5 Steps for Navigating the Powerful Year of 2024
The 9D Arcturian Council
Channel: Daniel Scranton
Posted on December 15, 2023

We know you so very well, and it is our desire for you to know yourselves more fully and completely. We desire you to know yourselves not only as a concept, but rather, we also want for you to know what it is that you are thinking and feeling and how you are vibrating, because we know how important these things are to you and for you. Therefore, we often stress being grounded, being present, being hydrated and being aware. And really, these are the places where you start to grow spiritually.
And then comes the hard part, the more challenging part. When life is throwing something at you that you do not know how to handle, the first step is always to surrender to your own creation, because that’s what it is. You’ve created the circumstance, the event, the emotion, the person who’s standing there, saying something to you. Yes, they are all your creation, so you might as well start by surrendering to them as they are. Acceptance is the key, and then you can go about shifting. You can shift the way you are experiencing something, rather than diving right into the question of, ‘How do I change this? How do I make this go away? How do I make this better?’ Instead of doing that, you shift yourself and your perception of what’s going on so that you can have more compassion for yourself and for the others involved.
The third step is to process, to feel, to release whatever is lingering from that initial shock to your system that you took for having manifesting something in your life that is unwanted. And yes, we are focusing right now on what you manifest that is unwanted. Then you can go about the fourth step of healing yourself, giving yourself what you need, communicating with the others involved about the experience. And when everything that was initially shocking to you has been cleared, you can go about creating something better, something new. You can develop a new plan, a new way of communicating. You can make a point of being more aware so that you catch yourself before you create something similar in the future.
And then, with your final step you can relax and know that it is done. Know that what you put out will come back to you, that everything will be okay and that you will be a more conscious creator moving forward. And when you’re not, you also have to forgive yourself. You have to forgive yourself and everyone else involved when there is discord, when you do make a misstep and you go out of alignment, and you create something for yourself and possibly for others that you do not want.
Forgiveness is so important because you are not going to become the best version of yourself simply by admonishing yourself for all of your missteps. You’re not going to get better by feeling bad, but forgiveness, acceptance, more awareness, a new plan, these are the ways to create the better version of yourself and the new Earth with all of its beautiful inhabitants there co-creating with you consciously and deliberately. And that is how to navigate through your lives, and especially through this very powerful upcoming year of 2024.
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
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