Friday, June 16, 2023


From Your Hostess of Light


By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Posted on June 16, 2023


From Your Hostess of Light As I continue to walk in the world of subatomic particles and all that encompasses I come to a many-layered-dimensional point of self that I did not know existed. Places where time and I both interweave to create new particles of experience and lines of time unknown. In this place I open my heart, head and life to see in between all-thoughts and possibilities. This incoming energy will stretch and whip you around like galactic Gumby on a bad-hair day. (moot point: Your hair is a living antenna and shows what is happening within and without your body and thoughts, broadcasting that frequency sometimes causing split-ends as the energy leaves) This Summer solstice ups her solar wattage moving from so-called 5-G to a 10-G+ higher awareness, no cell phones needed in this connection. However be aware the radiation in your phone will increase as it bounces off of crystals and elite elements that compose your phone.  Be careful of cell-phone over stimulation, as a solar tsunami continues changing the colors and attributes of earth’s skies.  Take time to disconnect totally from that which is hooked up virtually on all levels. Listen to the elements of nature to ground your energy in a healthful manner (info below about Faraday cage)


The nuances of inter-connection are

about to unravel themselves


Sitting in an inner dimensional Crossroad is like sitting in the center of Four Corners USA, accessing all directions all states, all elements, all possibilities and all-time simultaneously. Summer solstice 2023 sets us on our ends as we learn to balance and not wobble as we move through energetic events and elemental situations. This energy allows you to see into accommodations you did not even know were there, allowing you to remember places and time that you still can't imagine.


If the universe stood in front of you in all of its magnificence and Glory and it said to you dear child I come to give you one wish and I will allow that wish to be manifested in the fullness of time. WHAT would that wish be? As I thought about that I came to an intersection of many verbs and choices, realizing that each wish that may be granted created a universe, a different frequency, a different outcome, with different extending circumstances.  I realized that what I thought I wanted or wished for did actually already exist at a different time-post. In that knowledge the need (the wish) was fulfilled like magic.  It was not a single action or wish, for it continued as a thread thru time.


I also realized this invitation from the universe was a teaching and test, so to speak. So I mentally lined up all of my so-called wishes like a princess would do with her suitors. I looked at them all deeply in their eyes seeing places they began and places they may possibly end. They stood there like cosmic quarks in tuxedos awaiting my bachelorette decision.  The very thought of the universe granting this one all-powerful wish triggered an understanding that ‘all of my wishes were already granted’ in one place or another and that none of them would magically take me to a place of ultimate peace. They all served there purposes like a carrot and a donkey.


The gift of this learning and teaching was the fact that the Universe asked me out and out to show it my secret wishes and in doing so I realized that they were already granted. In this teaching I realize that I was the Fairy Godmother and I could Grant any wish that I so desired but that wish had to be desired in the fullness of my light and heart.


When I was a little girl I watched that silly show Beverly Hillbillies in that show Ellie Mae always had lots and lots of animals that she loved and followed her around.  I always wanted to be like Ellie Mae now all these years later I actually am Ellie Mae as I live in the forests edge. I once rescued raccoon Cubs and they continue to live here in my woods with their relatives 18 years later. They knock on the door put their little faces against the window and sit outside with the cats. They bring their babies to me showing them a safe place. So here I am channeling Ellie Mae many moons later. One of those ‘be careful’ what you wish for examples.




As I work with one new quark after another applying that info to everyday life, I have found the energy of the faraday cage to be of great value in my daily use. A Faraday cage is a grounded metal-screen usually surrounding a piece of equipment. It is used to eliminate electrostatic and electromagnetic influences. Faraday cages are named after scientist Michael Faraday, who invented them in 1836. They work on the principle that when an electromagnetic field hits something that can conduct electricity, the charges remain on the exterior of the conductor rather than traveling inside. Faraday cages are used in electronic labs where stray EM fields must be kept out. This is important in the testing of sensitive wireless receiving equipment.  


Your car is an everyday example of a Faraday cage, which is why, despite what you may have heard about rubber tires, it's actually the closed, metal chassis surrounding you that keeps you safe. It channels lightning around rather than through you. Faraday cages act as big hollow conductors you can put things in to shield them from electrical fields. A Faraday cage or Faraday shield is an enclosure used to block electromagnetic pulses from earth, the sun, and the solar system fields. A Faraday shield may be formed by a continuous covering of conductive material, or in the case of a Faraday cage, by a mesh of such materials.


Lately I have received insight for the need and application of a /biological faraday cage/ in quark (light) form. Imagine a faraday cage around yourself & home etc. see it virtually in energetic light form held in place by thought and deed. Like a mosquito zapper at the drive-in, visualize your outer faraday cage of light activating like a living net of light that zaps all virus, bacteria, disease, illness, etc. Visualize this at least once a day especially when you go out and about. Just like we all use hand-sanitizer more often nowadays, this visualization is an easy-peasy go-to protective--shield-dome, for yourself and those you love.



Expect the teaching of dragon to be very apparent this summer. Dragon teaches one to fly like a stellar pilot, allowing you to sit in the cockpit of its cosmic being and move your awareness dimensionally like a spider that surveys all of her web in one geometric thought. Dragons are instructors of Light, they are Navigators of dimensions. When a dragon has taken you under its very big wing know you are on the path of ascension in all of its forms.  It is time to climb Jacob's Ladder so to speak, and raise your head, your thoughts your Energies and your biological unit to the most high degree of knowing of seeing of being.


Whether it is a space shuttle, an Angel, an alien, or a Celestial Dragon looking down upon you from the Heavenly realms, your light will announce and pronounce itself in a laser precision to all that observe. You are captain of this mission on Earth you are commander of your choices and you are Steward of your thoughts. when one spends time with the teachings of dragon one is emptied out completely before they pass thru past present future. Dragon-flight shows you the geometries within the sky-currents of current events, so to speak; always moving itself around and through Earth in variations of teachings and weather patterns. The earth elements dance within themselves defying laws of nature and laws of gravity. Like a virtual dating service they mix and match in shocking unexpected ways. Patterns of sky and earth chose not to follow the old rules of the past physics. Have your cameras ready.




The first toe is called the Ether Toe. It usually gets lots of attention during a toe reading because it immediately and obviously answers the question, “Are you walking your destined path?” The left Ether Toe represents your relationship with the spiritual side as well as the emotional self.  The right Ether Toe represents life purpose and career. The straighter the Ether Toes the more likely the person has been “on path”. The more crooked or bent the Ether Toes the more likely they have settled for less or have been forced “off path”.


The second toe is the Communication Toe, also called the Air Toe. This toe helps us understand what the first 5 to 12 years of life was like. The left Air Toe is a very good indicator of a person’s relationship with their Higher Self or Spirit. While the right Air Toe reflects their communication and expression to others in the world. It is often the place where criticism from others is stored. The length of the Air Toe indicates the person’s ability to coach and instill confidence in others as well as the volume of talking they do.


The middle toe is the Fire Toe. It is known as the Action toe, the Passion Toe and the “Poor Me” Toe. This toe reveals a person’s procrastination tendencies, how directive they are, the likelihood of their completing a task, what kind of lover they might be, and if they have any tendencies to feel sorry for themselves.


The Water Toe is the fourth toe, also known as the Relationship Toe. This toe is all about relationships with yourself and others. The fourth toe on your left foot represents your relationship  to Self, Higher Self or Spirit. While the fourth toe on your right foot records your relationship to others, like family, work, community and authority.


Finally we come to the little toes known as the Earth Toes. The right Earth Toe (sometimes called the Money Toe) will hold a person’s deep beliefs about money, abundance, family, power, and sexuality issues. The emotions of the right Earth Toe revolve around fear, insecurities, and betrayal. The left Earth Toe is all about trust and trusting—-trusting the Universe, trusting other people and trusting yourself.


The Grand Toe is the Ether element, your destiny toe, your life purpose or path.

The second toe is the Air element / communication toe.

The third toe is the Fire element or your passion/action toe.

The fourth toe is the Water element / relationship toe.

The fifth toe is the Earth element, prosperity/ trust.


Your right foot can depict how you relate to the world.

The left foot how you relate to yourself and to Spirit.

High arches mean that you are an intellectual and prefer to work through issues from an intellectual standpoint. But you can also be too much of a dreamer. It also means that you have had to learn to be self-sufficient from early age.

Low arches or flat feet mean that you are ever the practical realist. You need to allow yourself to dream a little more. You do tend to rely on a lot of support from others.

Swollen puffy feet indicate that you are holding much back and are unwilling or unable to express your emotions. Oedema reveals the lack of resolution of past issues and the presence of perceived burdens from the past.

A cracked heel shows that you tend to be indecisive and feel pulled in too many directions. Your security base feels “cracked”.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Compiled by from: 
Reminder discernment is recommended.
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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