Monday, June 24, 2024

Ben Fulford: Jesus in the Sky?

Ben Fulford: Jesus in the Sky?

By Steve Beckow

Posted on June 24, 2024

We continue with our exploration of world leadership from a previously unpublished collection.

Archangel Michael and the Divine Mother are channeled by Linda Dillon. From On World Leadership – Co-Creative Partnership. Unpublished, 2024.

What is expected from lightworker leaders?

Archangel; Michael: What do we need in terms of co-creating with you, our beloved partners? What do we need in terms of going forth? We need each of you to declare yourselves, not in abrasive, aggressive, egoic ways. That would simply be re-anchoring the old third, and that is the last thing, above or below, that is desired.

But we need you to begin to create what you know, each and every day, in that day, in that framework, in the week, in the month, in the years ahead, what are you capable of bringing forth? What is it in your mastery that you have brought to Earth and perhaps have been ignoring out of fear or trepidation? What talent is it that you have that truly contributes? Because that is what leadership is, it is your contribution of stepping forth. (1)

AAM: You are the embodiment and the physical anchors, activators, doers of creating Nova Earth. You are the anchors of ascension, of the new reality, of the heart consciousness that is the new reality. (2)

AAM: I beg of you, do not assume that when you write of what you are calling “the inner work,” that this does not have profound effect because the focus of the leadership movement, right now, is on the inner work. (3)

AAM: There are many in my legion of blue who are peaceful warriors, each acting in a different way; some are communicators, some travel with me in the dark of the night to the most horrendously dark places, some of you work on the home front literally and, theoretically, some of you are transforming the ideas of wars between kingdoms.

Each of you has a unique piece of this puzzle, of this unfoldment of the Mother’s intention. And you carry, yes, the broad spectrum of talents, but also the very particular talents that you have mastery of. So stop hiding.

We need, yes, need, our partners front and center. So often you have said to us, “Where is the Company of Heaven? How are they assisting us?” We are right here with you in this unfoldment, every step of the way, in love. Nothing else. Yes, the side effects, the elements of love, peace, joy, passion and compassion and patience and stamina – all of these are part and particle, subatomic fibers of love of the essence of Mother.

We are right next to you. So our question is, our request is, will you step forward in the truth with us? The Mother has deigned and designated a new group, very recently as ‘guardians of the truth’, and this is a pivotal role in the unfoldment of Nova Earth: that there can be no falsehood. That – my blue truth, Gabrielle’s golden truth, Maitreya’s magenta truth – all of it shines brightly.  (4)

AAM: When you assume a role – leadership or anything else – first and foremost what you are doing, the question that starts the entire process (and it needs to be asked every single day), is “Am I being honest with myself? Am I being honest with those that I am co-creating, working, playing, living with? Am I being honest in terms of my efforts to create Nova Earth? Am I being honest in so far as I am up for this, that I am capable of this? Am I being honest in my promise to the Mother?” So, it starts with honesty.

You know there isn’t a great deal of talk upon your planet, most certainly not enough talk or discussion or practice, of honesty. Yes, you speak of clarity, you speak of transparency; but the honesty with your sacred self, and of course there will be days when you don’t feel like stepping forward, you don’t feel like being in the middle of the parade, and you certainly don’t feel like looking for the lost lamb. And those are the days you should stay home and rest, or go out and play or eat ice cream. There is nothing wrong with that. But, I am not going to digress.

In this honesty, this is the foundation. Yes we know it is of love, but let us be practical. And you have talked about this, all three of you, and many of you who listen to me this night. You have to be honest. Yes, you have to be honest with each other. That does not mean ascendency. That does not mean that your honest opinion transcends or has authority over someone else’s opinion or experience.

You do not “honestly” get to translate what someone else is experiencing and going through, be it be a core issue or a broken heart. But, what it does mean is a community and a community of Gaians that does not live in fear or false illusions of what is polite or politically correct.

To honestly say, “I am observing this. I feel this,” you are not declaring that the person has to alter their behaviors. But what you are saying is given your frame of reference, whether you have been beheaded in every single lifetime, you are creating a new community where it is safe to express how you feel, what you observe.

And there is no charge about whether it is accurate, correct or incorrect. It is permission that you are freely, joyously, granting one another so that you stay on track and that everyone stays on track. (5)


(1) “Transcript: Archangel Michael – On Mastery and Leadership Part 2,” May 23, 2015, at

(2) “Transcript: Archangel Michael – On Mastery and Leadership, April 16, 2015,” at

(3) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, June 7, 2015.

(4) “Transcript: Archangel Michael – On Mastery and Leadership, April 16, 2015,” at

(5) AAM in “Archangel Michael and the Divine Mother: Harmony Between the Divine Feminine and Masculine and Patterning,” July 1, 2016, through Linda Dillon, at

Steve Beckow


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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