Thursday, December 21, 2023

Sun At The Galactic Center

Sun At The Galactic Center

By Dr Schavi M Ali

Posted on December 21, 2023

There have been 115 earthquakes in the past 24 hours, and the most destructive quake in nine years has hit the Gansu Province of China—a “6.2” magnitude which has injured 700 people, and 127 others have met their demise.

Most of the other quakes around world are in the upper “4s” and “5s” of magnitude with a few in the “3s”.

Any quake can cause damage, but one that is “6.0” and above can be very powerfully destructive.

These hundreds of quakes occurring daily indicate that our planet Earth is very unstable energetically as potent cosmic forces affect it.

Solar winds are traveling at over “500” km/s today, 12/19/2023, and the magnetosphere is experiencing pressuring plasma particles all around it as per usual.

However, our planet is also being affected by transient CMEs from several earlier “M-Class” solar flares and an “X-Class” solar flare—thus the numerous quakes and the huge “6.2” in China as electromagnetic forces from solar dynamics connecting with Earth’s electromagnetic dynamics stirring-up the inner tectonic plates and the outer spheres (atmosphere, stratosphere, ionosphere, etc.).

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Today our Sun has reached 27 degrees Sagittarius and is now aligning with the center of our galaxy which sits at 27 to 28 degrees of Sagittarius.

This conjunction causes planetary consciousness elevation and is especially vital as our Moon has reached 27 degrees of Pisces and is thus in square to our Sun, and humanity needs all of the assistance that it can receive with Mercury still retrograde — having begun its retrogradation on December 12th in Capricorn, but it will move back into Sagittarius on December 24th before moving up again into Capricorn later and finally going direct on January 1st of 2024.

Our Moon in Pisces can cause confusion, mental scatteredness, fanciful notions, but also spiritual insights. At the 27th degree mark, firm decisions can be made about certain minor issues that can be somewhat emotionally anxiety-producing while still saving the bigger issues until after Mercury is direct.

We are also now just two days away from the Solstices in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, and cosmic forces are now further stirred-up and activating our planet.

Ancient Astronomers called this time of the year “The Sun Coming Out of Its Cave” indicating that it was now on route to reaching its zenith or high point which occurs at the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere.

From this solar mythos comes the story of Yeshua (“Jesus”) being born in a cave or a stable as the “Son” of SOURCE (“God”) on December 25th when actually three to four days after the Solstices (thus on the 24th or 25th), our Sun is at a vibrational magnification in the Northern Hemisphere sending out strong frequencies of energy into the planet.

Days become gradually longer during the solar climb. Although the personality known as “Yeshua” did indeed actually exist and was a powerful world Teacher, there is much fable connected to his life.

In fact, the entire HOLY BIBLE contains lots of fables — many of which are excellent metaphors for how humanity should live on Earth. However, much of it deals with cosmic energy.

For example, the personality known as “Solomon” is a compilation of the word for the “Sun” which is “Sol” and for one of the ancient Kemetic (Egyptian) names for SOURCE (“God’) which is “Amon” that is also seen spelled “Amen”. It is defined as “Hidden Eternal”.

Thus, the “Sun” of our galaxy is always shining, but seems “hidden” on cloudy days.

It is, therefore, not true to say “There is no sunshine today because it is cloudy”. The Sun, as just stated, is always shining. It is just that its rays are not so noticed when clouds are gliding in the skies causing a gray atmosphere.

So, when we end our prayers with the word “Amen”, we are using one of the ancient names of SOURCE.

The word does not mean “And so it is” as is often taught by Ministers of mainstream religions who have unfortunately not adequately studied older spiritual paths and other languages and perhaps have not traveled to ancient lands.

So, they teach their parishioners what they have been taught without doing further research.

Then the fables go on and on throughout the centuries. Some Ministers, Imams, and Rabbis know many truths but refuse to teach them because people may leave the church, mosque, or synagogue in fear of the truth.

Another very interesting fact is that the chapter called “Song of Solomon” is a poem dealing with the metaphorical conversation between our Sun and our Moon. Many people think that it deals with the love affair between Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.

There is so, so, so much more of fable in the holy texts of all paths.

Those who have HIGHER KNOWLEDGE understand the metaphors and the true historical happenings.

Those who are uncomfortable with truth squirm in their seats, furrow their brows, close their arms over their chests (blocking the heart), and purse their lips–all in disagreement with what they are reading or hearing.

However, an old proverb will suffice in such cases: “Those who can, teach. Those who cannot teach, tend to criticize”.

We must always ask ourselves when it comes to certain concepts:

“How did I come to accept this?”
“Have I conducted my own research?”
“What has constituted my research?”
“What have I read of ancient documentations?”
“Have I traveled on study tours or merely traveled for shopping and fun or to see the sights without questioning any history?”
“Am I ‘programmed’ ?”
“How can I begin to dismantle the ‘programming’?” “Am I beginning to really believe that there is more to history, religion, and science than what I have been told?”

Napoleon Bonaparte once said: “History is a fable agreed upon”. His soldiers blew noses off of the giant statues in Kemet and wrote profane words in French on many of the monuments which can still be seen today.

This was supposedly because his grandmother told him when he was a boy to always be careful of people with big noses because they are very powerful.

This may be a true story or not, but there is proof that Napoleon and his soldiers were the perpetrators of destruction of many ancient monuments in that civilization.

At least the British just confiscated Kemetic relics and took them to the British Museum (still a crime, however).

Many truths will come up before the ages commence of mankind’s higher consciousness climb. They must.

Mankind cannot continue to push fables as truth. They are fading.

Most people say during the coming “Christmas” that “Jesus is the reason for the season”. No, the truth is that Yeshua is the reason why mankind had better awaken in consciousness.

He traveled to many places that were considered as being ancient during his planetary life: Throughout Kemet (where he was born because “Asrae” [Israel] was a part of Kemet—thus, he was born in Africa—not the “Middle East”. Egypt is in northeastern Africa), Persia, and Tibet.

He traveled with his uncle whose surname was “Ben Parachia”. The name “Ben” translates as “Son of”.

Yeshua’s surname was “Ben Pandera”; thus, he was Yeshua Ben Pandera. He became “Yeshua Ha Messiah” (Yeshua, The Anointed”) after having been initiated onto many sacred paths during his travels and studies.

An initiation onto a spiritual path is an “anointing”, and oil is usually rubbed on the third eye.

In the temples (called “Hetu” in the ancient language) of Kemet, the highest anointing for a man was the degree “Son of LIGHT” (“Sa Ra”), and for a woman it was “Daughter of LIGHT” (“Sat Ra”).

Yeshua returned at the age of “30” to Asrae and began teaching his people many of the principles he had learned, but most of his people became afraid of what he was teaching because it went against the Roman government who by that time had subdued and oppressed the “Habiru” (original name for the “Hebrews”).

So, we find this biblical verse: “I came to my own, and they received me not!” A conspiracy to destroy him was hatched by the Roman leaders and the Sanhedrin (Hebrew Judges) who had been coerced and “programmed” against the teachings of Yeshua because they were not in-line with the mainstream teachings.

However, he managed to escape one night and traveled throughout the world again. He was supposedly in his nineties when he left his physical vessel.

He was not hung on a cross (this was not the Roman manner of executions) next to two thieves.

Mankind has lots of true history to unpack before heading out to the “New Golden Age”.

While people are learning (or refusing to learn) the truths that have been purposefully hidden for many eras, this is the “window of opportunity” that always opens during the “Twilight of Kali Yuga”—a time in which elevations in consciousness can still be achieved before a global cataclysm is forced upon humanity.

Then nobody has time to hate anyone else because most are in dire straits trying to survive.

Let us pray that the hatreds that are now extant be removed, that lies be revealed, that dangerous experimentations on creation be stopped, that humanity really believe in SOURCE and not merely pay the proverbial “lip service” to belief.

Let us realize that the term “holidays” is originally from the phrase “holy days”.

The movements of cosmic forces are sacred times in which to respect the vast multiverse whose “author” is SOURCE and to learn to “read” its messages.

“The heavens declare the glory of God. Day unto day, they pour forth speech, and night unto night, they display knowledge” (from the Psalms).

Dr Schavi M Ali

Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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