Friday, February 2, 2024

Let Go of Survival: Make Way for Your Inner Light

Let Go of Survival

Make Way for Your Inner Light

By Mieke Vulink

Posted on January 2, 2024

People who have been working on awareness for some time are now guided from higher dimensions to bring their lowest, most condensed stones to the top, into their own consciousness.

Then it can shed light on why they cannot yet feel completely free from their deep-seated fears, or from old attacks on their inner light.

For many of us, our mission in this life is to let our inner light shine. That in itself is quite a feat, and also activates all the wounds from lives in which that light was unwanted and that is why we were killed.

Are you ready to become fully visible with what makes you so special? May you fully emerge, including those old parts that are still afraid of what happened before when they used their higher powers?

You probably also feel that desire to connect completely with the uncontaminated, indomitable Light that is within you, of which you yourself are made! With an inner commitment to keep that Light pure and uncontaminated, and to let it shine brightly. And how beautiful it is that another person can see their own divine reflection in it…

It is time to start appreciating everything associated with your divine origins. After all, your light, love power and developed consciousness are the only forces that can truly exist for all eternity.

Many of us have experienced abundant soul growth in our most recent lifetimes, including this one. In this we have often attracted experiences similar to those from previous lives that involved destruction. Why on earth would any soul choose something so similar? And why often so quickly one after the other; barely been ‘up there’ and already back for the next life on earth?

The reasons for this are stored in the Akashic records, but also in our higher Self. Often we did not have to have a long, earthly life to be able to experience again in human form what growth was possible. Our last lives have been a catalyst for insights related to what we could design for our current life.

Before our current incarnation, many of us returned to heaven and its higher dimensions. There we processed our previous experiences and worked hard on ourselves, together with our accompanying team, to be able to return. But this time with a more comprehensive healing plan that would previously have required multiple incarnations.

This time, coming into our full Lightpower does not mean the end of our story… By giving ourselves that love that we can ‘just’ be ourselves, and by doing our own version of Lightwork we understand that all those old experiences no longer serve us. need to determine. We know from our own experience that the universal triptych of life, death and rebirth applies to everything and everyone.

And there we are now, with that powerful inner knowing that says:

“Even though all this happened to me; still I am Love and Light! Everything in me that still denies this – show it to me, so that I can embody even more Love and Light!” Could there be a more powerful statement, and a greater example, to dedicate our lives to? And to do this without any ego entanglements? We are truly discovering how we can use the divine powers of creation for ourselves, for each other and for the Earth!

Recognize the Light that is within you and that shines through you. Call it out when you see it in others. Encourage each other to cast off these last illusions, that we are not good enough, not powerful enough or not wanted, for good! Because originally there is only LIGHT and LOVE, and that is WHO WE ARE, that is WHO YOU ARE.

Compiled by from: 
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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