Friday, June 7, 2024



Message from God

Channel: Jahn J Kassl

Translation into English by

Post on June 6, 2024

Freedom Means

to be free, free from fears, worries, sorrows, from blockages and ideas that prevent you from seeing your true nature. Only by dissolving such obstructive patterns can you achieve your freedom.

Freedom means knowing your true origins, living them and expressing them in every moment.

Directly connected to your self, you are free. You know your assignments, your tasks, and you know what your life cycle has in store for you now.

Through this freedom you express your divinity. You live in harmony with creation, as you function as an essential part of it and are always aware of your “destiny” in this reality of life.

To be free means to be – who you ARE.

I am who I am!

If you experience this, you will be free, you will be in the flow of life, always free to act, because nothing will hinder you or obscure your view. You will recognize your all-pervading strength and power, your all-pervading love.

You are free because you act completely from your heart – since you are no longer subject to “false” ideas, you are clear in your thoughts, words and actions.

Real freedom does not consist in doing whatever you want, but in living in harmony with your entire being, aligned with the source of being, in knowing who you are, in knowing the nature of things, in knowing that true freedom is only possible through connection to your self.

Your ego likes to make you believe that freedom consists in being able to organize your life however you want. It cleverly uses your ideas and blockages and makes you believe that you are free if you comply with these patterns. So that you don’t see what’s behind it, it fakes “freedom” for you!

Free yourself from this illusion! It brings disappointment because you must realize that this “freedom” does not have the power to bring lasting fullness to your life.

The human being is designed to function in its multidimensionality. Through this complete unfolding of your potential, you enter into true freedom. Everything is meaningful and your actions are determined by your awakened being.

It is no longer the ego’s restrictive view that determines the expression of freedom, but your comprehensive new reality allows you to actually be free.

Your heart has everything ready for you.

By returning to your heart you will also regain your freedom. This loving homecoming contains the key to all the gates of knowledge about things as they really are. Love creates freedom! The lack of love creates a lack of freedom!

All solutions are hidden in your heart, waiting to be touched by you so that they can give you wings in your development.

The divine light of love accompanies you, frees you from illusions and brings you freedom. Claim this essential part of your being too!

Only a person who is free from his heart is capable of true love, freedom, clarity, strength and love.

When you realize who you really are, freedom is given to you as an experience. Freedom is not fought for, as many mistakenly believe; freedom “happens” when you let go.

Letting go of all emotional blockages and mental limitations allows you to feel and experience freedom – to be at peace and to let go in order to attain freedom and love.

Free yourself from what prevents you from reaching your self-perception.

Free yourself and you will be free!

The struggle for freedom creates new slavery. True freedom is experienced in the heart.

Letting go of all “programming” is the direct path to everlasting freedom. Regardless of external events, you stand in your center, from which you act in FREEDOM, embedded in the flow of your life.

The freedom you seek is already within you.

Everything is there!

Freedom is waiting for your light so that it can rise up, so that it can show its strength and power, its true face.

So go, beloved, to your window called Freedom. Open it and invite the unfailing Divine Light to shine upon your freedom.

This treasure wants to come to light and through your pure intention it comes into the light, into your consciousness and into your everyday life.

You think freely, you speak freely, you act freely.

You are free!

Jahn J Kassl

Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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