Friday, June 14, 2024

Thank You, Mike and SaLuSa!

Thank You, Mike and SaLuSa!

Posted by Steve Beckow

 on June 14, 2024

SaLuSa through Mike addresses the 2012 Scenario Conference, Sedona, Oct. 2012

Mike Quinsey has decided to retire from channeling, marking the end of an era for me. I am/we are going to miss you, Mike!

Mike’s SaLuSa was one of the first sources I read every week in autumn 2009, when I first began to study Ascension. I awaited his weekly message with great anticipation.

I felt I already knew Mike when we finally sat down together at the 2012 Scenario Sedona Conference in Oct. 2012. I met a well-adjusted, reflective, and good-humored British gentleman, altogether a fit voice for what I regarded as my SaLuSa.

We remained close after that.

At the same time we were also working with Mike’s greatest fan and volunteer archivist Kees de Graaff and volunteer translation chief Louisa Vasconcellos to push the word out, me through books, them through dissemination of Mike’s channelings in a variety of languages, widening the scope of Mike’s audience as much as possible.

The Golden Age of Gaia team and Mike (right)

I look upon Kees de Graaff’s repository of SaLuSa’s messages (and ours!) as a treasury for the study of galactic civilizations, dimensional cultures, Ascension, extraterrestrial assistance, and many more topics, thanks to Louisa, in many languages.

I intend, after the Reval, to open up a training center which eventually will become a university. Sources like Mike’s SaLuSa, Ker-On, Diane, etc., will be part of what’s studied.

I’ve held onto two secrets all these years so as not to impact Mike in any way. I think I can now share them. I feel mischievous.

The first is, as Michael said to me some time ago, that Mike’s Higher Self and SaLuSa are … well … let me let Michael explain:

Steve: Is SaLuSa Mike’s Higher Self?

Archangel Michael: Think of this as a unified soul. So it is almost like a twin relationship. …

Even when he thinks he is channeling his Higher Self, SaLuSa and his Higher Self are merged as one almost. So there does not really need to be a distinction.  (1)

So we may still have been getting SaLuSa all this time! I knew that and had to keep it a secret, all these five years.

The second secret is, again with Michael as my source, that SaLuSa is a woman, not a man.   On Feb. 4, 2019, I asked Michael:

Steve: Will SaLuSa find another reliable channel?

Archangel Michael: Yes, she will.

Steve: She!!! SaLuSa is a she?

AAM: If you wish to give it gender, yes. It is far more feminine than masculine.

Steve: (laughing) But then gender doesn’t exist on that…

AAM: No, it does not. But it is a very Divine-Feminine energy.

Steve: Isn’t that interesting? It never occurred to me.

AAM: It has also never occurred to Michael. (2)

Whoa! Surprises all around!

I’ll be encouraging Mike to write his memoirs and train his successor if he has free time. But that may soon change.

After the Reval plus 90 days (to satisfy the NDA), I look forward to a reunion in Vancouver or Sedona. By that time I hope that all of us will have dropped a few years via a med bed. Perhaps, because of that, I’ll be encouraging a much-younger Michael to come out of retirement now and start’er up again!

There’s so much we need to know that SaLuSa, Atmos, Diane, and their compatriots can tell us.

Where can we find Mike’s past messages from SaLuSa and team? (3)

I’ll post SaLuSa’s first channeling known to me, via Mike, below.


(1) Archangel Michael to Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, June 17, 2020. (Hereafter AAM.)

(2) AAM, Feb. 14, 2019.

(3) SaLuSa’s team included Ag-Agria, Diane of Sirius, Atmos of Sirius, Ker-on of Venus, etc.

From Kees’ site, here are some biographical notes on Mike:

MIKE QUINSEY was born in Croydon (England) in 1934. He is the father of two sons and in his professional life he worked for several electrical or mechanical companies. In his free time he wrote many articles for spiritual magazines and on the internet, and he gives talks on subjects like ET’s, UFO’s and healing. He had his own spiritual radioshow on BBS Radio. In 2004, Ascended Master St. Germain asked him to sit at his computer each morning to take messages. Ever since he has received them every day, except on Sundays. On Monday, Wednesday an Friday he channels members of the Galactic Federation, like SaLuSa from Sirius and Ker-On from Venus (Venus in the fifth dimension).

You can find Mike’s biography here and his website here. An interview with Mike can be found here.

Here is Kees’s Somehow We’ll Find Our Way Home, a theme song for lightworkers from this pre-2012 time period when SaLuSa was front and center (there’s a brief still of Mike in it):

Steve Beckow


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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