Friday, June 21, 2024

The New Form of Leadership

The New Form of Leadership

By Steve Beckow

 Posted on June 21, 2024

We continue with our exploration of world leadership from a previously unpublished collection.

Archangel Michael and the Divine Mother are channeled by Linda Dillon. From On World Leadership – Co-Creative Partnership. Unpublished, 2024.

What does the new form of leadership look like?

Archangel Michael through Linda: Previously, I have begun to speak about the new form of leadership. And I would say to thee, we use this term that you understand – and that is understood throughout many intergalactic cultures – of leadership, of responsibility, of teamwork, of cohesion, of discernment, of all the divine qualities, not based on the old realm of control and authority and lust and arbitrary decision-making, but, upon the paradigm, upon the construct of sharing your talents and abilities.

Everyone, and I say this to a planet that has billions of people, each of you have brought unique capacities, talents, and abilities to create and co-create individually and collectively.

And increasingly what you are going to hear us speak of is this union between — not only above and below, within and without — but the individual and the collective. That you have a song, you can’t have one without the other. Well, this is where we truly begin to delve into this.

Leadership is assuming your responsibilities, acknowledging, accepting, embracing the wonder of who you are. And, yes, to refer to those core issues [vasanas], [but] not to allow those core issues to, in any way, interfere with the fulfillment of who you are and why you came.

So we do not even need to discuss the thousands of other lifetimes that you have had if we simply look at leadership in terms of this life, this time, this time of magnificent transition, of ascension, of awakening, because, in each of these phases, the role of leadership, the meaning of leadership, has had different quantifiers.

Now you can say to me, what does leadership look like, taste like? What is it experienced as in a society that is ascended, that is based on divine qualities and equality? What does it look like when the egoic control, when the manipulation [is gone], when freedom is the watchword and people are free to step forward? When there is gender equality, racial equality, financial equality, when the structures of the old and the systems that have bound you are gone? What does it look like?

Well, sweet angels, there is still a need for people, whether you are earth-keeper or portal, wayshower or starseed, there will always be need for people, individuals, and groups, who will step forward and say, I can do that. I can take the lead because this is within the realm of my competence.

I understand what is required. I am ready, willing, able, excited, interested, enthusiastic to do this. And in that, you both lead the parade and act as the shepherd. You hold the vision and you go to the back of the line to make sure that no one is left behind.

That is what leadership is. It is not assuming a primary position, because leadership is shared. It does not rest in one individual, one institution. Those times, my friends, are over.

When we speak of mastery, again we speak of the individual coming to the place of their mastery. But as you go forward as a collective, you then become an expression, a collective, a circle, a massive circle of mastery, each in your own particular chosen realms.

There is need for all of this. As I have said previously, too often, for a very legitimate [reason], many of you, particularly, who are light workers and love holders, have maintained an exceptionally low profile.

And you have done so for reasons of protection, and protection in the true sense of security, fight or flight, but also protection of your psyche, of your soul, for social protection so that your family did not think you were insane, so that socially you would be able to operate, or you would be able to operate within a corporate environment that frowned on such things as active spiritual quests, and heaven forbid, a spiritual quest that was above and beyond the corporate goals.

So you have had a variety of reasons. You have played an old third-dimensional game with cause. But that cause, that rationale, has come to an end. It is not just ending; it is already over. It has ceased. Then you say, but dear Lord, we are not in Nova Earth. We are not upon the Golden Times as yet.

Well, I could say two things to you: Why do you think that you are not? What is it about these times that you do not feel that you are already in your leadership position creating the Golden Age?

And at the same time I will say: No, you are not quite there yet. You are in this time of transition; you are in this time of the great awakening. And is it not exciting and magnificent, and is it not at times frustrating, above and below?

But during the time of transition, which is where I would like to focus our discussion this day, it is more crucial than ever that the leadership — personal, collective — step forward and be seen.

Yes, we are talking about exposure. We are talking about vulnerability, but we are also talking about liberation, about not censoring your words, your actions, your dreams, your purpose, and what you are birthing and bringing forth in the name of the Mother, in the name of the galactics and intergalactics, Gaia, and all of humanity.

It is freeing, beloveds. It is freeing to not keep that bushel basket over your head any longer. You say, Lord, I do not know if I am ready because I still have a family, neighbors, colleagues that think that my belief systems are not in accordance with the mainstream.

And I say, yes, that is correct. But how does this mainstream shift? It shifts, beloved ones, through your beliefs, through your actions, through what you are bringing forth. (1)


(1) “Transcript: Archangel Michael – On Mastery and Leadership Part 2,” May 23, 2015, at

Steve Beckow


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


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