Monday, June 3, 2024

Siberia Ops, Part 1

From 3D To 4D And 5D

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on June 3, 2024

From May 25, the Lightwarriors’ ground team started disclosing parts of their ops, carried out in stages in different regions of Ural and West Siberia.

The objectives of the operations were to complete the restoration and activate the crystal lattice at full capacity in the territory of modern Eurasia, America and Australia.

Before the onset of Kali Yuga and the last Cosmic Night, this grid was built by four Light space races, which came on Earth from constellations Ursa Minor, Orion, Cygnus and Beta Leo system (for more about them, see – On The Way To The 5TH Race, Part 3, DNI, October 18, 2020).

The ops were part of the Co-Creators’ strategic plan to rebirth of single Light and Spiritual domain on transformed Earth. In the distant past, this expanse was run by general Logos and its minor copies under Co-Creators’ supervision. The entire gigantic system rested on energy, thin-material and physical crystals and their clusters, allocated at Power Places, Temples, Altars, and other sacred sites all over the globe. From them, the network spread to all cities and towns, forming a single evolutionary field. It served as a protective energy dome over specific areas, and was also a translator of Spiritual frequencies, harmony and supreme moral qualities, Love and Light (see – The Global Crystals Operation. Parts 1, 2, and 3, DNI, 29 Septembers, 1 and 2 October 2020).

Why were the operations carried out in Siberia and Ural? The Light space races and other friendly ETs had there and in nearby areas numerous settlements, high-tech laboratories, cosmic ports, gateways and other facilities, which mothballed and deactivated before the mass evacuation from Earth. Now, on the instructions of Co-Creators, the ground team is restoring step by step all these objects in Siberia, as it did in other countries, of which Disclosure News narrated a lot.

Some ops, Lightwarriors conducted in Arakul Shikhany (Ural), a rock chain that stretches its high wall for more than two kilometers. Huge granite slabs and boulders formed in the past a sacred complex, where the Temple of Life Flower-Amrita was located, one of the 12 in the planetary network. Here, the space settlers conducted R&D for producing of artificially synthesized vital substance using a generating Crystal. It was located deep underground, in the center of today’s Shikhan, where Lake Arakul now spreads out. The Amrita substance cured diseases and injuries, rejuvenated the body and prolonged life.

The Arakul Wall worked simultaneously as a space parabolic antenna, repeater and amplifier of energy from the Galactic Center. Under its impact, the subtle substance turned into thin matter and saturated the water of local springs, forming aquaplasma or water crystals (an intermediate state of liquid and solid state) with a loaded program of life and to preserve youth. Production was put on stream.

Before the last war in the Solar System, near-terrestrial space and on Earth 11-12,000 years ago, the Light races managed to put into mothballs all their objects and stall the Crystal, as nuclear reactors are shut down today. Some were hidden in a made lake (Arakul), which was filled with water from numerous underground spring wells. Even in these circumstances, the Arakul Crystal glowed, saturating the water with healing properties. But the Wall didn’t survive. Squadrons of Darks and Grays hit it at point-blank range and wrecked by power weapons. In such a state it rested to our days.

The main work of restoration, Co-Creators took upon selves. On site, they instructed Lightwarriors to be interfaces in the Crystal’s re-activation. For this, the team members made its subtle copy and placed in the center of the lake, next to the original, for energy charging. It immediately turned on and began to bloom like a lotus flower, intensifying its shine, and at sunrise the next day reached 100% of power. Using this occasion, Co-Creators showed another purpose of it – boosting of the Portal, through which the Light races came and left Earth.

After that, they sent the group to the site of the next operation – the mountain and rock massif, called Devil’s Fort (Ural). It is located next to the Earth’s energy exit to the surface, which works as a pore to remove spent (negative) cosmic fluxes, which were the causes of many twisted trees with black bases around. Co-Creators informed that in the past, the Light races built a secret facility here, disguised as an ordinary Temple, working as a multidimensional receiving and transmitting Portal with many integrated antennas-stone pillars.

With its help, they collected and recorded on a subtle Crystal (flash drive) data on the history of the planet after its birth, and about karmic and other crimes of Dracos, Reptiloids, Insectoids, Alderaraneans and other negative civilizations. For a long time, this analogue of the Akashic Records performed its functions, but then, they could spot it and delivered powerful blows by vacuum warfare that destroyed the entire complex. But, as Lightwarriors checked by clairvoyance, the flash drive wasn’t affected.

Co-Creators instructed the group to evacuate it from there. Lightwarriors extracted and put in self that subtle Crystal and handed over to the Akashic Records’ Keepers, who immediately started decoding it. After that, they replaced the false and disinformation segments, which Dracos and Repts plugged in, with files containing true info for a future karmic trial of criminals. In conclusion, the ground team completely cleared the entire Devil’s Fort field with Perfect Light.

For the next operation, Co-Creators sent a team to Okunevo (Western Siberia), a small, seemingly unremarkable village surrounded by numerous lakes. But the team members already knew the sacred history of this place. Here, the Light space races concealed from discovery and deactivated until better times the two main crystals of their global system – Maternal and Paternal ones, the carriers of the Universe’s Feminine and Masculine Foundations. On the Subtle Plane and deep in Earth, there is also a giant depository and sealed incubator of mono- and polycrystals, as well as their hybrids for various purposes.

The task of Lightwarriors was to find and assemble the main part (activation key) of the Maternal Crystal. In the distant past, this fragment was divided into five parts for safekeeping and hidden in different parts around modern Okunevo. First, the group conducted a reconnaissance on the spot, where the local Tara River makes a bend in the shape of a plate, forming a sort of peninsula, along the edges of which trees grow, as if configuring it. Next to them stretches a narrow bare strip without vegetation. Clairvoyant viewing confirmed the info of Co-Creators that a multidimensional Maternal Crystal is stored here at a depth of 3,333 kilometers. And the most important surprise: it holds the Gaia’s aspect and, after the Earth’s birth, was located on the surface, in the Natal Temple, named in Her honor, serving as an Altar.

As noted above, all four Light space races knew about the approach of Cosmic Night, and of all trials that await the planet and earthlings in the next millennia. By Co-Creators’ decision, they returned to their constellations. Only those who decided to get a new experience remained on Earth. They completely dismantled part of the crystal network, part – tucked away, camouflaged and switched off, or put in a semi-dormant state, in which they worked within 10-20% of capacity. The Maternal Crystal also functioned in this mode, being, like all others, under the safe protection of Keepers.

Lightwarriors immediately started searching for the needed fragments. They knew that the missing components contained a vital substance, which needs an aqueous medium. But there are hundreds of lakes in this area. Where the five parts were stored? Co-Creators and Keepers came to the aid, targeting the group to each right place. With their help, the team members could spot all pieces, assemble the key, install it in the Maternal Crystal and successfully activate the latter.

After that, by Co-Creators’ request, Lightwarriors carried out two more ops. Before leaving Earth, some Light space races mothballed aspects of their lineages (Family Trees) on the Subtle Plane above one Tara River’s island. Fulfilling the assignment, the group not only unlocked “branches” and integrated them in their abodes in four constellations, but also reactivated Portal and channel, tying Earth, Ursa Minor, Orion, Cygnus and Beta Leo system and Galactic Center. Now, via this conduit the Light space races can again return on our planet. Thus ended ops, tied to the Maternal Crystal. And what was about the Paternal part?

(To be continued)


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!

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