Wednesday, June 12, 2024

A Fresh and Vibrant Palette

A Fresh and Vibrant Palette

By Steve Beckow

Posted on June 12, 2024

Banner of Michaelangelo & Partners

As all of us wait for the main events to begin and I allow my mind to wander, I think of creating new companies after the Reval.

And I think of what a fresh and vibrant palette wealth will offer. Let me focus on Michaelangelo & Partners for a moment. It’s mission will be to dispense money for worthwhile projects.

To remove any thoughts like “What about me?” the Fund will assume all reasonable debts before organizational decision-makers join the company.

And the same for their parents and children so that they’re comfortable generationally as well.

And speaking of opportunities, we’ll have the opportunity of providing good severance packages to those who move on. They’ll allow for a couple of years of R&R and then financial support while finding the next opportunity.

Why ? Because we can.

By then G/NESARA will be in and no one will be in dire need any longer. Quite a bit more reflection will probably go into the choices we then make.


If any of the global spiritual events that are being talked about – solar flash, Ring of Fire, Wave of Love, planetary heart opening, whatever it may be called – hit us, we’ll be swimming in love and just wanting a role in which to serve – really, to share the love. (1)

For new readers, I need to add this; long-time readers already know it: In my experience, love must flow. If we don’t allow it to flow by sharing it, it disappears.

Michael confirms it:

Archangel Michael: Love is the energy of the universe. It is the energy of the Mother. And it moves constantly, continually, eternally, infinitely. So, to have an experience of love, it [must move] through you.  (2)

We’re talking about real love now; not what passes for love in our everyday, 3/4D affairs. Real love is a world beyond, literally and figuratively.

Once the heart is opened, people will feel an urge to share this love, by any means that makes them happy.

We in the physical body get to experience it best and most fully if our heart door is open and we summon love up from our hearts on the inbreath, from where it flows, and out to the world on the outbreath.

In other words, we get to experience love most fully as it flows up, through us, and out to the world.

If this exciting and welcome development does not make the world work for everyone … nothing will. The love on the higher dimensions, as we’ll see, makes everything wonder-filled.


As I daydream, one thought that arises concerns the creation of a bureau to receive and decide on projects put forward by employees.  If the Michaelangelo Fund nourishes projects elsewhere, why not projects that arise from its own ranks?

I see M&P as having an extended training and educational component, which one day I hope will become a university. It’ll combine the spiritual and occupational and go, intellectually, wherever the study need arises.

So not only will we folks who participated in the Reval be positioned and able to make a vast difference in the world, but we can also make a vast difference in the lives of the people that work for us.


There’s no need any longer for people to work to pay their rent and buy food. G/NESARA has provided for all that by this time.

There’s time now to combine work with mission, promoting the spiritual unfoldment of the individual through work. And I suspect employers will need to recognize that conditions have changed and employment needs to change along with them.

Perhaps an employee wants to use project money to see that lepers are taken care of between now and when they can be treated by med beds. Perhaps one wants to build a healing center for psychological trauma. Advancement and asumption of more responsibility for our world can now be tangibly encouraged and rewarded.

I don’t anticipate having difficulty replacing people who move on to their own projects. I expect their replacements, as Michael once quipped in a related connection, to come out of the woodwork. (3)

I have perhaps a thousand pages of counsel from Michael on the work of Michaelangelo & Partners. One of the things I’ll be doing during the ninety days of NDA silence is re-reading this material and getting to the spirit of it.

I can’t believe what an opportunity all of this is. If I woke up tomorrow and it was all a dream, I’ve grown in just trying on the role and planning the company’s operations.


(1) See The Ring of Fire: A Planetary Heart Opening for Gaia at

(2) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Dec. 5, 2018. (Herafter AAM.)

Again: AAM: Love is a fluid energy. It has need to flow. (AAM, April 30, 2019.)

If it did not flow, I believe this world would return to dust. No, before dust.

(3)  Archangel Michael: Oh, yes, they [partners in philanthropy] will start coming out of the woodwork. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow, Aug. 6, 2013.

Steve Beckow


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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