Sunday, May 26, 2024



From 3D To 4D And 5D

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on May 26, 2024

Whatever’s going on, the construction continues non-stop. For it, we left the Central Sun, remaining in its state, in which earlier returned. This time, we exited it not as the core of a planetary system, but as a part of metagalactic energy axis, around which a multitude of subsystems with their own dynamic laws, tempo and rhythms move in different directions. And we felt again how the Universe pulses.

In its currents and vortices, chaos in remarkable manner turns into harmonious symphony, where each sound, tone and musical phrase is a separate conglomerate of Galaxies, Constellations, Stars and planetary systems. Each is turning around their centers of force. And the entire celestial orchestra with its life cycle is led by the conductor, the Central Sun, with which we are connected by Spiritual cord. By maintaining this channel, we entered that Galaxy and found ourselves inside an interstellar cluster. And feeling of being “both here and there” immediately emerged, as an ideal state and the desire to remain in two layers of attention.

The power stream carried us into the space of Light, through which beautiful multidimensional waves move, and each one inside is saturated with its own energy and endless sub-waves with clear boundaries and directions. They flow into each other, diverge, merge again, and we dissolve into this ocean, its original substance. We plunged into it with the desire to absorb the entire ocean and go ashore with it. By our Spiritual cord, we started winding on selves this space, press, compact and condense. We did not create this protoplasm, the primary matter, it already exists, but only used as a building material to make a new planet and our body. It enabled to continue our work without thinking about Time…

In the past, we incarnated on 3D Earth not once, and our human background is extremely necessary to launch the new project. Then, one of the embodiments’ tasks was to get experience of terrestrial life, its ups and downs, karmic exams and learned lessons. Now, we use this track record on another planet, into the subtle structure of which we completely entered by our Soul. The trial and error method of Earth and human civilization is very important to face challenge we took, a part of the Universe’s Single Life Program.

The value of Earth is that on it, in a shortest time, we got a huge layer of knowledge and best practices. It wasn’t necessary to live them all. To have insight was enough, keeping ties with Central Sun and remembering past interactions with space systems not as an individual entity, but as a particle of the Greater Cosmos’ collective consciousness. This is important, because gave us completely different perception on a 3D planet.

We learned to understand it well, when, in our first incarnations, our Spark merged with the Earth’s consciousness. Then, all our multidimensional aspects were focused only on one task – to absorb maximum data, knowledge, skills and experience of living in a tough and ever-changing environment. Yes, we had to abate pride and our former cosmic dimensions, to shrink, roughen self and adopt the “simple life”. But such a transformation was extremely necessary.

Folding from multidimensionality into singularity is more important than unfolding from the latter. Reverse is much more complex and sophisticated capacity. The endless movement in infinity in a singular state leads to stagnation, degradation and collapse of all Intelligence forms. At some stage, Spirit develops only through the physical body.

Turning self out through singularity on 3D Earth was very hard, but brought most precious experience, so needed in creating a new planet. To do this, we, as Ouroboros, returned to our beginning from its end, connected selves within ourselves, went through the zero code and got the needed impetus to embody in third density with all our multidimensional aspects. It was like a Portal. Infinite big in infinite small, close to Nothing. The most minimalistic projection of all possible, allowing not lose touch with the Central Sun and the Source.

Many diverse experiences concentrated on the planet we build, and each is unique. All the Sparks and Souls involved bring their own to this project that is developing in parallel with 3D Earth’s transforming, with which we are connected by aspects. What we lived here is continuing there, and vice versa. One defines the other.

Our work is to maintain the proven record, balance and contour of carving home with our multidimensional bodies. This is our priority, vocation and mission. We build the new cosmic abode, where gather like bees in a hive, and carrying into it the most valuable and promising things. Everyone has own potential, their nectar to share, like the Gifts of the Magi, forming a common consciousness as a Universe’s integral part.

Earth’s history is one of a great many, but very special, due to feminine loving energy, perfect and unconditional to all its offspring, not dividing into good and bad, beautiful and terrible. It loves not for something, but in spite of. In its transforming, very tough and painful, earthlings are a biggest hindrance, slowing down the upgrading. It would be much easier for Earth to simply shake them off like dust and dried mud. But it doesn’t do that. Love not allows it. It is not goodness and kindness that descend from the higher realms, accompanied by Light. “She” radiates from within as a powerful creative force, through the birth of the new. This feminine energy is very required in the Greater Cosmos.

Another planet, which we collectively build, also needs the experience of the Earth, which gathered billions of disparate and isolated consciousness, and accepts them all as its children. There, under the same “roof”, also came a huge number of different consciousness and Souls from all over the Universe, forming the planet’s Higher Self, lapping and fitting to each other. Many teams are interested in the success of the venture.

On the one hand, many involved bring an element of eclecticism. But on the other hand, the planet, like a philosopher’s stone, synthesizes and enriches all components into a completely new quality. If on 3D Earth, eclecticism is on the surface, then, there, it’s in essence. Usually planets are homogeneous in their consciousness. But on this one, an ideal mix is formed, a hybrid of many collective Souls, passing through the crucible of crystallization. The Higher Selves of the inhabitants are part of the planet’s consciousness, embedded in it. The Supreme Beings’ manifestation bodies don’t unfold “from somewhere above”, but sprout from the core of the planet. There is no opposition of top and bottom. Everything is based on other principles of space construction.

It provides strong ties between the inhabitants and the planet, and their evolution continues as a single whole. They aren’t like earthlings, who have many possibilities, but everything is blocked, consciousness is cemented and senses are cut off. Each exists on their own. In the new house, all are merged with the planet’s heart, and thanks to this synergy, the evolutionary potential increases enormously. The connecting link and success factor is our experience on Earth, its transformative Love that we lived and integrated into selves during terrestrial lives.

Earth has a single consciousness, but its inhabitants are extremely fragmented, and only in this state could incarnate. The new planet’s Higher Self imbibed many Intelligence forms that have passed through a variety of experiences, preserving individual manifestations as the most valuable part of the collective. This is how a new cosmic house for earthlings is being built in 4D, which is wide open to everyone who wants and already can enter it.


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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