Thursday, June 22, 2023

Why Many Are Leaving the Planet

Why Many Are Leaving the Planet

By The Masters of the Cosmic Council

Channel: Victoria Cochrane

Posted on June 21, 2023

In 2023, many people are coming to the crossroads in their soul contracts. Life on Earth has become very difficult for many and there has been an unprecedented number of people passing into the light in recent times. Why is this happening?

There are many reasons why so many people are dying.

For some, it is simply time. Their bodies are old and their time on Earth has come to an end. Others have become so disillusioned that they have taken their own lives, unable to see a way forward out of the darkness that surrounds them. There are many souls whose karmic contracts are being completed, or karma has been inflicted upon them, creating another cycle of incarnation. Or the dense vibrations upon Earth have created so much trauma that their essence has been corrupted and they have become too sick to continue. Higher souls are offered death doors every 5 years or so to allow them a choice as to whether they continue on their human path or leave to follow higher pursuits in the afterlife.

It has been a particularly challenging period for many, a lot of whom have chosen to leave on their own terms, leaving their families in shock and grief. Our love shines down on everyone who is mourning loved ones. Whatever the reason, death is always a choice and is a right that must be respected, even though it leaves many people grieving in its wake.

There are many levels to the spirit world, and those who take their own life will find themselves in the same holding pattern they were in when alive. This is to be expected, as one cannot suddenly become positive in spirit if the soul was weighed down by earthly concerns. It is not an easy choice to make, neither is it an easy way out. However, there is no judgement from the Creator and help is always available when the soul asks for it.

Many who have exited life earlier than their soul had chosen are masters whose work has been completed. If the work is done, there is no time to be wasted in a human body when much more can be achieved from the etheric planes where only love exists. In these cases, the soul family calls us home to continue the journey towards mastery and enlightenment.

Master’s may choose to reincarnate again, but many will not. They will continue to work with their soul family, who may not necessarily have been their human family, to bring the Earth to ascension. The more souls who step into their mastery the better, because masters observe rather than participate; they guide rather than invest and they lead by shining example, sometimes sacrificing their energy for the greater good. In the energy of Source, sacrifice is not required at all leading the soul to require greater healing upon etheric return.

As the energy on Earth becomes denser, more hostile. turbulent and challenging, many more people will find themselves at a crossroad where choices may seem limited or even no longer existent. We urge all humans to connect to their soul-song and to see advice from their higher self and guides.

Terrible tragedies leave scars on the imprint of the soul that could be carried on into the next incarnation. This can happen both to victims and ones left behind. Trauma is extremely hard to lift, more so when the story is embedded with violence, abandonment and grief. If you are finding life unbearable, seek help. Spiritual, meditative practices have never been more important right now as the human race becomes more agitated and under pressure from all angles. Speak up and remember that you are never alone. Ask for help for your highest and best and we will send help in the best form. Life is meant to be a gift, not a curse. Do not allow the weight of your trauma to blind you to the possibilities for a resolution.

However, you can, work to finding peace within, Dear Hearts. It’s the only way to prevent your inner and outer world from imploding.

WE ARE ever with you.

The masters of the Cosmic Council.

Victoria Cochrane

About Victoria Cochrane
In 2019 I was honoured to be named the Tasmanian Psychic Expos’ Psychic of the Year!
My spiritual journey began only six years ago when I began to smell smoke all around me, even though neither my husband nor I smoke! I worked out that it must be my maternal grandfather, who had died 26 years ago of emphysema. After visiting two psychics, I finally received his message, which was about salary sacrificing. That made sense, as he was a chartered accountant. He then began to teach me how to channel, answering my thoughts with his own.

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