Sunday, December 31, 2023

2024 Gin Ups

2024 Gin Ups

From 3D To 4D And 5D

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on December 30, 2023


Next year, big changes are waiting for us, which will require courage and determination to getting rid of everything old and outdated. 2024 is a unique opportunity to critically evaluate selves and ask important questions: how do we see ourselves and the world around us? What do we see in it? What do we receive and give to others? Honest answers will disclose what our lives will be like in the next twelve months. The karmic year is the perfect time to overcome fears, realize weaknesses and strengths, find harmony within self and fully unlock our potential.

The energies of planets, stars and constellations coming to Earth will continue to help our transformation. That is why, DNI monitors them daily and monthly, and will continue to do so in 2024. What are the most important stelliums and planets, which, by their “dances”, will impact on Earth’s energy weather and us next year? In addition to numerous quantum fluxes of different frequencies, run by Co-Creators, the main “dancers” will still be four powerful sources and repeaters – Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.


In 2024, Jupiter will pass the zodiac sector from 6° Taurus to 22° Gemini, where it will stay from May 26 to June 10. That is, for the first half of the year, the giant in the earthly sign will magnify our inner force regardless of events and developments. This flow will come through our heart, and it’s important to learn how to use this energy, which helps overcome many obstacles.

Jupiter is a planet of powerful intellectual radiations that back our global strategic decisions, goal-setting, realistic assessment of selves, our actions and aspirations. Equally, they increase in us the Taurus’ high vibes of patience, work, thoroughness, perseverance and endurance, the ability to bring things to an end. But they also inflate the lower freqs emotions – fear of change and everything new, addiction to habits, obsession with money, things, comfort and pleasure.

From the second half of 2024, Jupiter will be in the weakening it radiation of Gemini. The energy of big plans and goals, a broad view of the future and immense desires will collide with unstable, dual and working “only here and now” vibrations of the sign. Since this zodiac is the abode of Mercury, under its influence, we will have to think about goals, plans and the meaning of life, contacts, correctly assess the growing amount of information and learn to focus on the most important things.

In 2024, Jupiter will form important aspects with four slow planets. Their “dancing” will also have a strong impact not only on the national and geopolitical situation, but also on our personal lives. How exactly?

On 21 April, Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus. This aspect will be active all spring, pushing for global changes in the economic, financial and social spheres. Unexpected events can force us to do many things differently, take risks, and leave fears in achieving goals. The combination of the energies of two intelligence planets opens the door to the future, which is already on the threshold. Trying to live and think the old way won’t work. Reality will constantly remind us of this, punishing for not wanting to look at selves and the world in a new way.

On 23 May, Jupiter in Gemini sextile Neptune in Pisces. The energies of both planets are similar, so the harmonious aspect between them enhances the best qualities of their radiations. They help our Spiritual growth, success in scientific and research activities, education, culture and art, finding new ideas and creative inspiration. The vibrations of stellium fill our Soul with faith in selves and the desire to help others through volunteering, charity, and social assistance.

On 03 June, Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius. This stellium in air signs is extremely favorable for transforming of our consciousness in the coming years and will smooth out many mental and psychological traumas associated with it. Its radiations will help us recall the purpose of our incarnation on this planet and understand what was previously beyond our understanding. The information that will come to us in late spring and early summer 2024 will be arch-important for changing our beliefs and inner philosophy, taking our thinking to a new level and completely revise everything we still live, do and strive for.

On 19 August and 24 December, Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces. This is an important, but inharmonious aspect, in which both planets in unfriendly signs will suppress each other with their energies throughout the second half of 2024 (and until June 25, 2025). Their “dance” will create tension, obstacles and difficulties not only in social, but also in personal life, testing the strength of our will, courage, ideals and values.

During this quadrature, it’s difficult to coordinate our power that can cause erratic behavior and irregularity in everything. We are either full of energy and desire to act, then we are in total decline and depression; then we rush forward, not knowing where and why, then step back, also not comprehending why. But these same aspects give strength to fight, help us wake up, act against the negative effects of stellium and achieve even more than expect.


In 2024, Saturn will move along the Pisces sign and will finally leave it only on February 13, 2026. That is, for the next two years we will live in constant struggle and search for a solid foothold in uncertainty and chaos, which the conflicting energies of this aspect amplify.

Saturn, the Time and karma’s runner, by its vibes sets limits, dictates collective laws and brings order. Its trials make us better, so planet’s energies bring not only the most difficult lessons, but also the greatest joys: a sense of responsibility, the ability to create something meaningful, express self and help others in this. The Saturn’s radiations weaken in the multidirectional dissolving energies of Pisces, but extract from our subconscious all the hidden complexes, which that zodiac steers. To grow out of these disparate forces, we must in realize the universal concept of duality as our evolving gin up.


On 27 January, Uranus will change retro movement in Taurus to direct transit in the same sign. The planet’s vibes destroy the usual way of life, bring unexpected, and unpredictable events. It forces us to change our and collective consciousness, interactions with people and the world, and if we are ready for an inner revolution, then Uranus will accelerate it. And severely punish by strokes, heart attacks and other brain and cordial diseases in case of our bold resistance.

It is useless to resist. No matter what Uranus makes in our lives, its energy elevate us on a new level of development and change the work of our consciousness, update old files in it and delete unnecessary ones. Uranus is the planet of the future, which promotes comprehensive transforming.

When our consciousness is closed, when we do not believe in selves, in the world, or in our hidden abilities, but live only in material concepts, then the radiation of the planet will turn our mind around and show how things really are. Uranus in Taurus will make drastic adjustments to our lives through work, studies, personal relationships, place of residence, financial condition, family and property issues, social status and roles in society. But will only change what needs to be destroyed or transformed, since in the former form it is no longer viable.


In 2024, Pluto will finally leave the slow earthy Capricorn, and after making another loop, on November 19 will move into the dynamic and airy Aquarius, where it will remain until 2043. The radiations of this sign have tremendous transforming power. On the one hand, its symbol is two vessels with flowing living and dead water, water of good and evil. And it’s important to understand and separate these two streams, this knowledge, in our minds, and finally choose the path of further evolution.

The ruler of the Aquarius’ energies is Uranus, which, as mentioned above, destroys everything obsolete. The same does Uranus, spurring revolutions, reforms and changes, harsh and tough from a social point of view, and in personal life bringing awakening from sleep and illusions, epiphany and freedom. Everything that was created 250 or more years ago will collapse or gradually lose its position. Pluto is activating the next development scenario for the next twenty years.


Each planet acts with its movement and rays on certain structures in our body and psyche, forcing them to adapt, rebuild and evolve for the transition into 5D. If the planet is fast, the corresponding structures change more easily. Slow planet – rebuilding is more difficult. When static – it’s difficult to adapt to new conditions. At the same time, the elemental and the sign in which the planet is located are also important. For example, a slow planet in an earth or water sign decelerates even more.

When the planet moves direct, its transit is synergistic with the flow of life, aspires to the future, new experiences, accelerates events; in retro – movement against the flow of life and natural instincts, slows down events, returns to the past to reconsider it, correct mistakes, take a new direction; in static – focuses on the present. Without giving specific dates (they are easily tracked in the Internet), recall how each planet can affect us in its transits.


In direct move, our nervous system is mobile, we quickly make contacts, easily switch attention, constantly need fresh info, learn quickly. In slow transit, we work more carefully and accurately with the news, study the problems more deeply. In static, it is more difficult for us to commune, adapt and take changes. In retro, we are even less focused on new connections and impressions, more deeply analyze accumulated data, review events, study the past, working it out through selves.


In direct, our senses are mobile, easy to switch. In static, emotions weaken to the point of depression and loss of meaning in life. In retro, our mood is less influenced by external events, the desire to please others, and more backed by inner harmony we find.


In direct, high response speed, instantly change action, and adjust on the go. In static, our reaction slows down, but its power remains great. In retro, internal energy does not find an outlet outside and can be destructive for us and others. We can avoid this by switching to socio-cultural goals and self-upgading.


In direct, we quickly adapt socially, easily take a spiritual and religious worldview, and refine our moral and ethical principles, values and aspirations. In static, we feel unwillingness to change our views, habits and behavior. In retro, we turn inward, searching for faith and paths. The new hard-won vision and attitudes can cause difficulties of adapting to the social environment.


In direct, it manifests in us as careful planning, building tactics and strategies to go step by step to the intended goals. We feel constant need for activity, structuring, work for the sake of work, can’t relax and unwind. Every second should be filled with something. In static, – seclusion, despondency, loss of taste and colors of life, emptiness, panic fear of any activity. In a more destructive version, misanthropy, sociopathy, excessive pride and arrogance, extreme cruelty, the desire to punish and cause suffering. In retro, – maximum focus on self, own personality and destiny. Outwardly it may look as gentleness and compliance, but strong inner strength, moral foundations, and the ability to resist temptations based on past moral experience, exceptional responsibility and emotional stability remain. Understanding that everything happens according to the will from above, but at the same time, always, first of all, demand from yourself.


In direct, – destruction and rejection of stereotypes, transition to a new algorithm of life and next level of development. Passionarity and idealism. Paradoxical, unpredictable, fearlessness in front of extreme situations and the ability to act instantly in them. In static, – attention to astrology, esotericism and psychology, awakening and activation of psychic abilities. In retro, – stress, affect, psychosis, exaltation, expansiveness, megalomania, outrage and irrationality.


In direct, – optimism and striving for the new to make the world better Openness and desire to help anyone who can’t deal with his grief alone. In static, – immersion in illusions, content with small, postponing everything for later. Any worries, even other people’s stresses, unsettle. Stress on the verge of psychotic disorder. In retro, – escape from problems, complete passivity and non-resistance to bad situations, fatalism, victimhood, fear of changing something in life and attempts to shift responsibility for it to others.


In direct, it manifests in us as strength, energy, endurance, transformation on a large scale through purification and rebirth. Days filled with dynamics, making forget about calm and stability. Rejection of the System and readiness to radically rebuild it. Awareness of owns’ mission on Earth. In static, – desire for tranquility, regularity and clarity. In retro, – depression and loss of interest in life, suspiciousness, fears and anxieties become constant companions. Cruelty and craving for self-destruction.

In 2024, all planets, except Venus, will be retrograde at different periods. Mars will begin its retro journey at the end of the year, so December will be the month of summing up, analyzing the experience gained and past actions.


These are periods of fatality and important karmic tasks of the year. Eclipses will mainly occur on the Aries-Libra axis, which means that problems of relationships, partnerships, interpersonal and interethnic conflicts will be in the foreground. In these areas, we’ll have to pass serious tests or, conversely, receive gifts from the Universe. Eclipses are associated with the working out of karma, and important events for our transforming take place near them.

On 25 March, the first penumbral Moon eclipse will occur at descending South Lunar Node in Virgo. It won’t be particularly stressful. This is a great opportunity to take stock and think about what we have achieved and what else is needed ahead. The harmonious combination of the energies of the Full Moon and direct Pluto in Aquarius on this day will help balance tensions, conflicts, disagreements and misunderstandings in relationships at all levels of “me – we, me – they”. Therefore, attempts to reconcile the warring parties and come to an agreement are possible near the first corridor of eclipses 2024. It’s a good to start the new powerful alliances that will be built on completely different terms and principles than in the past.

On 08 April, the total Sun eclipse will be at the ascending North Lunar Node in Aries. The fiery energies of the Luminaries and the zodiac give good impetus to begin the new life. There will be a lot of strength, will, power, energy, long-term plans, fresh ideas in this eclipse, but for now they could be built partly on the basis of what was before. This is an ideal day for personal initiative, autonomy and independence from other people. The energies of retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius will help better reflect on past experiences before moving on.

On 18 September, a partial Lunar eclipse will happen at the ascending North Node of the Moon’s orbit in Pisces. It will remind us about the necessity to be consistent in our choices, not to make hasty decisions, seeing the world and people through rose-colored glasses, and not to succumb to illusions. At the same time, it’s important to be flexible and ready for change, to try and implement new things in practice. This Lunar eclipse will help us change our established habits and get rid of them.

The Full Moon point will form a Kite (or Grand Sail) configuration with the harmonious vibrations of Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus. This will be the first eclipse on the Virgo-Pisces axis of physical and psy health’s energies. But the main events related to these topics are expected in 2025-2026, when the Lunar Nodes will move to this axis.

On 02 October, annular Solar eclipse will occur at descending South Node. It’s a negative aspect, formed by New Moon conjunct Libra’s Mercury and Lilith, and Moon square Mars. Stellium’s tense vibes will enhance general aggression and vulnerability to illusions and deception. On this day, better to keep calm, common sense and realistic assessment of what is happening. Since the eclipse will occur in the air sign, their energies will thoroughly test our relationship. Near it, many partnerships will be on the breaking point, and only the right decisions will help save them or terminate if they have outlived selves.


In addition to eclipses, which are a difficult time, since karmic debts have to be repaid, in 2024 there will also be several dangerous periods created by the harsh vibrations of Mars in certain stelliums. Which ones exactly?

In the second half of February-early March, Mars will be in Aquarius, and the fiery energies of the Red Planet will collide with the air elemental of this zodiac. This explosive mix will exacerbate emotions and passions, push for drastic changes, cause the destruction and transformation of established structures and relationships. Aggression, turbulence, unexpected surprises, natural disasters and man-made catastrophes will overlap each other. In parallel, the vibrations of the stellum will increase tension in society, releasing the energy of rebellion and the spirit of freedom.

From April 10 to 17, Mars in Pisces will join Saturn in the same sign. That will reboot of the program, which began in April 2022. Over the next two years, we’ll observe serious conflicts based on ideology, religion, corruption schemes, intrigues, Big Pharma, and mass mind control. Those in power can seriously pay for their crimes and will try to act even more harshly and aggressively. To survive, they can use millions of immigrants as a “fifth column.” That is why many countries were flooded with them under staged “humanitarian” pretexts.

In late April-early May, Mars will connect with Neptune in Pisces. The last time they joined in a water sign was in May 2022, at peak of another global epidemic – the Neptune’s sphere of influence, which was made hot by the Red Planet’s vibes. There is a high risk of repeating the situation at the same time in 2024.

In the first half of June, Mars, being in the earth and “viscous” freqs of Taurus, will weaken, but the quadrature with Pluto in the airy Aquarius will create new explosive energy that can cause the crisis in politics and geopolitics, economics and finance, national and social relations.

From July 15 to 19, Mars and Uranus will also unite in the sign of Taurus. It may make things worse in the field of finance, energy and other resources that impact on the balance of power in the world. In the most negative case, this can lead to military actions, accidents, man-made disasters, explosions, and fires.

In August, a tense Mars-Jupiter opposition and the Mars-Saturn quadrature will form, which will cause the stress in other similar configurations of the month – between the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. All this will aggravate the situation, create conflicts and disagreements in many areas of public and our personal lives, and block attempts to solve problems peacefully. It is advisable not to force events, but to calmly wait out this time.

In the second half of October, two quadratures will create a similar situation – Mars-Sun (both in Scorpio) and Sun-Pluto in Pisces. Explosive cocktail of their opposing vibrations will also intensify clashes and frictions between nations and ordinary people, increase aggression and intolerance.

On 06 December, Mars will turn into retrograde motion in fiery Leo and in opposition with the energies of Pluto in airy Aquarius, again creating ignitable energy matter. On 24 December, superimposed on Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces, the transit of the Red Planet will further exacerbate the crisis of the 3D System and Power Pyramid, ginning up their turbulence, degradation and collapse.

It will not make future Christmas and New Year eschatological. Like 2024, the next year will also help us to change our Soul, Spirit, lives, and worldview. This is the vector of events that began in December 2020 with the Great Mutation of Jupiter and Saturn, which formed a common scenario for 240 years ahead in politics, culture, education, government, foreign relations, and global economy. All laws, rules, borders, and the world order will continue to change.

2024 will be marked by a large number of other cycles that are important for the mankind evolution: Pluto in Aquarius, Pluto and Mars, Jupiter and Uranus, Saturn and Mars, Mars and Neptune, Mars and Uranus, Mars and Jupiter. Each of these seven cycles will launch its own program, which will last from 2.5 to 250 years. This shows the importance of 2024 for the entire civilization. The unviable will be thrown into the dustbin of history and we must build a completely new, more promising and constructive one on the ruins.

Cosmic energies open up opportunities for Spiritual growth and harmonious self-realization, to get rid of the burden of the past and live in high vibrations of 5D. No year is ever gray and dreary. On the contrary, each instills in us the desire for freedom, wisdom and faith in a better future. And the Universe will always support those who go to the highest goal without fear of obstacles.




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My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


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My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


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