of expressions as well as high anxiety.

When our alpha waves are balanced, we are relaxed.

So, people will self-medicate a too little alpha wave state by drinking alcohol or taking relaxants and antidepressants.

Beta Waves are between 12 and a half and 30 Hertz. These are known as high frequency, low amplitude brainwaves that are commonly observed when the usual person is awake and alert and involved in conscious thought and logical thinking.

Too much beta, we can again have adrenaline pumping, high anxiety, and an inability to relax while we’re feeling stressed out.

Too little beta, and we will have very poor cognition, poor memory. We have a tendency to fall into depression.

And we will also have ADHD, again, attention deficit.

People that want to increase their beta waves sometimes will self-medicate with energy drinks or stimulants, like coffee.

Delta Waves are a high amplitude brainwave, between point five and four Hertz. Delta waves are usually associated with a deep stage of sleep.

However, many people that meditate can also bring their brainwaves into the delta state.

This is said to be the slowest recorded brainwaves in human beings. It is found most often in infants as well as young children.

Apparently as we age, we tend to produce Use less delta waves, even during deep sleep.

So, delta is associated with some of the deepest levels of relaxation and restorative healing sleep.

Too much of delta can give us learning problems an inability to focus or think as well as is seen in what is known as brain injuries.

Too little delta can give us an inability to rejuvenate our body and inability to revitalize our brain, because we’re not getting a deep natural restorative sleep.

Coming into Gamma Waves, this is between 25 and 100 hertz, although it is said 40 hertz is typical. Gamma waves are involved in higher processing tasks as well as cognitive functioning.

Gamma waves are important for retaining information and information processing. So, we need gamma for learning bringing our high focus into learning difficult material or having memory for recalling long term information.

So, it is thought that the 40 hertz gamma wave is important for the binding of our senses in regards to perception, and… as it is involved in learning new material.

It is found that individuals who are mentally challenged and have learning disabilities tend to have lower gamma activity than the average individual.

Now, too much gamma wave brings, again, anxiety. Too little is depression and learning disabilities. To increase our gamma waves we bring in Meditation.

Again, Theta Waves refers to the frequency components in the four to seven hertz range regardless of their source. Cortical theta is said to be observed frequently in young children.

In older children and adults, it tends to appear during meditative, drowsy, hypnotic, or sleeping states, but not during the deepest stages of sleep.

This particular frequency range of theta is involved in daydreaming, and imagination. Theta waves are connected to us experiencing deep and raw emotion.

Theta waves have benefits of helping us to improve our higher sensory perception, our intuition, creativity, and it makes us feel more natural.

As long as theta isn’t produced in our waking hours, it’s very helpful even though we have noticed over the years with the change of our bio rhythms and sleep state, that theta waves are making an appearance in our waking state, which as well, can make us feel more tired when we are awake.

Generally, it is said too much theta as well, will bring hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattentiveness, as well as depression. And too little theta, will cut off the emotional body awareness, increase anxiety, impulses and stress.

So, as we think on this concept, from the controller’s vantage point, at the root source of all of our thoughts, the way we think, that which comprises our belief systems, our attitudes, our behaviors and our actions.

The root source of this is the nature of our brainwaves.

With this awareness, it becomes obvious why the negative alien agenda and controllers and their various armies want to capture, control and harness our brainwaves, and that they use many different means to try to get us to comply with their mind control methods by implanting thoughts throughout our day-to-day exposures.

However, they are doing this while we are sleeping. And when they do it while we’re sleeping, it is the most effective because the individual is not conscious, and clearly, they are asleep, usually unaware that they are being implanted or interfered with, with mind control thoughts.

And thus, the controller or the Black Magician, or the military grade handler, has zero resistance to inserting their mind control or manipulating the brainwave patterns when they are interfering directly with an individual’s brain waves.

This happens to all high-profile people that they want to exert control over such as politicians, government or heads of state, celebrities, news anchors, etc.

And of course, they have expanded this technology to the general public now with customized brainwaves that are being designed to influence and control people’s thoughts when sleeping.

So, although some degree of this was already happening, it is more customized now to the individual brainwaves as the result of the build out of the Internet of Things, and the Digital Twins and the mass amount of personal data that has been harvested off of humanity through, not just social media sites, but everything else, such as collecting blood types and genetic cataloging.

So, please know that it is the Secret Space Program bases that are covertly controlling the DoD military and the National Atmospheric Administration, that are implementing a lot of the brain wave harnessing tech.

Our goal, dear family, is to not Consent or comply with this blatant crime against humanity by knowing sleep state capture of the brainwaves exists, and refuse to allow silent sound weapons to harness our brain waves by setting that intention before asleep, commanding your personal space with the intent to only process organic brainwaves that are natural and aligned with you and your true core self, spiritual self.

The agenda is to interfere with the process of how your brain maintains short term and long term memory recall through sleep state by purposely interfering with our sleep, and generating disruption in our thinking via manipulation of brainwaves whereby they attempt to trigger emotional reactions in order to generate interference, so that the informational experiences that are recorded in your brain through important events, they want to interfere with those memories, so that you will forget about important things, such as those things that are in opposition to their anti-human agendas.

So, earlier this year, it was observed that they were experimenting more with animals.

And you may remember, it was discussed a few months ago, to be aware that some wild animals and pets were suddenly acting aggressively predatorial.

And this was a first stage of rollout of this next generation brainwave harnessing tech, mind wipe and forgetting previous memory recall that is connected between owners and their pets, as well as larger animals in the wild that were suddenly attacking humans when they were not known to do so before.

Thus, they attempt to insert brainwave interference during sleep state with repeated themes that are deeply emotional for you in some way, like repetitive themes of an emotional trauma from your past surfacing in order to get you to accept this sleep suggestion in order to change your mind about something or forget about something that happened previously.

Such as interfering with what you previously believed, by erasing the long-term memory that was stored in a particular area of the brain.

And this is the function of the Hippocampus and the Limbic System. They have discovered that by using brainwave interference directly during an individual’s sleep state, that they could more effectively manipulate the memory storage ability of the brain.

And thus, this is the FFR during Sleep State agenda being observed more recently.

They did this to me last week because I knew they were doing it and it was unsuccessful.

But this is the point in which I’m sharing this information with you. If you are aware of what they are trying to do to erase your memories, they are unsuccessful in removing the memory content as it’s been recorded in the area of your brain that’s called the Hippocampus, and within the Limbic System which is responsible for your emotional reactions.

This particular method of frequency following response mind control is also how they may try to break up relationships, generate False Reality Delusions or turn your casual friends into enemies overnight, or working towards divide and conquer in communities or groups.

The people that are unaware and that actually succumb to this implantation of thoughts, they generally are weak-willed, strongly ego based and spiritually disconnected.

But still, if this happens, it can be shocking when this kind of rupture happens so quickly to end relationships or social connections. And it can be with family members or anyone else that you may have trusted.

And if that particular emotional connection was not deep, genuine and authentic, this person may show their true colors, and it may be exaggerated and amplified, especially if they have been targeted in this way.

Sometimes with those of us that are of the Christos family, we’re Starseeds, we’re from the Paliadorian family, this mind control does not work as well on us. So, they know this.

Instead, they go to harass our family members or someone around us, such as someone in the inner circle in which to wreak their havoc. Now, some issues of the mind control, they want you to forget that the vaccine they sold the masses is a bio-weapon and forget their major crimes made against humanity.

They want you to go to sleep, forget about it and not seek justice or accountability. And to forget information that you may have gathered or known on some unapproved topic, they want you to forget all about the effort that you’ve placed in knowledge gathering in which to interfere with the recall of long-term memory of information that you have stored in your brain and within your spiritual blueprint.

And when you try to remember it, they want you to not to be able to access that information anymore.

Again, with this knowledge you are going to flip the inner genetic switch. Now that you know that this is the agenda, you have the personal power to take control over the brain switch and the brain waves and use the sovereign brain command of which to neutralize and nullify these particular effects.

But this is a phenomena that we may see increasing around people that are near to us.

Or we may have many case studies to observe with this particular type of mind control or Consciousness Wiping that is being broadcast at this particular time.

And certainly, they want us to forget about our Soul and spiritual mission and forget about our spiritual abilities and change what we value in life.

By making us think that life is not worth living and being spiritual or connected to Christ or God is futile and stupid.

Now, the brain wave harnessing tech is a frequency following response that is highly attracted to Heavy Metals, especially aluminum and graphene. So this is something to understand again about the bioweapon; we know it has a lot of graphene among many other toxic types of exposures.

But when we think of brainwave harnessing, the people that are the most susceptible to this, as conductors to this silent weaponry are going to be people that have high heavy metal toxicity, high chem-trail, or heavy metal, food or GMO food exposures.

Again, Heavy Metals in our bloodstream, mouth, teeth and body make us more conductive to these silent weapons as well as prone to receive these assorted brain waves programmed with distorted thoughts.

Thus, we as well, may want to take steps to detox ourselves as gently as possible, and there are many options like EDTA, cilantro, iodine, glutathione and zeolite.

Now many of us are undergoing various levels of detox and purging anyway, as a result to consciously participating with our personal Ascension, this purge of negative energies and assorted toxins is going to happen naturally.

But this is also, an major detox of this particular toxicity, and heavy metals, and various things that have been exploited in our body to make us more conductive to this targeted mind control.

Many of us are purging, clearing these particular levels of our body, now, and this can lend to intense ascension flu or digestive discomforts connected to the liver and Gallbladder Meridian, our lungs and breath channels are undergoing a reset right now with Astral Reconstruction as a result of several things that are changing with the solar plane, solar gates, and the Astral Plane itself; and then that has an impact on our own astral core connection.

So there is an astral reconstruction level that’s happening right now as portals of our Sun are attempted to be opened for reclaiming parts of the Cosmic Mother’s Eiyana bodies.

And so there are several things that are happening with current planetary shifts that lead to the ascension flu and levels of detox and purging.

So for a moment, let’s drill down some of the brain’s memory functions and areas of the brain that can be manipulated by targeted brainwaves.

Okay, so what I’m intending is that if you become aware that you have just been in the artificial waves of some kind of mind control targeting, whether it’s through sleep state, or you’re in your day-to-day and you all of a sudden feel a heaviness overtake your body, and an overwhelming thought, or an overwhelming emotion just encompass your body, that you know how to use some of these commands immediately.

Key themes and wording of which to shift gears of your brain back into the control of your own Self-Sovereignty so that you can clear this phenomenon spontaneously, when and if you are exposed to this or your children or loved ones are exposed to this, that you have a quick tool of which to employ immediately.

So you can say something as simple as “Clear my Hippocampus, clear the alpha wave distortion, “any kind of language that may feel in that moment as a part of your higher intuition.

So let’s drill down on some of the brains memory function. So the brain memory storage happens, and the hippocampus, which is the area of where your brain has memory files, and archives, for all of your memories. Again, the Hippocampus, we want to pay a close attention to preserving and helping our hippocampus to be healthy and functioning, because this is our memory archives for both long term and short-term memory.

Now we also have the Prefrontal Cortex, which helps us with Critical Thinking and reasoning, and helps us to store brainwave patterns for reaching conclusions after we have discovered a lot of information.

So let’s say we had an awakening and all of a sudden we’re learning about this new topic of something, and we’ve discovered all this information about something.

That is your prefrontal cortex, which is storing the pattern to help you learn this new information that you’re going down the rabbit hole to understand.



Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



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