Sunday, June 16, 2024

It’s a No-Brainer: As Long as I’m Talking about Love, the Words Pour Out

It’s a No-Brainer:

As Long as I’m Talking about Love, the Words Pour Out

By Steve Beckow

 Posted on June 16, 2024

We’ll continue with our exploration of world leadership from a previously unpublished collection tomorrow.

Imagine you’re CEO of a large company dedicated to creating a world that works for everyone and this is your annual staff meeting. You’re the visionary. What do you say?

Well, it almost tumbles out of my mouth. That in itself is noteworthy. (We’ll have the faculties we need when we need them, remember?) (1) OK, so make note of that.

What tumbles out of my mouth is an explanation of how a world can be made to work for everyone.

I’m not sure that would be the best download for an annual meeting, but it absolutely still is tumbling out of me.

A world that works for someone is simple. It’s a no-brainer.

As soon as any event in our future carries us, if even temporarily, to a higher dimension, we’ll feel such a magnificent love that all our questions will be answered.

We have a hierarchy of questions, right? What time is it? Everyday question. Who am I? Ultimate question. And everything in between.

This love that we’ll experience – with our bodies in this dimension we’re in but with our spirits, our souls, motivating the body, soaring, while still incarnated – will remove all cause for harm, dissension, separation.

With this love, I thee wed. And wed. And wed. You will find that everything you ever wanted has been satisfied by this love – plus the freedom from want that goes with the dimension.  We can create with thought to take care of any want but this love takes care of all of the higher desires.

The longing for liberation is satisfied by ultimate Love … excuse me, God.  Any desire for money, fame, sex, power, have I forgotten anything? Is satisfied by this Love.

You don’t have to be Einstein or Theresa of Avila to ascend to a higher dimension in which this love is found. At the end of each age, we all get a free pass provided we have a minimum of light in us to allow us to live there. That’s what our Ascension is all about.

There. As long as I’m talking about love, the words pour out.

This in-the-moment experiment has allowed me to release my fear of facing a crowd and not knowing what to say.

It’s a no-brainer: As long as I’m talking about love, the words pour out.


(1) Archangel Michael: You will have enough of a memory, dear heart. Do not worry about it. (AAM, April 13, 2016.)

Steve: My big concern is that I’ll be head of a large organization and have no memory.

AAM: And you think that we would leave you helpless?

Steve: No, I hope not.

AAM: No, dear heart, that is not the plan.

Steve: Oh good! Even knowing there is a plan is comforting.

AAM: There is not only a plan, Sweet One. There is a strategy afoot to implement the plan. (“Activating the Wellspring – Part 1/2,” March 14, 2015, at

Archangel Michael: This is an agreement that we have. … You have agreed and you are living very much in the moment.

One of the difficulties of humans is that they have a proclivity to either live in the past (and it can be recent past or ancient past) or to project themselves and live in the future.

It is a very curious malaise that most of the human race – yes, most of the human race – chooses not to live in the moment. So you are living in the moment. And you say, “Yes, Lord, I’m very willing to live in the moment but I would like to be able to access memories, recent events so I don’t feel like a fool.”

We hear you. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 5, 2020.)

Archangel Michael: You do not need to remember. …

S: It is all a question of deprogramming, is it not?

AAM: In many ways, yes. What you are doing, is what you think of as deprogramming, unwinding the old programming; hitting the literal delete button; not simply saving it somewhere where you can go back and pick at it later. Yes, it is the reprogramming, the rebooting of your entire system. (“Activating the Wellspring – Part 1/2,” March 14, 2015, at

“Dear ones, do not feel uneasy about taking on that task of enlightenment. When the moment arrives that your knowledge is needed, your previous experience in helping other civilizations “see the light” will come to the fore and you will feel automatically guided.” (Matthew’s Message, April 3, 2023.)

“When the time is appropriate, your master teacher will send forth an etheric Memory Seed Atom, via your Higher-Self, into your Sacred Mind. This Memory Seed Atom will ignite another Memory Seed Atom that was placed there before you incarnated. If you are willing, it will establish a telepathic link between the two of you, which will enable you to gain access to the appropriate higher frequency wisdom teachings via your master teacher.” (“Michael through Ronna: The Memory Seed Atoms Within Your Soul,” July 1, 2019, at

Steve Beckow


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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