Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Lions Gate 8:8 Portal and Initiation

Lions Gate 8:8 Portal and Initiation

By Kuthumi and Goddess Diana

Channel: Lingenfelder

Posted on August 1, 2023

I AM Kuthumi and I come forward upon the Rays of Love and Wisdom to greet thee at this time and to gift unto thee a divine blessing of love.

The ‘Lions Gate’ Infinite Portal to the Divine Goddess is all about the divine feminine (goddess) creative energy, which along with the Leo energy invites everyone to roar their power with royalty. Each year this coincides with the galactic celebration of the planetary new year (26 July) when this gateway starts to awaken, coming into full power 4 days prior to the 8th and closing on the 12th August.

It is a time of embracing powerful new codes of light (Diamond Codes) directly emitted via the Great Central Sun through Sirius, your spiritual sun, streaming its Love towards you. Your planetary evolution depends on this energy for its ‘fuel injection’ of light codes to assist with transformation on all levels.

The alignment of your sun and Sirius also celebrates a configuration with the Sphinx and Great Pyramids in Giza which amplifies the flow of energy within the many initiation channels embedded within the sacred complex.

The Lions Gate also supports the melding of science and religion on every level. This in turn allows for an integration of spiritual codes to assist in raising awareness into eventual Diamond Consciousness, thus 12th Dimensional energy working through your 12th Chakric System, into the 13th.

Lightworkers are cut from similar cloth and held within the Weave of All That Exists as one reality, the flow of Love. Yet, many face challenges rediscovering the Love that you are.

When working with your totem animals (in your meditations) you are asked to receive their gifts of unconditional love as part of nature, thus a constant state of divine impressions that are being imprinted unto Gaia that holds all of you in her womb at this time whilst she transition through a natural evolutionary process.

Your inner child, or innocent child, gifts you innocence, and blesses you with complete trust, which brings you into a state of surrender and acceptance of who you are, and the situation that you find yourself within, with the knowing that when you look through the heart of innocence, anything is possible.


Goddess Diana Speaks

Greetings I am Diana Goddess of Light.

This is a portal to higher dimensional consciousness presented through goddess empowerment also known as the Lion’s Gateway. The divine goddess awakens balance within all, male and female, which was suppressed for eons. To facilitate this rebirth during the current awakening Aquarian Age, it had to experience the limitations of the Piscean Age. It is about allowing the internal antennae of your fine-tuned intuition to guide you according to what you need to experience.

As the veils between worlds become thinner the more ‘enlightening’ consciousness become, the more you awaken into your divinity, and thus the more assistance for you to raise your frequency to communicate with the higher aspect of yourself (your Higher Self) and the Masters of Light beyond your dimension. In this way, you serve as surrogates and divine conduits between this, and dimensions beyond this.

This is what the goddess energy brings to you. The goddess energy aligns the divine masculine and feminine on every level, therefore, in celebrating this particular portal of the Lions Gate, everyone is exposed to great sensitivity, thus the finer inner ear whispers for you to lean into your divine self, be still and find your inner voice, and to experience life from a non-critical, non-opposing, non-objective, non-rejective, and non-judgemental point of view.

Feminine consciousness births a flexible spiritual creative energy that boosts communication between 3rd and 5th dimensional consciousness which allows your creative juices to flow, as the divine goddess within weave her beautiful tapestry of love, compassion, creativity, and sensual divinity. Each of you are the instruments that anchors this energy.

Through the experiment of duality, you set yourself up for recreation to balance your inner masculine and feminine. Through eons of lower (un)consciousness all that humanity could see was just that, the levelling of the roles, yet that is now shifting, and this portal of divine super infinite consciousness is what speeds up these changes to bring about balance.

The number 8 represents infinite possibilities and abundance. It brings forth a feminine energy as it relates to the figure of the lady, the smaller waist, the hips, and bust. The infinity aspect is also about give and take, thus the laws of Karma, Manifestation, and Attraction, thus Magnetics, for as you give, so must you also be able to receive.

Your Sun in the constellation Leo at this time challenges you to release all of your fears relating to your internal yearning to be, or not to be, noticed, as it sets about creating a beautiful mystical, magical energy for you to enjoy the mysticism of the Lioness.

Like the Golden Lions of Sirius that shine their light towards you, Sirius also holds the energy imprint for those from your animal kingdom that also serve as surrogate hosts for this energy, your Lions (feline), Dolphins, Whales, and the powerful Elephant. The main gatekeepers, the Golden Lions of Sirius and your White and Golden Lions on earth, teaches you to roar your wisdom with sensibility and sensuality as you follow your intuition, to be strong and confident in your own ability as a powerful being, an initiate of light, a much loved and appreciated lightworker that has come to set the grand plan in motion.

The general nervousness amongst humanity is stirred by the previously over-stimulated collective male dominance within your unconsciousness which is now being replaced little by little with the conscious energy of the divine feminine which brings through mature spiritual aspects, and naturally, you have to bring the world of science into that, thus the world of quantum mechanics, quantum spirituality and of course the quantum multidimensional being, YOU!

The grid system that supports your planet facilitates this shift.

The inner goddess knows humour, she understands herself. She opens her arms and embraces her lover, friend, or partner without having to control the outcome. The goddess energy extends its gifts of creativity, expression, intuition, imagination, and incubation through the laws of allowance, acceptance, and surrender. When the power of the man and the ability of the female (sorry gentlemen) come together, a whole new internal expression of probability unfolds.

Thank you.



Kuthumi returns

Beloved ones, humanity must embrace their own truth as quantum beings, thus understand that the hu-man is not necessary as tangible as they seem to think it is. There are a few surprises install for humanity, and your scientists will be the ones that will prove this, and the priests of your land will be the ones that will ‘okay’ these shocking revelations!

Creativity open the doors of excitement, and excitement allows the mind to expand giving birth to unfound new ideas, thus entrepreneurs. There is a dormant entrepreneur within each of you. As this gateway opens, it serves as a further reminder to allow ‘your will’ to give over control to the Will of the Divine.

Creativity is to create, which in line with the Lion’s Gate does not support victimisation or poverty consciousness of any kind. It’s a powerful confident sensual energy. You tap into allowance and by allowing yourself to create, you embrace a whole new field of possibility through the act of acceptance. For the record, know that the only difference between your idea of painting or creating and another’s is the perception thereof. So, get excited about your life again! Get creative! Do creative things, express yourself within the world of colour, light, and sound!

Infinite possibilities!

The Lions Gate supports the melding of religion (rigid) and Science (practical) into Spirituality (flexible). The spirit within is not rigid nor necessarily practical. It is the sacred essence within which is part of your current reality, that trusts who you are, and knows no boundaries, nor judgment, and it KNOWS that anything is possible, for it truly is.

The Lions Gate invites you to roar your truth, the 8:8 celebration extends an unconscious gift of raising your vibration to that of Diamond Frequency which are coded with intentions of truth and inner power, forming the basis of Christ Consciousness. Therefore, it is important that you to move away from the cloak-and-dagger energies into a new frequency of Light that’s being encoded into your Pineal and Pituitary glands which in time shall illuminate your way to such a degree that you shall (as a matter of speech) blind each other with your light.

Now this is where we see the future of this planet as each of you carry a light so bright that even in the darkest hour you will never fear the setting sun!

This gateway also presents the keys that unlock and reveal abundant consciousness to aid your manifestations, and remember, that which you previously desired is that which you currently have. The ego needs to be addressed here, and once you are able to remove that which sabotages you, you will be able to move forward creating for the self a whole new reality, The New You.

Through the Alchemy of Consciousness, the rare White Lions represent Divine Intervention. This is divinity at play which should prove to you beyond any doubt beloved ones that the act of miracles is an act of reality, and each of you may claim your right to experience this, a gift extended to you from the Heart of the Supreme Creator of All That Is.

Beloved ones the roar of the Lion is what stirs the ‘I’ within ‘I Am’ and thus awakens within each the silence of individuality, in other words, your authenticness, and with that the truth that anything is indeed possible.

The Christ Consciousness within is being awakened and beamed forth from the Christ Kingdom Rays and Diamond Consciousness Codes, which is unlike anything this planet has ever experienced. One of the ways to help you take this from a quantum cosmic reality into physical understanding is supported through The Lions Gate energy. Embrace it, it is yours.

Lions Gate Energy Activation

Beloved ones to align with this energy, find a quiet space to relax and integrate this activation.

Gently begin to hear the magnificent sound of heavenly choirs come to life, extending their musical spheres to you, bringing heaven unto earth through your inner ear, listen gently.


Ahead of you is a multi-coloured Domed Cathedral. Gently place both hands on the two massive doors in front of you, simply connecting to the energy within. For a moment feel if there may be any intimidation or insecurities projected towards you by any one of the many beings in the cathedral that awaits your entry. Only respond with love.


Now visualise two powerful Lions appear by your side, a male and a female, White or Golden Lions. Be aware on which side is the male with the magnificent mane and on which side the gentler female. Touch them. Run your hands across them, feel the texture of their fur, the smoothness of the female, and the Mane of the male. Rest your hands gently on their heads.


In your mind, manifest for yourself a magnificent crystal wand.


Gently tap the Lions on their head with your wand and with that the magnificent detailed cathedral doors swing open and you walk towards the centre of the cathedral packed with beings of light, with the two Lions roaring their truth on either side of you. Hear the magnificent heavenly choir in the background, the bells ringing, the glorious colours streaming through the coloured dome bathing you with vibrancy, feel excited!


If your wand was in your right hand the indication is to take more of an aggressive approach towards that which you wish to manifest, and if held in your left to be gentler in your approach.

You have just entered through the doorway of androgyny with your divine masculine feminine represented by the Lions as you claim your magnificence as a divine being. Allow your Lions to roar at the crowd.


Once in the centre your two Lions lie down on either side of you, as you face a 360-degree reflection of 10’s of 100’s of souls looking back at you, all of which are facets of you, personalities, and incarnations that you have worked on arduously to groom, some successful, some in progress.

Realise you no longer need to succumb to the world of duality, although some of the lessons may remain. Embrace a world that you desire where the outcome is based on the reality that you project towards yourself. Accept this.


The two Lions gets up.


Again, place your hands back on their heads to infuse your energy with theirs, and together beam from your heart centre all-around a new perspective to finally release you from the clutches that the molds of the past have imprinted on your present reality. Pause

Each of these beings facing you, has been you, each of them played a part in the outdated non-flexible stubborn reflection of you, the molds that we wish to break.


Visualise every one of those old molds being shattered, and being replaced by a magnificent pink flame of compassion.


The two Lions now come to stand facing you looking deeply into your eyes, with their backs to your past reflections. Look into the female’s eyes and communicate to her all the compassion you have in your heart, ask her to assist you for you to roar your divine feminine power. Gently touch her face, bring your face close to hers, smell her musk, now gently hug her and release her.


Step forward bend down and finger the male Lion’s mane. Feel the texture of his powerful mane, and smell the potency of his musk. Embrace him, bringing your face close to his, look into his eyes and hug him, and thank him for being the masculine support in allowing you to step into your truth and roar your power.


The two Lions now walk towards the exit and come to stand facing you on either side of the entrance as they allow your inner child and your totem animal to join you.

Welcome you Inner Child & Totem Animal

Your Totem animal teaches you unconditional love, and your inner child teaches you that anything is possible! With your totem animal and innocent child on either side of you and your Lions guarding your inner temple, allow all these frequencies including your pink flames to become one with you, now connect with your Soul Star above your head and your Earth Star below your feet.


Through your Soul Star connect to the energy of the Lion’s Gateway extended to you from beyond this world, then ground that energy into the core of mother Gaia through your Earth Star. Remain in this energy and give thanks for this.

Long pause

Bring yourself back into this reality, you may return anytime.

Feel your auric field as vibrant, glittering with various colours, as you absorbed the multi-coloured frequencies reflected through the dome of the Cathedral. You are an iridescent flame of sparkling colour and light! Feel your magnificence!

In the Light of The Sun and SON, I give me blessings to you, I gift to you my heart, and I wish for you to know that if at any and all time you wish to call upon the presence of Kuthumi, I will be there.

Call upon the Lords and Ladies of alchemy, call upon the Sun Goddesses and Lord Ra, and call upon the energy of Goddess Sekhmet to free you from the shackles that have kept you bonded. Call upon the Presence of all the Lords and Ladies of Light to help you release lower thought consciousness.

May the Light of the living Christ be within you. May your Solar Fire burn brighter than ever and may you awake each day within amplified divinity and may all always be well within your world. I am Kuthumi I am the Lord and Master Cohan of the Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom and I Greet and Bless thee in Love.


Submitted and shared per request via email for EraofLight.com

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
Reminder discernment is recommended.
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?


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