Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Wafter Your Spiritual Amnesia Clears up?

What Remains after Your Spiritual Amnesia Clears up?

By Carrie Triffet

Posted on December 20, 2023

luminous heart

Photo by Bart LaRue

A post-forgetfulness peek into your brilliant future self and world.

This is a topic I’ve been wanting to address for awhile now: A detailed look at exactly how it is, that the world made of love becomes our tangible, lived reality here on planet earth.

Not so much from a frequency perspective; we’ve already talked at great length about the rising planetary frequencies, and what that means for each of us and our world. But rather from a practical standpoint, of how and why things change for the better, after the high frequencies have done their thing.

Because the tendency (even though we might accept the idea that, due to rising frequencies, the veil itself can drop) is to disbelieve that anything about our actual 3-D world of form—any of the world’s many ills—could ever truly change to reflect that sacred shift.

But in fact, the opposite is true: It would be pretty much impossible for 3-D reality NOT to change, in response to that collective veil drop.

So, what better way to end 2023 than to put ourselves into our future shoes, for a closeup look at how we—yes, you and I—could create and experience the actual, heaven on earth-type, world made of love.

OK, so let’s start with a refresher on what your experience of self and world is likely to become over time, as you navigate these new, unprecedented high-frequency times:

For starters, you’ll no longer be subject to the veil of forgetfulness.

What’s one of the primary characteristics of veil removal? Your experience of yourself is no longer bound up in the perception that you are a me-self locked inside an individual body, laboring under the myopic illusion that everyone and everything else ‘out there’ is separate from you. Right?

The end of spiritual amnesia is the start of you knowing who and what you really are in truth, which means no more separation. (Among other things.)

Separation’s opposite, of course, is oneness. So the veil drop reveals that which has always been true—in fact it is the most basic truth of existence:

You are one with all that is.

But how do you know you’re one with all that is? (Apart from being told it by your favorite spiritual teachings.) What changes about your direct personal experience of self and world, that is so convincing there can be no doubt or argument?

For this, we go back to the high frequencies currently flooding the planet (and therefore flooding our physical/mental/spiritual/energetic bodies as well).

The veil itself is already in shreds, as I’ve said many times. It can no longer sustain itself in these rising-frequency times we’re in.

(That’s because the veil’s purpose is to block out divine truth, which is a very low-frequency activity. And low, dense frequencies move comparatively slowly, in a frequency environment that’s constantly getting higher, finer, lighter and faster. The dissonant jostling between the two becomes ever more pronounced—until something’s gotta give.)

So we only feel the veil’s lingering effects due to our old baggage, old dense resonances still operating within our own physical/mental/spiritual/energetic bodies.

But the ever-rising frequencies will reach a point where your own stuck stuff, your old painful misperceptions about self and world, can simply no longer stay. You’ll have no other choice but to let it all go.

And when you do, the veil—your veil—dissolves. And your body, mind and spirit are flooded with true knowledge. Which has no opposite.

Your energetic field rapidly re-learns the sacred song of truth. All the cells of your body respond to this holy resonance of universal harmony. (On some level they’ve always known it.) And every single cell radiates a holographic completeness—each cell attesting to your own divine knowing of infinite oneness.

Luminous divine intelligence operating through you, as you.

In short, you feel and know oneness throughout your entire mind, body, spirit and energetic field. You are oneness itself.

Just to be clear, in describing this newfound reunion with universal oneness, we’re not talking about a permanent bliss state.

You probably already know how I feel about bliss: It’s lovely when it comes, but no big deal when it goes. And go it will, because bliss is always a temporary phenomenon.

Bliss undoubtedly gets associated with awakening in the minds of spiritual seekers, because it’s sometimes the first response in a newly awakened being. I’m pretty sure this is why that is:

In our current veil-induced worldly experience, human beings are all trudging around like the ghost of Jacob Marley, wearing the heavy chains of separation consciousness, and dragging the lead weights of our own unfinished business.

When those chains suddenly dissolve during our own personal veil drop, we rise like an untethered helium balloon to the high frequency level we should’ve been at all along.

The incredible relief at suddenly being freed of our burdens, brings a very natural bliss response. Which fades, eventually—but that’s actually a good thing. It means we’re integrating our newfound freedom into our own everyday existence. Bliss in oneness gives way at some point, to deep, grounded, grownup joy.

So. Here you are, a deeply grounded, joyous grownup, knowing oneness and wholeness in harmony with all that is.


clarity in joy

Photo by Nghia Le

With this as our baseline, let’s look at a few of the world’s most troubling issues, to discover how they might change and evolve into the tangible, physical, outward expression of our own inner knowing of divine truth—AKA the world made of love.

Might as well start with one of the biggest:


It’s not likely to change overnight, but change it must. To begin with, there’s that issue of low-frequency creations being unable to sustain themselves, in a world that no longer supports those frequencies.

War, fighting, division and all who seek to amplify those disruptive ways of being, will find it increasingly difficult to gin up a mass conflict and then keep that momentum going. It will tend to naturally fizzle, like a match set on damp tinder.

But there’s much more going on here than that. When you know yourself in oneness, you automatically recognize the sacred holiness of all others at the same time—it’s all part of the same resonant frequency of truth. Your divine essence is theirs.

So it will be much harder to persuade you that some people are good and others are bad; that some peoples’ homes and villages should be protected, but it’s ok to carpet bomb the ones belonging to those others; that there’s such a thing as ‘acceptable casualties,’ and so on.

This doesn’t mean that wrongdoing will now be irrelevant. Everybody is still responsible for their own actions. If somebody needs to be stopped from doing harm or committing crimes, then they must be stopped. But love and respect for our shared divinity is the underlying foundation of that principled action to stop another.

Because there’s also this: In oneness, you will feel it viscerally in your own self, when you do harm to another. Even if they ‘deserve’ it. Even if they ‘started’ it.

Some of us will be slower learners than others of course, but eventually every one of us will realize how much it hurts, to hurt another. We will feel it in our hearts, our minds and our bodies, how immensely, tragically painful it is to deny the divinity of another—therefore denying our own.

And so we’ll gradually just stop doing it.

We’ll also gradually stop giving our consent (and our tax dollars) to those who would turn misery and death into profit.

And over time, war will slowly disappear from this planet.


peace illuminated

Photo by Joshua Sukoff


To talk about the end of poverty, homelessness and hunger, we can point to the same underlying principles that will bring an end to war:

A very clear, intimate knowing of our shared divine oneness. We are the fundamental true identity of that person we see, that sacred being before us, who is in such great and obvious need. We feel and know that person’s brilliant pristine worth, in every part of our own being.

Our holiness is theirs, and vice versa.

In light of this knowing, could we ever find it acceptable to allow anyone to go hungry, or live on the street, if we ourselves have food, warmth or shelter to spare?

It simply won’t feel good to allow that. To deny love and care to the other, is to deny it to ourselves.

It doesn’t mean we have to like or agree with that person’s worldview or priorities. We’re valuing their divinity, not their work ethic. Or whether or not they’ll ‘just spend it on drugs.’ Who knows, maybe they will just spend it on drugs. That’s really not the point.

For us, the care, the giving, is what is paramount here. Not the ‘deservingness’—who decides that?—of the other. Besides, we very much need to bring the ever-present truth of abundance into the equation, whenever we’re talking about systemic poverty and lack.

Because lack is a persistent relic of the veil.

Although made distressingly real by our belief in it, and by our actions based upon it, lack is untrue on every level. Abundance is the tangible truth, the mechanism by which the universe actually works: We give, and in so doing we automatically receive.

Abundance is an intrinsic part of our own shared identity in oneness. You are not abundant; you are abundance itself.

Of course there’s been alot of this-current-world focus on abundance over the last few decades, and on various methods for getting what we want. Although those teachings do tap into the universal flow of abundance, what we’re talking about here is far deeper than any of that.

Because when you know yourself in oneness, you stop trying to game the system.

True abundance is never about seeking to prime the pump of universal receiving through visualization techniques or any other form of manipulation. It also is not about consciously giving as a mere means to an end—giving in order to ride the wave of universal flow, thereby receiving what we ourselves want.

We’re actually talking about the divine properties of an abundant universe here, and our own sacred relationship to it. Our own infinite identity as it. You are the universal flow of abundance itself.

You will know yourself as that. You will trust in the wisdom of divine intelligence, to orchestrate how and what and when you receive…but your real focus is on that sacred flow itself—the sacred flow that you are:

The giving that brings the receiving, which sparks the giving, which brings the receiving, and so on, and so on, ad infinitum. All of which takes place in an inner and outer environment of gratitude, profound humility and joy, at being part of such an incredibly loving universal mystery.

So your whole focus, when it comes to abundance, is not really on the specifics of the giving or the receiving. Giving and receiving are two natural, spontaneous halves of one divine whole, in you. Neither is more important than the other.

Instead you’ll develop acute awareness of any lingering attitude or behavior within yourself, that stops the endless flow of what you truly are.

Because stopping the flow of your own sacred identity does not feel good.

And gradually you’ll voluntarily release those old remaining lack-based habits and beliefs, to insure that your natural flow—your sacred divine identity itself—remains unblocked and flowing freely at all times.

Give, receive. Give, receive. Give, receive.

And all along the way, your needs get met. Mysteriously. Beautifully. Joyously and spontaneously.

Because that is the thing about divine flow: The gifts it brings are always the ones that are exactly right for you. Divine flow brings the right opportunities, the right win-win situations that inevitably blossom into something even better than whatever it was you thought you wanted.

Such is the nature of oneness-inspired abundance, where love itself is in charge of the giving and the receiving.

Give. Receive. Give. Receive. Give. Receive. Meet the needs of others, as if they are your own…because they are. And in return be showered with gifts that attest to your own luminously pristine worth.

As we all learn to live our lives in this way—trusting, cherishing and being guided by the sacred momentum of our own universal flow…poverty, hunger and homelessness will slowly and naturally disappear from planet earth.


sharing the love

Photo by Tyler Nix

We could talk about lots more examples of the world’s problems and how they might be alleviated by our future selves…but I think you get the drift.

Pretty much every ill that currently plagues humanity and the earth can be traced to our not knowing who we are—and therefore not knowing who anybody else is.

When we start to remember our own true identity (which encompasses all others and the earth itself) it’s a massive game changer.

The world’s urgently out-of-balance ills can so easily evolve naturally over time, due to you simply being you, me simply being me—each of us making the daily choices that outwardly express our own inner knowing of sacred wholeness.


My prayer for humanity, as 2023 lays itself fitfully to rest:

May we all drop the Jacob Marley routine ASAP…and may we all come to know our shared identity in oneness.

Wishing you a joyous turning of the seasons, my divine friend. See you in 2024.

Carrie Triffet, Carrie Triffet: The Newsletter, Dec 18, 2023


Love, Carrie

Posted by Steve Beckow 



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


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