Saturday, August 26, 2023

Harvard Physicist Says Godlike Aliens May Be Creating Universes

Harvard Physicist Says Godlike Aliens May Be Creating Universes

Por Noor Al-Sibai

Posted on August 26, 2023


In a new interview, perpetually provocative Harvard astronomer and alien hunter Avi Loeb posited both that super-human aliens could be building “baby universes” in labs and that his haters are just “jealous.”

When discussing his work and theories in a chat with Fox News, Loeb showed his tendency toward imaginative, deeply speculative theories of extraterrestrial life.

“You can imagine that the superhuman civilization that understands how to unify quantum mechanics and gravity might actually be able to create a baby universe in the laboratory,” he told the news outlet, “a quality that we assign to God in religious texts.”

This kind of statement is par for the course for Loeb. In fact, a recent New York Times article focused not on the astronomer himself, but on the way he’s — ahem — alienated his peers with his headline-grabbing claims about what he believes are interstellar interlopers and crashed spaceships at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

Case in point: during the Fox interview, Loeb insisted that if he’d been there when Moses found the burning bush that spoke with the voice of God with modern equipment, he “could have advised” the prophet “about the surface temperature of the bush, the amount of energy [in a] period of time emitted from it and whether it’s indeed an unusual phenomenon.”

To be fair, none of this theorizing about potential alien life is particularly new. And it’s no longer career-ending to be open about a belief in extraterrestrial life, as a growing number of academics, political and government officials, and everyday people can attest. Believing that we aren’t alone in the universe, or even that evidence of intelligent extraterrestrial life has already been discovered, is no longer the sole realm of conspiracy theories, but rather of Congressional hearings and New York Times exposés.

But as Arizona State University astrophysicist Steve Desch told the NYT, folks do indeed seem to be “sick of hearing about Avi Loeb’s wild claims” — or at least, are sick of the way he’s characterized himself as a modern-day Galileo, punished by the capital-E establishment for his quest for a truth that goes against the official grain. (Seriously, he named his organization The Galileo Project for that very reason.)

Whether Loeb is a prophet, a charlatan, or a science lover who just loves to go off in interviews, is ultimately in the eye of the beholder.

As for his haters, the Harvard astronomer told Fox that they’re just suffering from “academic jealousy” — an incredible clapback, if we do say so ourselves.

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