Monday, December 25, 2023

The Free Energy Files (Pt. 1) - What is "Free Energy"?

The Free Energy Files (Pt. 1)

What is "Free Energy"?

Free Energy isn't "free", but it is revolutionary - which is exactly why the Powers That Be have hidden it for so long.

By Jordan Sather

Posted on December 25, 2023

Part 1 of an exploration into the nature of Free Energy, true science, Deep State suppression of humanity’s advancement and the brilliant minds who have studied these topics.

Future installments will be linked here when they are published.

Welcome to the Free Energy Files. This article is the beginning of a series detailing one of the most important, revolutionary topics of our time that’s also one of the least talked about, known, and understood - as well as being of the most hidden, propagandized, and suppressed. Many scientists and inventors have met their untimely demise under mysterious circumstances (“suicided”) for working to change humanity for the better by trying to undo the dogmas of mainstream science and bring disruptive technology to the public.

If left unhindered, technological progress in any industry occurs exponentially. The first iPhone was released in 2007, with each subsequent release becoming more and more advanced. Social media platforms released around the same time in the mid 2000s experiencing increasing progress every year. Over the last couple decades, the internet went from being a figment of people’s imagination to changing every aspect of our lives. Numerous other examples could be used to describe what should be exponential increase of technological progress.

Unfortunately two areas of our world that have not seen this sort of exponentially advancement are electricity creation and propulsion mechanisms.

The Wright brothers first achieved winged flight in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina in 1903. Here we are 120 years later still using Bernoulli’s principle to lift our airplanes and controlled explosion via combustible fuel to propel them. Gasoline powered vehicles were first introduced in the 1880s, and 150 years later we are still using the same propulsion mechanism with them, as well. Sure, there are sensors and screens and computerized components that make our planes and cars feel more fancy and modern, but the underlying mechanisms of lift and propulsion are still the same and have not followed the exponential advancement curve.

The same could be said for the ways we generate electricity to power our homes and cities. Over a century of using gas, coal, and oil in our power plants with transmission wires to move the electrons around.

Ah, but here in the 21st century we are finally advancing with electric vehicles, battery powered tools and alternative energy like wind and solar power! We are sold this idea by the Powers that Be, that these energy sources are the pinnacle of human achievement and necessary to save our world from “man-made climate change” - complete horseshit. Yes, the climate is changing, but the main cause of this is due the magnetics of our galaxy and Sun, not due to humans. A conversation for another time.

So the Green New Deal agenda is being pushed onto society as a bait and switch. They’re using fear-porn, propaganda science to make us believe we need these “advanced” alternative energy sources, meanwhile these sources of energy require loads of minerals from the Earth that need to be mined and refined, and at the heart of the issue they still require a grid to deliver the energy. They are still centralized energy sources.

Whether it’s the oil/gas/coal system, or the “green” wind/solar/nuclear systems, they’re all centralized and will require your home or car to be beholden to wealthy interests to fund and deliver the energy to you.

What if it didn’t have to be that way? What if there were ways to not only power our homes, but propel our vehicles with mechanisms that didn’t require a grid, gasoline, wings, or gutting the Earth of millions of tons of rare minerals to make them work?

Imagine the revolution society would undergo if “free energy”, better described as zero-point energy, and “anti-gravity”, or electro-gravitics, were taken seriously? Or, allowed to enter the public domain? Our lives would change in ways we can barely comprehend if electricity became so cheap, we were able to power our homes off-grid, and propulsion became many times faster, further, and less expensive.

”But this is stuff of science fiction! These ideas break the laws of physics!” - this is assuming we humans know exactly how the supposedly immutable “laws” of our universe operate. Time and time again throughout history scientific discoveries were made, only to later be rethought and reworked as new information was gleaned. Science is a process, not a thing, and the dogmas that institutions, authorities, and “experts” profess can be argued to have held humanity back more than propelled us forward.

Have these flawed foundations of understanding been pushed with arrogance, or evil? Either, or possibly both. There are many useful idiots in the world who have good hearts and pure intentions, but they don’t realize what they are learning at their universities have pieces missing. Then there are groups and individuals who clearly have an agenda for money and control, so they don’t dare allow society to discover sciences and technologies that would threaten their grip on lucrative industries.

Over the course of the last century, and even further back, many inventors have ventured into the realm of the unknown in terms of electromagnetic potential and have developed incredible, and sometimes simple devices that pulled electricity out of the “zero-point”, vacuum, quantum energy field, aether, or whatever name it’s often described as. Others have delved into the nature of gravity, finding a coupling between electricity and gravity that creates lift and propulsion.

The most famous of these names being Nikola Tesla working to tap into the aether and transmit electricity wirelessly and, but there are others as well, even before him. John Keely developed a motor that worked with what he called “sympathetic vibratory resonance”. Naturalist Viktor Schauberger was fascinated by vortex, toroidal motion, and developed what he called a Repulsine. T. Townsend Brown figured out how to levitate metal discs by combining electricity and gravity, T. Henry Moray invented a device that could draw energy from the environment, Professor John Searle’s SEG device did the same, and Stan Meyer developed a car that used water as it’s combustible fuel source. We could go on with the list of names and their ideas, and we will in subsequent articles.

Funny how Wikipedia, Britannica, Popular Science, and other mainstream sources of “science” and “information” often label these minds as pseudoscientific, snake oil salesmen, or downright frauds. Not surprising.

Also notable is the untimely and mysterious demise of some of these names. Powerful interests on our planet have saw to it that their inventions and discoveries not see the light of day. There are numerous ways of maintaining secrecy and suppression that we will also cover in future articles.

If only the Rothschild bloodline was replaced by Nikola Tesla’s. If that were the case, we’d have already left our solar system.

If the reality of zero-point energy and electro-gravitic propulsion technologies were understood and accepted by the public, it would truly transform our society in ways we can barely fathom. The individuals working to bring these technologies to the public have been vehemently suppressed over the last century. In my opinion, this is one of the most important topics of our current day, and proper investigation will break down our understandings of science, history, politics, economics, and more. We must destroy the false illusions we’ve been given and rebuild our understandings and systems if we are to attain true freedom, prosperity, and sustainability on this planet. This is the vision that these articles, the Free Energy Files, is working to help accomplish.

It all begins in our minds.

Jordan Sather

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My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


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