Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Sharing and the Levels of Communication

Sharing and the Levels of Communication

by Steve Beckow

Posted on January 31, 2024

In our quest to contribute to healing the wounds of society, we’re looking at ways of communicating that might work better than what we’re doing right now.

Where it all goes, where it all leads is in the direction of the acceptance and agreement to live by the divine qualities. That’s the matter in short.

Why is that? You should be tired of hearing me say this by now: The purpose of life is to know who we truly are. When we find out who we truly are, God meets God and for the pleasure of that meeting – as if God looked in a mirror – was all of this created.

Being like God – living up to the standard of the divine qualities – brings us closer to God.

Hey, you want your money back? Guess what? Given who you truly are, this is your purpose too.

Besides, you’d be walking out on the greatest show on Earth … or anywhere else for that matter! You’ll kick yourself later!


The growth movement gave the name “sharing” to communication, of whatever type, that goes deeper than superficial observations and aims at revealing our truth and being seen, heard, etc.

Let me therefore map onto our notion of “sharing” our notion of the three levels of knowledge – or in this case of communication.

I hypothesize the existence of three levels of communication: (A) The intellectual, (B) The experiential, and (C) The realizational.

Intellectual knowledge is an exchange of ideas only, usually spare in emotional content.  The emotional context usually does not draw comment, but is tacitly accepted – enthusiasm, sadness, confidence, etc.

In terms of inner experience, intellectual communication by itself does not usually lift us to higher-dimensional realms. We may ascend to them because our “enlightenment board” on the other side (1) has decided that, overall, this is the time. But our ascension will probably not have been triggered by our intellectual practices per se.

Intellectuality is dualistic. It often gets bogged down in right/wrong, good/bad, which seem to be the highest distinctions that it can agree on.

It invites separation by its very nature: subject + verb + object.  And separation invites egocentrism, the self-serving bias, etc.

I don’t find intellectuality sustaining, personally. Not once we’ve tasted higher-dimensional love.  That new knowledge lets the air out of the balloon of beliefs and feelings that holds our love of intellectuality in place and we tend to fall silent more often.


Experiential knowledge is more immediate, direct and sustaining.

We feel. We’re aware of how we feel. We respond.

It may be hard to communicate, but other experientialists know what we mean and what we’re trying to communicate. And we bond and cooperate with them in a way that intellectuals usually do not. And we wonder what the intellectuals are all arguing about.

Most people in our society don’t appear to know how or what they feel. As someone once put it, we have a low emotional IQ.

Our society doesn’t seem to reward experiential knowledge as much as intellectual. We’ve become a self-serving society, publicly at least.

And, in my opinion, what serves self-servingness is talking a good game and managing our image.  As I see it, that’s where our energy seems largely to go these days.


Realized knowledge, such as an “Aha!” moment, is not mystical. It consists of (A) a problem and (B) bliss. Bliss lifts us up to a place of expansiveness and freedom from stress such that what we could not see earlier is easily seen now. Problems become simply situations that one must see themselves through – and does, gladly.

If we don’t have something we’re looking at, when bliss lifts us up, we tend more often to simply sit and enjoy the state.  I never get tired of bliss.

Bliss sustains and rewards us for all life’s efforts. (3) Whatever it took to get us to that place, we express our gratitude to and for.

If there’s more – and of course there is – we need no more convincing, We’re enrolled, Lead, kindly Light.


We get to choose where on that map of communication we want to locate ourselves. Or we may choose to shift from one to the other.

I need to communicate with you so I remain for the most part in the intellectual. But either during writing, or before or after, I can breathe bliss up again from my heart and refresh myself.

The ability to do that comes with a fourth-chakra heart opening, the most junior of enlightenment experiences.  (4) Remember all of us are angelic and thus we live outside the body beyond the dimensional enlightenment spectrum.

Since I must communicate in a way that’s easily understood, even though I’ve sampled experiences all the way to the Twelfth Dimension, (5) they’ve been toned down, truncated in most cases in that they lacked the bliss which would have lifted me to the realizational level.

Experientialists state that they aren’t understood by intellectuals. Intellectuals state that they don’t know what the experientialists are talking about. And it gets worse the higher up the ladder of consciousness we go.

People with realized knowledge are often unable to communicate their experience or knowledge to those around them. First of all there aren’t words for the experience itself; only its impact on us.

Secondly there’s nothing in the Third Dimensional world to compare higher-dimensional experiences to, except very metaphorically. To illustrate: Realization, metaphorically speaking,  is like a starburst of understanding.

OK, I’ve introduced the two notions. Let me leave the subject there and pick up later.


(1) Usually, our higher Self, the Mother, our archangel, our twin flame, and our guides. See Our Enlightenment Partnership at

(2) I’m leaving aside a brief moment in the Transcendental, which I called “exaltation.” See: The Consciousness State of Exaltation at

(3) “The reward of all action is to found in enlightenment.” (Sri Krishna in Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, trans., Bhagavad-Gita. The Song of God. New York and Scarborough: New American Library, 1972; c1944, 54.)

(4)  See:

(5) Steve: what dimension is bliss?

Archangel Michael: It is between Eight and Nine.

Steve: And ecstasy?

AAM: Twelfth.

Steve: And what about exaltation?

AAM: Then you have moved beyond.  (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 20, 2016.) (Hereafter, AAM.)

Archangel Michael: What you are doing, you are pulling the 5th into what you think of as your reality [3rd/4th], the qualities of mastery [11th] without setting yourself apart from the masses [3rd/4th/5th].

You … are teaching others that they can access the mastery [11th] and still be in the Christ Consciousness [7th], in the expanded awareness in the physical form [5th or cleaned-up 3rd] and in the love [7th].  (AAM, May 6, 2013.)

Lord Arcturus: It is highly beneficial – and this is where mutuality comes in – that you would have, not only the intelligence but the perspective of the higher dimensions (it is not a hierarchy but it is different).

And so the perspective say of the ninth dimension is very different than the perspective of say the third, the fifth or the seventh dimension.

Because it is very important that humanity realize, as they are in their unfoldment to a grander plan, that the seventh dimension is not the end of the road, not the be all and end all.

And so, [you having] some of the perspective, the experience, the knowing, the intelligence of different dimensionality is highly beneficial in helping them move into that higher-dimensional anchoring. (Lord Arcturus in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, June 12, 2019.)

Steve Beckow



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My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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