Monday, June 24, 2024

Imagine Crossing the Threshold

Imagine Crossing the Threshold

By Karl Sebastien Ouellet

Posted on June 24, 2024

Are you ready to embark on a new adventure? A transformational journey that could change the course of your life forever? So buckle up, because the June 2024 Solstice is about to propel you into a new era of higher consciousness! The June solstice marks a major turning point in our planet’s spiritual journey. This is a moment when the Earth enters a collective dance of ascension to higher levels of consciousness. And guess what? You are the co-creator of it! Yes, you read that right. Each of us has the power to shape this new timeline that is manifesting itself. What does that mean to you? Get ready to receive some of the most powerful messages of your life, from June 20th to July 4th, 2024 Your angels stand by to guide you through this crucial transition. Imagine crossing the threshold of a high vibrational energy portal of light and consciousness. Once you go through it, you will never be quite the same again. Your energetic body will thrive to receive a massive influx of divine light, triggering the Earth’s ascension to a new paradigm of higher consciousness. It’s like taking a decisive step towards a new reality. This energy transformation will accelerate the manifestation of all that supports your alignment with that higher vibration. Anything that is not aligned with your soul’s highest good will be under pressure to dissolve and clarify. While what is truly meant for you will simplify and unfold. You will always have free will to choose how you will navigate through these changes. Will you learn the lessons the universe is preparing to offer you? Will you follow the path of personal growth and evolution of consciousness? Whatever road you take, life is about to present you with a powerful opportunity to sculpt a new reality. A profound transformation awaits you. Prepare for Ascension, a discovery of who and what you really are in Divine Truth: a multidimensional and limitless Divine Being, filled with love and incredible creative power. Although the summer solstice takes place on June 20, divine and transformative energy will flow through the collective several days before and after the peak. In the northern hemisphere it will be the summer solstice, while in the southern hemisphere the winter solstice. Whether you are in the North or South, this solstice will have a profound impact on you. Depending on what your soul needs most right now, you might experience a return to your roots, a rebirth, an ascension to higher perspectives, or even a mixture of all three. Watch out for the signs of these changes. You might feel a need for more sleep, an increased sensitivity to sensory stimulus, increased emotional sensitivity or even sharper intuition. These symptoms indicate that your energy and consciousness are in alignment with the Earth’s. During this time do not hesitate to call on your angels. They can help you understand what you are going through and mitigate the severity of ascension symptoms, while bringing you joy and blessings of these changes. Right after the peak of the solstice, on June 21 or 22, we will have a powerful full moon in Capricorn. Full moons always bring liberation and ending cycles. Remember Mother earth’s energy body flourished extensively during the solstice. Your energetic body tends to follow and reflect that of Mother Earth. So this is the perfect time to open up and let go, allowing for a deep cleansing and release. According to the Angels, you will be guided to release anything that is holding you back from realizing your full power and potential. This energy will be intense, emotional, and rich in lessons, preparing you to claim your role as co-creator of your reality. But beware, this solstice is just the first part of a powerful two-time ascension initiation for our collective. The second half of this massive change will happen at Porte du Lion on August 8. I’ll be sharing another video about this in early August, so keep an eye out! Now, let’s dive into the three angel messages for this solstice moon cycle. Choose a number between 1 and 3 that appeals to you the most, as it will represent your main angelic message. The first message is about the awakening of your self-awareness. The high vibrational light we’ll receive around the solstice will trigger a mass awakening. Remember light is consciousness. The more light you integrate, the more aware you become of who you really are. According to the angels, you are divinely guided through a deepening of your self-awareness. You’re about to get a big dose of truth. Illusions are eliminated to help you see and accept who and what you really are: a loving being, a fractal of the Divine Creator Spirit. One of the greatest obstacles to truth and love that we often hold in our self-design is shame. You will be guided to become aware of any aspect of your self-awareness where you cling to shame, then to forgive and purge it. Forgiveness is the key to healing. As you discover the origins of shame, you’ll be guided to forgive yourself and anyone else who may have led you to experience it. This will allow you to see yourself as God sees you: eternally perfect, unconditionally loving, and worthy of all the joy, goodness, wellness and power in the universe. The second message is about security. The June solstice marks our official entry into Cancer season, where the sun enters this sign. Cancer energy focused on the need for safety and protection. A large spotlight is about to shine from the sky directly on the aspects of your life that keep you safe, like your home, finances and relationships. This may seem heavy for some, as many of us will be forced to confront our beliefs about our safety and security in this world. But according to the angels, may you be guided to realize that you are not a victim, and nothing in this world has the power to define you as such. You can also be led to become your own advocate and stand up for your own needs and limitations. It is time for both Soul-level lessons and practical lessons on how to claim and improve the security you experience in this world. A great time for these lessons will occur around June 29, when Saturn will retrograde. The third message is about healing. We are guided to face some of the deepest and most fundamental aspects of our consciousness, including our perceptions of ourselves and our experiences of safety and security in this world. According to the angels, we are guided to heal to our deepest roots. The light we receive now reveals a powerful truth: The Divine created you to be eternally safe, infinitely powerful, and unconditionally loved. You are being guided to give up into the light everything that has ever convinced you otherwise. Release old karmic cycles and create a new path forward by reminding yourself of who you are: a being of unlimited love. Healing is not reinventing the wheel, but releasing what is not true so that the truth can blossom in you. Trust in the divine harmony of the universe, prioritize your inner peace and let your angels help you reduce your stress. Remember you are a powerful co-creator of the new Earth that is currently forming. When you choose love, you become a beacon of light in the world and help create the world in the image of love. So, are you up for this transforming challenge? To embrace your true divine nature and co-create a reality that reflects love, safety and healing? The solstice of June 2024 awaits you. Get ready for an epic journey!

Karl Sebastien Ouellet

Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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