Monday, August 21, 2023

Confidence is Making the Difference

Confidence is Making the Difference

By Steve Beckow

Posted on August 21, 2023

Factoring out a deep state that wants to exterminate us all on one front, if not with toxic vaccines, then with directed-energy weapons, when we take stock of ourselves on a second front, what do we have to build Nova Earth with?

Well, we have ourselves who, I grant, haven’t been trained in communication, relationship, parenting, etc., but are now taking up the task of building that new world regardless.

How will we do it?

First off, remembering that we’re all angels (1) and this isn’t the first time the Mother has built a world or initiated a new species of human, (2) we call in our army of help.

We listen to our guidance.

Michael says the guidance is there. Let me use my own case as an example:

Archangel Michael: Now [the Mother] did not beckon or tap you on the shoulder and ask you to step out of line so you could do so alone. You are flanked, my beloved friend, by me, by your star brethren, and by many. So the guidance is there. (3)

Same applies to you. I’m not unique. Rather you can see me as a recruiter for co-creative partners with the celestials. (Don’t call me. They’ll call you.)

Fortunately, Michael says I’ve followed the guidance and listen to his description of the impact:

AAM: You have followed the guidance as it has come and you in many ways have become indivisible from your work and of course that is a gift and it has been a gift to us as well. It has been a gift to the planet and to those who hover, above and below. And it has been a gift to the Source [Mother] and to the [Mother/Father] One. (4)

That’s how much the work we do on Planet Earth matters. I still don’t think we fully appreciate how revolutionary this coming Ascension is – in the multiverse.


What can we do while waiting for our star mentors to appear?

We can look around for what is working. Because the Mother is busily spreading new ideas and we should see these arising.  Three-D printers, energy enhancement systems, free-energy devices … the trickle should become a healthy flow in time.

I once wondered how simultaneous inventions showed up on different continents – anthropologists call this “geographical diffusion.” The Mother explains:

Divine Mother: There are, guaranteed, many, a multitude of beings upon the planet who, give or take a little, have been given the same inspiration. (5)

Is this how the bow and arrow travelled the world?  The use of horses? Today’s wonder devices?


In terms of our vision, concept, philosophy, we can bring the elements of that new world that we’re intent on creating, forth from ourselves by going back to the beginnings of things and re-examining first principles in light of what we know now. We can re-conceive, re-engineer, and re-build – in concept first – what until now has been unworkable and make it workable.

Here, you’re watching an archangel work with his earthly co-creative partner. You’re in the same position as me. When the time arrives, just as Michael called me to that first reading, I believe your archangel will call you.

But we don’t have to wait.

What is missing for many of us – I say, from my own experience – is confidence. I say this after feeling my own confidence grow substantially, subsequent to realizing and rechoosing my co-creative partnership with Michael. (6) The more confident I feel, the readier I am to take on the numerous commitments he asks of me.

I have to emphasize: Confidence is what’s making the difference. A higher degree of it has turned  looking upon what is being asked of me into something I can contemplate with calmness and openness and not something in the face of which I shiver in fear. Confidence, I’ll bet I’ll discover, is another divine state.

Heavens, the flow never stops. I’ll stop here.


(1) See An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness at

(2) Remember Cro-Magnon Man and the new kid on the block, homo sapiens? Well, meet homo universalis.

SaLuSa: You do not exist by some freak of nature, and are not the result of natural selection, but purposefully and lovingly created to exist in your environment. You are a special species of Humans that have taken over from Cro-Magnon Man, and have been genetically engineered to allow for a speeding up in your evolution. (SaLuSa, Aug. 25, 2010.)

Divine Mother: Do you think, feel, know it is inappropriate of me to birth a new species of humans? … Because that is exactly what I am doing.  (Divine Mother in Linda Dillon, Thirteenth Octave Intensive Class, Oct. 24, 2020.)

Ivo of Vega: Yes. This is an extinction event. On planet Earth, only certain types of DNA will evolve or ascend. Other types of DNA will not. Homo Sapiens is slated for extinction. Homo Universalis will prevail. (“Ivo of Vega: The Nature of Negativity,” through Sharon Stewart, February 22, 2021. at

(3) AAM, Dec. 11, 2013.

(4) AAM, April 26, 2011.

(5) “An Hour With An Angel – The Divine Mother: Welcome To ‘New Time’,” at

(6) See “Co-Creative Partners with the Company of Heaven,” June 12, 2023, at

“What Was in the Envelope – Part 1/2,” June 15, 2023, at

“What Was in the Envelope – Part 2/2,” June 15, 2023, at

Steve Beckow
My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of some dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended.
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?


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Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
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