Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Twilight of the Gods

Twilight of the Gods

By Steve Beckow

Posted on June 20, 2023

Bakersfield, CA

Stories are appearing in several places of military troop movements, the military occupying choke points, carrying razor wire, crowd control devices, etc. It’s happening, apparently, not only in the United States but also in Canada.

Yes, I’d imagine they’re planning for the lockdown.

The lockdown used in this context refers to people being sent home to watch perhaps 10 days of white-hat broadcasts on the emergency broadcasting system.

As far as I know, the military is out to keep the people safe while the truth of what has been happening is told, without CGI, plastic masks, and other fakery.

My expectation is that we enter under the supposed governmental control of the deep state; we leave with government of the People, by the People, and for the People restored. And the white-hat military are assuming the risk and doing the work.

So not to worry.  All of this is a good thing. It’s the outworking of a divine plan.  (1)

We’ve got our spare food and some cash at home to get us through perhaps two weeks, yes? If not, shop today perhaps.

At the end of it, our world economy is on the Quantum Financial System, which will ultimately replace banks.

G/NESARA (the Global/National Economic Security and Reformation Act) will probably have been brought online. (2)

President Trump will be returned to a presidency he never left. The military will report on tribunals, the criminal network that the deep state is, and what changes in government have taken place.

Undoubtedly the Reval will have been declared before, during, or after the ten days of darkness.

Our lives will change. The public will be able to breathe more easily, although not all will have been accomplished.

Abundance will begin on the planet – by design.  The banks will disappear. Governments will shrink in size. Illegitimate debt will be forgiven. The only taxes we’ll pay will be on luxury goods, etc.

And the long-awaited introduction will take place of the folks we’ve been listening to for decades – our star family. They’ve been surrounding the Earth in at least thousands (some say millions) of ships, seeing that no nuclear weapons can be detonated and that world war does not break out. (3)

So all the military everywhere, I’m confident, is just the next, important step in the twilight of the gods – the disappearance of the deep state, and the birth of Nova Earth.


(1) See:

(2) See What is NESARA? at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/What-is-NESARA-R2.pdf

(3) See Our Family from the Stars at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Our-Family-from-the-Stars-R2.pdf

Steve Beckow


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