Tuesday, June 27, 2023

You Have Been Waiting For This: Key

You Have Been Waiting For This: Key


Posted on June 27, 2023

This has been omitted from your awareness, it is time.

Many Blessings,

For We carry Energies of ANDROMEDA and Share with you, ahhh a Sea of Purple and Blue.

We hold space for You.

We share energy contained within these words

We offer Love and we walk the walk with you.

Myself as writing, can feel the Love pouring into this message and its sense of Urgency

Urgency in the sense of so Many Beautiful Souls looking for what is to be shared.

It has taken a moment to process this information Spirit has asked Us to share.

Spirit is very gentle and provides the examples and the mirrors to provide the comfort and confidence so You may step up.

We see what is coming into the awareness from Spirit, we see our Role developing as the NOW changes.

We see the beauty of the changes you have brought and looking to co-create.

Spirit has provided Us the opportunity to write as a baby step to Step in to our next role, to get use to the energies to be shared.

The love energy about to pour all over this planet, is immense.

It makes my hands shake as I type, as I put into this message the same energy.

The Love energy to be displayed will be nothing you have ever felt before, not the love we created here with another.

We are still a work in progress per se, but we walk with Spirit.

We feel Spirit with us and we always choose spirit.  Through out our Daily life, Spirit is with us.

We do not share from our ego, we share because we see that is how we will all come together.

We feel everyone asking, what is next.

Why can I not Hear Spirit

As part of the process of this information, I was permitted to experience what we are about to undertake.

As a teaching guide, as experience to understand the information coming in and to have the confidence to just send it.

For I never saw this coming, as it was also Omitted from my awareness.

The love energy that will pour from your heart, will be saturated in Divine Love.

We can see the Seas of purple, pouring out every where.

All flowing from your Heart.

We spent all of this perceived life doing, doing, doing, doing.

You just doing you, because it felt good because it just felt right.

By default, helping others, never stopping. Off to the next to help.  Never stopping.

So many have seen the worst of Humanity, so many have been the last face many have closed their eyes to.

So many just holding the Line, just doing.

Agents of the Light, incognito.

Experiences of that nature, they just hurt if you stop. So we bottle it up, suppress the powerful emotion and on to the next Soul to help.

Just sit back and observe a trauma team in action, they just do.   Angels all of them.

If we knew, going in to our awakening of this next part to be shared… The vast Majority of us would have said, OH HECK NO.

But it feels so GOOD.

Myself, have spent majority of my younger years as an EMT, Fireman, Army Field Medic, First Responder, a soother and much more.  I seemed to always be in that role even when I did not want to be.  I share not of ego, I share because we set these things up.  We choose to experience such horrors on one level because of Who we are, but also because it is NOW relevant.

To this day the Army title of “Doc”, send shivers up my spine.  A title of endearment from Brothers in Uniform, but it carries energy with it.  It carries the energy of what that Word means to them, and you feel it.  Words carry Energy and Vibration.

Most of my personal stories and emotional pain from experiences no one knows about. Those close to me have no idea, because to me, it was not a big deal. Just me being me and trying to make a difference in the perceived World.  I did what I did and moved on, the same as many others do and have done.  We do not seek ego recognition.

I share, because Spirit has asked me to…. for this is how it is going to work for many of us.

This is still new as it recently happened and part of the process of digesting this message.  I was guided to share a past experience with a small audience. This experience was related to an incident I responded to, the energy that was pouring out was so immense, purple goo just flowing out of my heart chakra and flowing to those I was speaking. I could barely tell the story as it filled with the Love, the compassion energy flowing from me, created an activation to one listening. There is a reason, I am sharing.

You Magnificent Souls, do not see the beauty in what you actually have done.  Collecting a Repository of Emotional Divine Party Poppers.

There was a purpose to bottling up that powerful compassionate energy…. THERE IS A REASON

Oh the perfection, the beauty of what you have done.  The best part is yet to come, and you are now aware.

The most experienced of SOULS are here NOW….delightful times for sure.

You have the Skills, that is why  🙂

The Multi-tool of the Divine.

This is going to drop like a ton of bricks.

Spirit loves surprises, Spirit is the ultimate inner child.

You have asked collectively what is next?

So here we go,

We are all aware of the heavy energies we needed to clear, to raise our Vibration to be here NOW.

We all accepted that gladly and NOW here we are……. Job well Done

It is easy clearing the energies we perceive to be lower vibrations.

Pfffffft, it is easier to clear the lower energies, and we all did it gladly  🙂

That part it is over…..That part is over….it is over…..  IT IS TIME, NOW

Can you feel it yet?  Can you feel what is coming?  Many of you do.

This is the NOW, when you get to use your Super Powers.

This is the NOW you get to use your HEART fully ON

Picking up what is coming, is Powerful Beyond measure.

You all have been collecting that compassionate energy and bottling it for NOW.

The flood gate that is to opened cannot be stopped.

Spirit will ask you to share some of these experiences so you can release the compassion you have had locked up.  You will feel the Love of Spirit pouring out of you as you release, this compassionate energy, all experienced for NOW.  How beautiful, and it will be shared with Grace.  So many are going to feel you, Spirit will bypass every EGO, through YOU by You sharing your HEART. Do you see the Beauty in you, in what you have experienced?  You, will heal as you help another,  we have left keys for each other within each other.

As if we did it on purpose?  more pondering……

So many unaware of the wonderful things done on a daily

The time to Focus on yourself is NOW.

It is time for the World to have a Glimmer of LIGHT, instead of the same old mirrors.

They just do not know they have a choice, until YOU are standing in front of them.

The work on you is a MUST but also a choice.

It is time for you to Discover who you are, it is time to strip everything you ID with.


We have been asked to provide you a KEY, many have been asking this Question.

Why do I not receive answers?  Why do you not answer me spirit?

We feel most blessed to provide this KEY.

We learned this the hard way, many of us took the long road… Just so you do not have to, that is another beauty of sharing.

Spirit will never acknowledge any question that is Ego related…….let that drop in

We can hear everyone, whaaaaaaaaaat?

Now reflect to questions you have asked, but did not receive.  Interesting for sure.




Spirit will not acknowledge your ego, because it is not who you Truly are and not real.

Your ego is your creation, within a creation.   Spirit only acknowledges the heart and what is real.

If you are thinking from the ego, you will receive silence.

You then can perceive this silence and adjust since now you are AWARE. 

What SPIRIT will do, Spirit will provide the confirmations and provide the guidance for you to travel down the avenue your Ego ID’s with.

Spirit will allow you to go through every folly, allowing you to try on the hat, only for you to realize, nope this is not me.

Then you will come back, and that ID that LAYER is now stripped.

Spirit provides the space for you, to figure it out.

There are many layers to be Stripped, just when you thought your were done.  Surprise

You will keep going and processing until every layer your EGO Identifies with is Stripped all the way to your core, until you are left with I AM.

That compassion we are all about to share is only but one part, FAMILY

This is just one part, what else you may not be aware of are those who will be born awake and aware of who they are, rejecting the ego ways or old world.

The line in the Sand

Essentially coming up from the rear, in support of the work you have accomplished.

Can you see NOW how Spirit is circling the WAGONS, In support of You?

Can you NOW perceive the Thunder of the Cavalry?

Can you now see these pieces coming together?

Can you now feel the worry drop away from having to DO?

The old ways will remain as a reminder, as reason to force the choice and slowly drift away.  Ignore their noise and choose Spirit.

It is time, to show the World the power of LOVE and Unity.

We are the Multi-tool the Divine uses and we feel ever so Blessed.

Come back to your center,  Discover your I AM

Form this Space, you will be a DIRECT MIRROR for SPIRIT

From this Space, You will be the Change by sharing yourself and experiences.

There are many of us here walking the walk with you

We are just starting to step out as active Mirrors, you will see us.

You will most certainly feel our energy.

We are here to catch you, we are here to listen with you, we are to help you.


SPIRIT walks with all of US.  It is a choice and some do not know they have such a choice, because they chose to forget in order to produce this EXPERIENCE.

To experience everything we are not, to Understand who we Truly are.

Such a Blessed Gift

What could possibly be the end product of an experience like this, pondering….

Greatest Forge ever? perhaps those keys will be delivered as we work on ourselves together.

Spirit Loves surprises.

Spirit will guide you

Drop the Fears and share, SPIRIT walks With You.

Drop the WORRY

Only the work on yourself remains

Stop and reflect and you will see

We will continue to share, as it makes our Soul sing with Delight.

We will be talking soon 🙂

We share in Love,

It’s EZ

It’s EZ

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
My note: God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of some dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended.
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?


Main Sites:

Social Media:

Google deleted my former blogs rayviolet.blogspot.com
rayviolet2.blogspot.com just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report,
 accusing me of posting child pornography. (A Big Fat Lie)

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