Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Then Gaia the Archangel Became Earth the Planet – Part 1&2

 Then Gaia the Archangel Became Earth the Planet

By Steve Beckow

Posted on June 13, 2023

Part 1/2

Divine Mother: It was always intended that this be my planet of love. The magnitude of what can be experienced in the purity of that fulfillment is beyond your imagination. But that doesn’t matter.
It encourages you to dream. (1)

Gaia is an Archangel

I don’t think I gave much thought to Gaia as a being distinguishable from her vehicle, Earth, until I heard Michael say: “Gaia herself … is a much more powerful being than has been assumed.”  (2)

Gaia is a being?  Not only a being, but an archangelic being? Hmmmm….  The Mother explained:

Divine Mother: Gaia began this journey eons ago as an archangel, and she has assumed this form in service to me in physicality and in a very different form than what you would conceive of as an archangel or an angelic form. (3)

She reminds us that we “are treading upon the face of an Archangel!” (4)  Native cultures, I believe, live from this awareness, but all this was new to me.

Earth was Created as a Place for the Angels to Play

Why did the Divine Mother and Gaia co-create Earth?  The Divine Mother tells us: “I have created, and Gaia has created a place for my angels to play.” (5)

Jesus elaborates:

Jesus: Often we have talked to you, and particularly my beloved Mother has talked to you, about the creation of this wonderful planet of Gaia and how it was created as a planet of Love and a planet of peace, my friends. …

In the very creation and the essence of this mighty being called Gaia was the formation of a place, a physical experience of such diversity and incredible beauty that the angels would come and play here and know what it was to have a physical experience of Love. (6)

The Mother agrees with his description of Earth’s originally-intended role and tells us we’ll see it:

Divine Mother: It was always intended that this be my planet of love. The magnitude of what can be experienced in the purity of that fulfillment is beyond your imagination. But that doesn’t matter. It encourages you to dream.

And you will see it. You will see it in your lifetimes, in your time, and you will come to know just what is possible. (7)

(Concluded in Part 2, below.)


(1) “The Divine Mother: Each and Every One of You Carries Divine Might,” June 19, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/spirituality-into-the-golden-age-of-gaia/the-golden-age-of-gaia/the-divine-mother-each-and-every-one-of-you-carries-divine-might/.

(2) “Archangel Michael: The Purpose of the Reval – Part 4/5,” Oct. 25, 2016, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/10/25/archangel-michael-purpose-reval-future-part-45/.

(3) “The Divine Mother: Your Liftoff to Creation is Underway – Part 1/2,” February 4, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/02/05/the-divine-mother-your-liftoff-to-creation-is-underway-part-12/.

Let me give the Mother’s fuller account here:

Divine Mother: Can you imagine, just for a moment, when this beloved archangel Gaia came to me. … and said, Mother, I know that you are birthing and creating a planet of infinite love for the experience and the expression, the tangibility of love and I wish to participate … in this creation.

And of course I have said yes in exalted glee for this mighty archangel was saying to me I will change my form, a form of incredible might, of power and wisdom, and most certainly of flexibility. … I will do this.

And I have said to her, alright, thank you, but you will be a mighty archangel still. … And so we have created this phenomenal planet. Throughout the multiverse and the omniverse and the galaxies, why do you think this planet is so attractive to so many? It is because of the diversity, the beauty, and the love.

From the tiniest grain of sand, to a droplet of water to a distant horizon, this planet and all the kingdoms upon her have been created to be that experience of love. (Divine Mother through Linda Dillon on Council of Love Saturday Conference Call, April 6, 2019.)

(4) “Linda Dillon: Divine Mother – Treading Upon the Face of an Archangel,” March 23, 2022, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2022/03/23/linda-dillon-divine-mother-treading-upon-the-face-of-an-archangel/.

(5) “Linda Dillon: Universal Mother Mary’s New Year’s Message, January 3, 2021,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2021/01/03/linda-dillon-universal-mother-marys-new-years-message/.

(6) Jesus Sananda, “Earth’s Creator Race,” June 21, 2010, at https://counciloflove.com/2010/06/earth%E2%80%99s-creator-race/.

(7) The Divine Mother: Each and Every One of You Carries Divine Might,” ibid.

Part 2/2

(Concluded from Part 1, above.)

Recent History

Then what happened? SaLuSa tells us:

“The Earth is a paradise of which there are no equals in your Universe, and it was seeded over millions of years. It was truly a Garden of Eden, but degenerated as the vibrations became lower and Man despoiled it with his greed and lack of caring.

“Now you are waking up to recognise the jewel that your Earth is and trying your best to restore it, and prevent further damage and destruction. Indeed, it is your responsibility to return it to its pristine condition as part of the preparations for Ascension.” (1)

Matthew describes how Gaia cried out to other civilizations to help her leave Third Density:

“Earth’s desire to be the world she wants preceded yours. She asked for the assistance of other civilizations so she could leave the darkness of third density and their immediate and continuous help has assured her ascension into fifth density, where the low frequencies of darkness cannot exist.” (2)

With their help, she began the journey upwards, shaking off some of the stored negativity of millennia, Master Kuthumi tells us:

“The circumstances on the Earth are shaky now. The Earth is in a lot of pain. She needs to release the painful memories of war. She wants to feel lighter to make way for the higher dimensions. Like you she cannot take the old destructive energies with her into the higher dimensions. She does not want to bring pain to her beloved children and she needs to be able to breathe again. She needs to feel free.” (3)

The Group through Steve Rother describe the Earth’s adaptation/evolution:

“The Earth herself is adapting. If you look at your physical body as you re-wire and you consider what we are telling you is that much of your energetic system is now going to house much more of your spirit, the exact same thing is true of planet Earth. She is re-wiring as we speak and has been for some time in order to hold more of the energetics, in order to hold more of spirit from Home on planet Earth.

“Earth … is starting to evolve faster than you ever thought possible.” (4)

In fact while we lightworkers are involved helping as many people as possible to ascend, our original intention in coming here was to help Gaia/Earth ascend.

Fortunately it isn’t just the intention of boots-on-the-ground starseeds but of our star family as well in millions of ships above our heads. (5) And all of this is in the Mother’s Plan. If it were not, it would not succeed. (6)


(1) SaLuSa, Feb. 5, 2012, at at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.

(2) Matthew’s Message, Dec. 21, 2008, at https://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm.

(3) Master Kuthumi Jan. 13, 2010, at https://thegroundcrew.com/channeled_messages.htm#main.

(4) The Group, “The Re-Wire of Humanity,” through Steve Rother, March 15, 2010, at https://lightworker.com/beacons/2010/2010_03-Birthpangs.php.

(5) See Our Family from the Stars at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Our-Family-from-the-Stars-R2.pdf

(6) Divine Mother: I know very clearly, sweet one, as do you, if it is not [in] my Plan, then it will not occur. (The Divine Mother in “Enter the Delegations – Part 2/3,” May 5, 2019, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/05/05/enter-the-delegations-part-2-3/. Reading, April 30, 2019.)

Because the Golden Age of Gaia has been hit by numerous malware attacks, we’ve been asked to link only to our own sites.

Steve Beckow


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