Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Few Things in the News

Few Things in the News

By James Gilliland

Posted on July 16, 2024



Few things in the news. Cheers to all who have not fallen into the political divide and conquer agenda. Because if they keep us fighting each other we will never focus on who the real enemy is. Montana became the first state to ban drag queen story hour. Bet that has the white houses panties in a twist along with some generals. Health alert: it is time for all democratic women to get their annual prostate check. Pelosi said she wants to see Trump in prison. He said I doubt I will really have the time to visit her with my busy schedule as President or the rest of her cohorts. She was last seen consulting with her advisors in the wine section. I guess you would drink too if your husband prefers men with hammers in underwear. She has an annual salary of $193,400.00 and a net worth of 196 million. Hmmmm.

Bill Gates launched his new maggot milk to feed the general public, guess that would go well with the fake meat and the Snow White apples. Does not sound “appealing”.  There is a meme where he said I don’t always visit islands where they rape children but when I do I go 36 times. Anyone wonder where the frequent flier list to Epstein Island went? I bet it is under the Diddy list. Too many powerful people on it. Gates also said a cow puts off more pollution than a car. Let’s test Bill and all the other cow fart activists. I will lock myself in the garage with a cow, you lock yourself in the garage with a running car, let’s talk about the results in the morning.

Acasio occasional cortex has claimed conservative supreme court justices are acting in poor ethics by not supporting the Biden corruption and weaponization of government agencies. Congresswoman Bobert nailed EPA for not having formal authorization by congress to enforce legislation destroying the green new steal and the billions going to the global elite. This is due to the chevron doctrine overturned by the supreme court. Many other agencies not having formal authorization will follow suit. This is the beginning of the end for rogue agencies. They have lost their authority. Babylon is falling.

Biden in his redemption tour, another total fail has only cemented the fact that he is mentally impaired. He made statements like, “My vice president Trump I would not have hired her if I knew she could not handle the job.” He introduced President Zelensky as President Putin, followed by more garbled fact less statements. He claimed to have beat Putin who has decisively won the war according to any honorable general and intelligence. America is now the laughing stock of the world, a world that used to look up to America as the leader of the world, the last bastion of freedom. Skirts, lipstick wearing Generals with fingernail polish and DEI training do not strike fear in the enemy.

We have been spending 223 million per day since February 22 on Ukraine. The Zelensky regime is buying Yachts, multibillion dollar mansions, His wife just bought a 4.5 million dollar Bugatti, and goes on a hundred thousand dollar spending spree.  Politicians are getting massive donations from the war industry and the majority of the  American People can’t afford to put food on the table and gas in their cars, pay the rising rent etc. Same problem with the war in Israel. How many politicians have dual citizenship with Israel getting massive donations from AIPAC, a pro Israel lobby group. You can’t serve two masters. The title of this article is if you are critical thinking, integrity morally and freedom impaired, you might be a democrat.

I am not a political person. I believe the vast majority of politicians are self-serving opportunists. Just a handful are stepping up to the plate for the American People and to them I hold the highest regard. The Biden administration, an extension of the Obama regime, has weaponized the agencies to take down conservatives, religious organizations, destroy the family unit and negate almost all the God given freedoms in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. All under the guise of we are saving democracy. The truth is they are ushering in socialism eventually becoming their handlers dream, communism. They are destroying democracy completely ignorant of the fact that we live in a Republic where the power is in the people.  Not the massive draconian totalitarian bureaucracy they created.  We have been at the end of that stick for quite some time. It goes much deeper than you can imagine. Did you know Obama ordered 500,000 potential murderers and pedophiles removed from the criminal background check system. I bet you can find some of them in the Biden Admin. He also funded ISIS and Iran with Biden following in his footsteps. And then there is Michelle, a man born in the Cayman Islands not eligible to run for president like his lover Obama born in Kenya who rented kids to perpetuate the greatest fraud on the American people. The next pick is Governor Gruesome in his let’s make America a broke, overtaxed, poop, pee and needle covered streets like California. By the way, what happened to all those homeless street people that were cleared away for XI Jinping’s visit? The answer might shock you. Then we have to morally challenge word salad shooter Kamala. It gets worse.

Imagine a world governed by Satanic Luciferian witches and sorcerers engaging in the most decadent rituals imaginable who’s lust for power and wealth is insatiable. A club of global elites that control the highest levels of political power, the child, sex and drug trafficking as well. This very well may explain the open border policy. They are the war and disease profiteers.  At the top of world governance are fallen Anunnaki, serpent beings, royal reptilians, reptilians, demoniacs, negative greys and an assortment of hybrids and human puppets doing their bidding. Some in ignorance and some willingly.  Most cannot even fathom how dark and evil this group is and what they are capable of. These creatures, the puppet masters, live off the pain and suffering of humanity. In fact humanity is the enemy because if humanity wakes up to what they have done, the game is over. Reason this, how can there be so much inhumanity of Earth if not for nonhuman interference. Who would poison the air, water, the food supply, create food shortages, create and release the plagues and then create a bioweapon to treat the plagues? They control Big Pharma and the treatments allowed in most hospitals statistics have proven to do more harm than good. They would get an F for failure as far as curing an A for depopulation.  One would have to be a heartless inhuman narcissist void of empathy to walk the halls of children hospitals in denial or knowing of the suppressed cures.  Otto Warburg Nobel Prize winning researcher gave us the cure for cancer in the thirties, Royal Rife in the 40’s. Many cures raising the blood PH and oxygen have followed in their footsteps. The same forces that stopped the cures then are stopping the cures now, censoring the adverse effects and deaths from the vaccines. Why would they do this? It’s called a depopulation agenda run by billionaire eugenicists.

Chemtrails, bioengineering are not just weather warfare. They are steering and amplifying a hurricane as we speak. There is a plethora of heavy metals, barium, strontium, aluminum, graphene, now reports of biologicals including the MRNA spike protein now referred to as a bioweapon. Pilots are testifying that Bill Gates is spraying MRNA through chemtrails.  Allegedly he was also adding glyphosate, Round Up to the mix. And you wondered why your gardens and fruit trees went to shit. Not to mention all the other organ damage. The GMO herbicide resistant franken foods are also taking their toll. Rubber avocados, watermelons, blueberries ending up on your dinner table are a byproduct of the many GMO franken foods entering the food supply.

With all this raining down on you no wonder humanities health globally is in the toilet. Their goal has always been population reduction. This includes big pharma. Now in the peer reviewed literature a 37% loss of life expectancy has been revealed if you got a covid shot. What about the boosters and why are they putting the same MRNA in the new bird flu experimental injection? They are adding the MRNA to other injections now without informing the patients.  Why has the covid shot been classified as a bioweapon in some countries and states where they are banned? Why are they injecting our meat and game animals such as deer and elk with MRNA. Why is allegedly Snark Smuckerturd funding it? Is mainstream and social media also weaponized to control the narrative and support the obvious ongoing genocide? Post anything negative about the cov19 experimental injections or the cures to remove or isolate the toxins and you are instantly banned on Facebook or Youtube. Nobel prize winning scientists and doctors are getting banned. Not only are they censoring, they have culpability in genocide.  One day they are all going to look around and say where did everyone go? Where are my relatives, my children guess, I did a good job of deceiving the people making sure they didn’t see it coming or find solutions. Most decent people despite the undeniable evidence cannot believe this is happening. Many ask why would our government allow this? They have families it affects them too. The answer is obvious. How many governments serve the people over the elites. The two gods most worshiped are money and sex. Which brings us back to Epstein and Diddy with a long list of powerful people. Yet who is really behind the controlling and blackmailing? Could it be the Alphabet agencies and who controls the Agencies? Follow the money.

Most things are compartmentalized, there are too many people that will turn a blind eye if enough money is involved, believe me the people behind this have plenty of money. It is said a capitalist will sell the rope to hang themselves. The unconscious will attack anyone that steps out of the herd despite the fact the herd is going off a cliff. Here is a little tidbit, reptilians have an immune system 24 time stronger than humans. Why do you think a crocodile can live in a sewer? They also have the antidote to a lot of these plagues, and toxins including their own healing and life extension technology. Why is serpent venom turning up in the jabs? Did the light go on yet, any of these truth bombs putting the puzzle together for you? None of this makes sense unless you factor in depopulation and an ungodly alliance. They wrote it in stone with the Georgia Guide stones. Reducing the population into a small amount of totally controlled worker bees is their goal. They have been very vocal about it. It is written in their manifestos. Create the plagues, use the media to create fear and sell the cure, the cure will be ten times worse than the plague. This was their promise to humanity.  The experimental injection was never a vaccine, it has never been safe or effective according to the very makers. Now they want everyone globally to line up for round 2. If you fall for the new vaccine again created by billionaire eugenicists, pat yourself on the back for removing yourself from the gene pool. Just leave the kids out of it. Going after the kids is the line crossed that will insure their demise.

There is a fail safe in place they did not count on. It is the great awakening, the vibrational lifting and healing, the liberation of Humanity and the Earth. The best way to explain this is it is as if God/Creator/ Great Spirit has said, enough, it is finished. The beautiful many Ascended Masters, Saints, Sages, Angelics, Spiritually and Technologically Advanced Off Worlders some of which are our returning ancestors have decided a major reset is in order. It is an interdimensional event. Have you looked up lately? There are fleets in your skies. We have them on film.  Everything will be revealed, karma will be amplified and accelerated. Humanity and the Earth will be liberated from these draconian tyrants and the morally and integrity challenged humans that serve them. The messages we are receiving on high are you are going to see massive changes on every level. Social, political, and physical Earth changes.  The volcanoes are becoming active around the world. Stromboli and Etna are erupting.  We have already seen severe weather, some of which is weather wars yet it will intensify. After the volcanoes watch for massive quakes followed by major movement with the oceans over the next 5 years.  Time to buckle up, get straight with the Creator, live according to Universal Law and demand it from your leadership. We have a right to live a thoroughly healthy, loving, joyous, abundant life. It is coming for those who can grasp it. Those who will stand up for it. Now is the time to stand tall, demand our leaders to adhere to Universal Law and hold ourselves accountable as well. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All is coming. It cannot be stopped. Just as the depths of darkness are almost unimaginable, the brilliance and power of the light is even more unimaginable. No one can stop what is coming. The spiritually, integrity, and morally challenged, the arrogant and the narcissists, those who lust for power and wealth in service to self will not even see it coming.

By the way we are well aware of the sorcery used against us, who is doing it, the rituals and tulpas they are sending. Might want to rethink that one. Something bigger is coming your way. Nasty grams have a funny way of boomeranging.

God speed,

James Gilliland

Ecetistargate Radio Rumble, Viemo, YouTube, Ecetistargate TV.

Permission to pass it on granted



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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