How’s That for Being an Influencer? (Expanded)
By Steve Beckow
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You got it: The Ascension of Jesus by Lego |
We’re making children’s toys now so that people can understand and accept the notion of “Ascension.”
Can you imagine then that civilizations of the future, wanting a mass, physical Ascension of their own into the new, interdimensional space, will be looking at our Ascension with the same curiosity?
The template we create for our new form of Ascension will “come with the package,” so to speak.
Our new form of Ascension, to remind us, is the first mass and physical Ascension into a space that is not isolated in levels but created with levels that allow interdimensional travel. “This is unique,” the Divine Mother tells us of our Ascension. “It is a new creation. Can you imagine, my son, in all this expanse, that this is new?” (1) I have to say it challenges the imagination.
And our genetic line evolves into a new species, which Ivo of Vega called “homo universalis.” (2) The Mother describes it:
Divine Mother: You are the wayshowers … of a new level of species. (3)
Divine Mother: We are creating a new species — if I say it this way, you will understand — a new species of human, conscious, heart-directed, brilliant, creative and determined. And you are doing it not by leaving, but by staying. (4)
All dimensions above us are ascending. I have few details on that however. Well, wait a minute. Michael did mention a “universal ascension” once. Where’s that quote?
Archangel Michael: Ultimately, we will experience the universal Ascension process together. This phase of Ascension will take place in the far-distant future; however, we in the higher realms of existence have had glimpses of this prodigious cosmic event and, we assure you, it is so magnificently complex and awe-inspiring that it is beyond your present comprehension. (5)
“Jaw-dropping” comes to mind.
So when our sources talk about dominoes, and ours being the first, it’s the first in a process that will ultimately see the whole universe ascend.
That doesn’t mean any civilization who reproduces our Ascension in the future will necessarily follow it to the letter, but I’m sure it will be influential.
I think it means that everything that occurs here is potentially of interest.
That interest will start, I imagine, with readings of the collective – the collective consciousness. It may be that staying at that level is enough to know what’s happening on Planet Earth, a kind of consciousness Schumann Resonance and Encyclopedia Universalis.
Whatever the means of measuring and recording, the prime focus will be, I think, on the reactions of us, the people of the planet. How did we react to the war between the Light and the dark that arose as the vibrations lightened? How did we react to each change in the lovelight being beamed to us, each increase in vibration?
Did we wait well? Did we understand changes in the Plan? Were changes well and adequately explained to us?
On the astral plane, people have the capacity through museum exhibits to zero in on any one general thing like a city and take it down to street level. In fact, the description of how a museum on the other side uses its Earth-globe exhibit for study is so interesting that I’ll include it in whole in the footnotes. (6)
It very well may be that this Ascension is studied in a similar or analogous manner in the higher realms. Because all dimensions are also ascending.
All our ups and downs will be considered – what we liked and didn’t like, what served us and didn’t serve us. It’ll certainly be among a small group of the most studied events in universal history, along with the last great and universal innovation by the Mother.
And we’ll have been there. I think that anyone who wishes will find ample employment assisting other civilizations through their own version of this process. We’ll be the welcoming committee into a new interdimensional region of space.
How’s that for being an influencer?
(1) “The Divine Mother: We are Creating a of Humans, July 10, 2014,” at
(2) Ivo: Yes. This is an extinction event. On planet Earth, only certain types of DNA will evolve or ascend. Other types of DNA will not. Homo Sapiens is slated for extinction. Homo Universalis will prevail. (“Ivo of Vega: The Nature of Negativity,” through Sharon Stewart, February 22, 2021. at
(3) The Divine Mother, channeled by Linda Dillon, in “The New You” Course, Nov. 28, 2020.
(4) “The Divine Mother: We are Creating a New Species of Humans,” July 12, 2014, at
(5) He went on to make these revealing comments about our own inclusive Ascension:
Archangel Michael: In that moment [of Ascension], what we are calling a moment, there is a choice. Do you want — and it can happen instantaneously, because so many of you have laid the foundation — do you want to be in the heart of One of love? Do you wish to be in the higher frequency? In the very last second, all they need to say is yes, and allow themselves to be flooded by what you can think of as a tidal energy that will sweep the planet. That is why we say all are invited. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow, “Reading with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, August 1, 2011, at
(6) The Mother of author G. Vale Owens to Air Chief Marshall Lord Dowding: We were told that a small demonstration would be made for our benefit in order that we might get some idea of the use to which these things [museum exhibits like this globe of the Earth] were put [on the Astral Plane].
At length a blue mist began to fill the central space. Then a ray of light swept round the hall and rested on the globe which represented the Earth. As it hovered about it the sphere appeared to absorb the ray and became luminous, and, after a time, the ray being withdrawn, we saw the Earth globe shining as if from within. Then another ray was sent on to it of a deeper and different kind and the globe slowly left the pedestal, or pivot, or whatever it rested on and began to float out from the wall.
As it approached the centre of the space it entered the blue mist and immediately on contact began to enlarge until it became a great sphere glowing with its own light and floating in the blue space. It was exceedingly beautiful. Slowly, very slowly, it revolved on its own axis, evidently in the same way the Earth does and we were able to see the oceans and continents. These were flat patterns, like those on the terrestrial globes used on Earth. But as it revolved they began to assume a different aspect.
The mountains and hills began to stand out and the waters to sway and ripple: and presently we saw minute models of the cities, and even details of the buildings. And still more detailed grew the model of the Earth till we could see the people themselves, first the crowds and then the individuals. This will be hard for you to understand, that on a globe of some perhaps eighty to a hundred feet in diameter we are able to see individual men and animals. But that is part of the science of this institution – the enabling of these details being seen individually.
Still more distinct grew these wonderful scenes, and, as the globe revolved, we saw men hurrying about the cities and working in the fields. We saw the wide spaces of prairie and desert and forest and the animals roaming in them. And as the globe slowly circled we saw the oceans and the seas, some placid and the others tossing and roaring, and here and there a ship. And all the life of Earth passed before our eyes…. Soon the scenes began to change on the revolving sphere and we were taken back thousands of years of the life of the Earth and the generations of men and animals and plant life which had been from the present to the ages when men were just emerging from the forest to settle in colonies on the plains. … When we had satisfied our eyes for a while, the globe gradually became smaller and smaller and floated back to the niche in the wall and then the light faded out from it and it looked like an alabaster carving, just as we had seen it at first, set there as an ornament. …
The animals about the walls were also used for a like purpose. One would be vivified by these powerful rays and / brought into the centre of the hall. When so treated it could walk of itself like a live animal, which it was temporarily and in a certain restricted way. When it had ascended a platform in the centre space, then it was treated with the enlarging rays – as I may call them, not knowing their scientific name – and then with others which rendered it transparent and all the internal organisms of the animal became plainly visible to the students assembled.
Then it was possible to bring over the living model a change so that it began to evolve backwards – or should I say ‘involve’? – towards its simpler and primal state as a mammal, and so on. The whole structural history of the animal was shown in that life-like process. … Also it was possible for any student to take charge and continue the development according to his own idea and this not of the animals alone, but of the heavenly bodies and also of nations and peoples, which are dealt with in another hall however, specially adapted to that study. (The mother of G. Vale Owens quoted in Air Chief Marshal Lord Dowding, Many Mansions. London, etc.: Rider and Co., n.d. , 57-9.)\
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