Wednesday, December 20, 2023

From Judgement To Pure Love

From Judgement To Pure Love

Wisdom of the Council

Channel: Sara Landon

Posted on December 20, 2023




This is truly a magical time for you to harness the hope, the belief, the magic, the miracles of this timeYour collective consciousness is shifting radically towards love and light, focused more on potentials, focusing more on the miracles that are of this time. And you, dear master, you’ve expanded beyond hope and belief into knowing.

So know that this time is presenting to you the opportunity for some of the greatest expansion you have experienced thus far. The manifestation that is you will be reflected to you in all areas of your experience in ways that you have only imagined. And as we’ve said, imagination is so very powerful. So when you have expanded into such a place where you may say, I don’t know where I’m going, I don’t know what’s next, I don’t know where this is leading, remember your innocent excitement in those times. Remember the power of innocent excitement. You don’t have to know where this is all going, but you do know what it is you want to create. You do know what you want to experience more of.

Quite simply, when you find yourself in those places of I don’t know what I want to create, I don’t know what I want to experience come back to what appears to be the basics, but really to live a life of joy and peace and love and abundance and harmony and freedom and beauty and wellbeing, it is your inherent birthright. And yet, all experiences that bring you to a greater clarity that you want to create and experience more love, more joy, more connection, more beauty, more freedom, they all serve. They’re all opportunities for appreciation and gratitude, to come into the stillness and really receive the gifts in all relationships, all experiences, all situations.

This is a journey, a journey to your own deepest experience, expression, and expansion of Self. We’ve never said this before. We’ve said that you’re here for expansion and that your own expansion leads to the expansion of consciousness. You get that now. You know what that means. You’re here for expansion, and your expansion contributes to the expansion of consciousness, of human potential, of possibilities. You get that now. You’re here to express all that you are. You’re here to be you, to play, to create, to have fun, to explore all the different ways to fully express all that you are through beauty, through creativity, through love, through light, through laughter, through joy, through fun. You get that now. You’re here to choose the experiences that you want to have for you.

If you want to explore a new business, a new idea, a new project, a new destination, new cultures, new connections, new people, whatever it is, or if you want to continue to experience more of what you’re experiencing now and you want to add to that experience and enhance that experience, if you want to experience more love, if you want to experience more joy, if you want to experience more adventure, you get to choose the experiences that you want to have for you. You get that now.

Journey into deeper levels of expansion, expression, and experiences of Self, which could be said as God or Creator or Source or the Divine. This is a journey in physical form while also still being the Isness of All That Is, a journey to expansion of Self, expansion of Source, expansion of the Divine, expansion of God. You’re here on a journey of the expression of Self, the expression of Source, the expression of the Divine, the expression of God in physical form. You’re here on a journey experiencing Self, experiencing Source, experiencing the Divine, experiencing God as thyself in physical form.

We’ve never said it quite like that before, but here’s the important part of all of that: to really allow yourself the freedom, the fulfillment, the fascination, the fun of expansion and expression and experience of Self you cannot judge yourself for finding harmony sometimes through disharmony in the expansion of Self. You cannot judge yourself for expression of Self when sometimes expressing what is not the truth of Self leads to the expression of Self. You cannot judge when the journey to experiencing Self comes from denying yourself the experience that you most desire to have.

There’s no judgment ever. And yet, this is what is front and center for you, for all of you right now, right here as you read this, whenever you read this, however many times you read this. Your opportunity is to once and forevermore let go of judgment of Self. You can’t fully allow the expansion, the expression, and the experience if there is any judgment of Self.

Sara Landon



Compiled by from: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


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