Thursday, July 18, 2024

All will be revealed

True Story

All will be revealed

By Peter B Meyer

Posted on July 18, 2024

The dark forces that have enjoyed unlimited freedom on planet Earth for hundreds of thousands of years are now facing our helpful alien brothers and sisters, our forces of light, digital soldiers and patriots, who have made great strides in removing these negative forces from planet Earth forever.

It was the negative forces that sabotaged positive initiatives and made it impossible to break the negative isolation. But now we have succeeded once and for all.

On Earth we have received help from our extraterrestrial Palladian brothers and sisters with their crucial ability to activate spiritual and mental forces in the world. They are closely connected to our Lightworker world.

The Palladians encourage valuable efforts, joy, light and love on our world to promote Ascension and entry into the 5D world. Extraterrestrials are able to bring great progress in the mental and spiritual consciousness of people on Earth. Know that Palladians and earthlings are similar in many ways.

Palladians live in and come from the constellation known as the Pleiades. There are seven stars in the Pleiades. They come from a star called Taygete, which is home to the planet Err.

The Sleepers must convince themselves to believe and see who their true enemies and tyrants are. In short, all government actions are propaganda lies designed to wipe out humanity on Earth.

The sooner humanity wakes up to the lies and deceit, the better it will be for all of us. Don’t be modest; let this be a challenge for everyone to participate and reach our maximum potential. Remember that our liberation must be fought from the bottom up to ensure long term peace on planet earth!

Consciousness and Oneness is the Deep State Cabal’s greatest enemy. Their false Covid pandemic has affected human social consciousness. Knowledge and understanding are needed to identify the social engineering programmes of the global elite, so as not to fall victim to them.

What people should really fear is not the fear of dying from a non-existent Covid infection, but from the terror that rules the world, frightening all people into submission to their totally tyrannical control of the once free planet Earth.

There will be moments when you discover just how limited the world you thought you knew really is. New horizons will reveal themselves as you progress. New realities appear before you. This is encouraging!

But it can also bring a fear that you have never felt before, because of the excitement of the unknown that it always brings. And now, even more so, because of the planetary transition that is taking place at the same time as the ascension of incarnated souls.

This is a unique event in the galaxy, adding to the excitement that this great spectacle will bring to every incarnate on Earth.

Atlantean technology at its peak

In the interim, technology had reached its peak in the Atlantean Empire. Its scientists had begun to play with nuclear energy, detonating atomic bombs in deserted areas and even in the ocean, much as we do in modern times.

Others explored the Inner Earth and found ancient beings living there, mostly survivors of older experiments, both before the original Terra exploded, and others more recent.

The Atlanteans found that the underground world was teeming with intelligent life forms, with vast caverns, tunnel systems and even cities everywhere.

The Priesthood, who still had enough psychic powers to explore other realities, also sensed that there were civilisations living in other dimensions.

Obviously, wars broke out and conflicts arose. Some of the ‘Deep Staters’ claimed that those living above ground were invaders and that their own species were the rightful heirs of planet Earth, which amused some humans but offended others.

No one took the time to find out if the Deep Staters were right or not. And even if they were, no one wanted to admit it out of fear.

When the Deep Staters wouldn’t allow the Surface to invade their peaceful territory, the Atlanteans used force. Troops were sent down to either kill or threaten to kill those who resisted. Either way, the Atlanteans pressed on, exploring more and more of the underground worlds.

To their great surprise, they found that some of the Deep Staters were of a completely different genetic make-up to themselves; some were Reptilians and Reptoids, some were giants, and some were dwarfs and goblin-like.

The Atlanteans used lasers and even small nuclear weapons to crush any resistance to their conquest.

However, not everyone in Atlantis agreed with the way things were going. There were those who formed resistance groups and trained themselves to overthrow some of the Atlantean kings. Occasional coups were attempted, but always failed, leading to minor civil wars until the resistance was crushed and those who opposed the system were executed.

Behind the scenes, however, there was an even more secret operation. Some highly evolved beings within the priesthood could see the ramifications of things and what was inevitable. These beings were the incarnated NamlĂș’u and Titans, who still had some memories intact of ancient times, as they knew how to access them from the Akashic Records, even though they were also born with amnesia. During their upbringing they had certain ways, called ‘triggers’, which reminded them of who they were and how to proceed in order to secretly retrieve forbidden memories.

Instead of forming groups to overthrow the bloodthirsty governments, they worked with nature, performing ancient sacred rituals derived from the original Mother Goddess religion. They worked with Mother Gaia (Earth) herself to keep things in balance.

This bought humanity some time, but when they realised what ENLIL was ultimately planning, there was little they could do except try to escape through the Grid and certain Stargates they managed to open, just before all hell broke loose.

Not all of them managed to escape, and some are still being recycled/reincarnated here on Earth, but a few of them did, and have been watching the progress of humanity ever since, to this very day. They have formed one or more groups in other dimensions and go by many different names. However, none of these names are correct, but still represent the same groups of Ascended Masters.

Although it may sound exaggerated, many people will be convinced once they read all the previous twenty issues about our true history, which will become popular and widespread in the 5D world, and eventually be studied and taught in schools, universities and scientific institutions.

Think about this really true truth, discuss it with others to better understand how we have been deceived and worse, do not even know where we have come from or where we are going. Truth that the Deep State is trying to silence, as the FWC has once again been thwarted, with the latest release.

Many of us are running around like headless chickens with no idea what has really happened to us. Isn’t it time to wake up and investigate?

Peter B Meyer

Transcripted From:

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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