Saturday, July 20, 2024

Crown Chakra Activations

Crown Chakra Activations

By Natalia Alba

Posted on July 20, 2024

Beloved Ones,
Many of you are now undergoing a process of crown activation, in which all your sixth and seventh-dimensional channels have been reconnected.

When you reach this level, the crown can be seen as a rainbow halo, as it is when implants, imprints, and other anomalies have been healed in both your DNA and your body portals, and you have grown your wings. Now you are ready for the embodiment of your mission, or further aspects of it, as many of you are here as feminine and masculine holders, restoring the earth’s damaged templates.

Those of you under this process may feel confused as you continue under the process of soul retrieval, for as you reconnect yourself, more are the lost soul fragments that return to your present being, healing old wounds and recognizing yourself as the sovereign being where they are to dwell.

Confusion, desperation, sadness, and anxiety are common while this process lasts, for you are removing from your mental, emotional, and physical bodies and soul-level years of unlove, repression, trauma, and disconnection. It is the body, and the ego letting go of what has been so familiar for so long, that now it resists releasing it.

The seventh ray and the white ascension flame will help you in purifying your bodies, at different levels, one transmutes while the other soothes and harmonizes. Both are essential to support other tools we are utilizing for healing and self-reconnection.

Supporting yourselves and your bodies during this phase of mental reprogramming and DNA rehabilitation is essential, so you start shifting old patterns, from the core of your being, and insert new ones, as the human mind functions as a computer, and we can only remove a program when we install a new one.

It is now when many of you will too benefit from the planetary event we have today with Jupiter in Gemini quintile Neptune in Pisces, which can be as well a very confusing energy for many who are experiencing a profound inner shift, moving from duality into a more unified space, as the more we expand into Neptune, the more risk of falling into delusions, escapism, and ungroundedness.

However, for those emerging out of the depths of their beings, who have embraced their shadows, it also offers us the opportunity to see the illusions that often befog us and impede us from seeing with clarity where we are, and what we need to move forward. This is why we need to be grounded and clear our minds and emotions first, so we are strong enough to face what the ego does not want to confront, creating more harmony and understanding for our personal process.

When we are grounded and balanced this transit will help us to dive deep into our emotions, into our soul and mental plane, helping us to dissolve delusions, and human programs, that still govern, and beyond everything limit our mental body, as well as to expand in healing, spirituality, and in our soul mission, for those who are already working in the previous.

If we follow our soul compass, we will learn how to recognize the shadows, illusions, and false programs that cloud our minds, for our feelings never lie, allowing us to see where we are, and where we need to shift our trajectory.

This is a time to integrate change, adapt to it, and harmonize our bodies, for we are heading into three months of constant embodiment and expansion, and our bodies need to replenish from the many memories they are now letting go, and from the exhaustion that we often put ourselves into.

When we honor our personal processes, bodies, and All within Creation, surrendering to what we are experiencing in each moment, we naturally realign with our Divine Source, for we are flowing and allowing God in to orchestrate all we cannot, from our human perspective.

I wish you a harmonic and loving time beloveds.

Take care of your precious selves as you take care of others.

Within Infinite Love,


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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