Saturday, June 24, 2023

On Reporting the Unspeakable … or Not

On Reporting the Unspeakable … or Not

By Steve Beckow

Posted on June 24, 2023

Credit: Kathleen Mary Willis

Folks, we here at GAoG know that we’ll soon be hearing, globally undoubtedly, about crimes that are horrendous.

When I think of only what I’ve seen, which was more than I could bear, it feels like I’m sitting in an electric chair.

I start shaking and crying.

This is what secondary traumatization feels like.

With some things that are unspeakably evil, as the deep state are involved in, the trauma never entirely leaves.

I sat for eight years as a Member of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada and, as an “honest witness to the truth,” (1) listened to recitations of unspeakable crimes from refugee claimants.

After listening to grizzly testimony from Rwanda, I sat in my office for hours, staring at the wall and bawling.

And you can’t erase the words after you’ve heard them. Or the sights after you’ve seen them.

I’ll use a single contemporary example, to make my point, one from among several that we undoubtedly will be hearing about in the EBS announcements.

You know that, at Xenia Retreat Center, I viewed portions of Frazzeldrip and accompanying photographs.

I sank so deep after that, me who’s listened to tales of crimes that would break your heart, that it took the spiritual experience I’ve called “the sight of the Self” to jackhammer me out of it. You’ve heard that story. (3)

I could not stand what I saw and heard. Could not stand it!


We here at GAoG are not professionals in the area of trauma therapy. Gabor Maté and Thomas Hübl are examples of people who either are or have the skills.

But more specifically to our situation, I believe that the EBS announcements will broach the subject compassionately and skilfully.

We’re asking your permission to defer to them, to allow them to do it, rather than us as citizen reporters unwittingly risking causing a lot of harm.

As Michael said, we cannot … absolutely cannot … allow this behavior to re-entrench itself. (4) Those that need to hear about these crimes do need to hear about them.

But who does the announcements and how they do them, in my opinion, needs to be carefully considered because what we’ll be hearing and perhaps seeing will show up as pure evil to most people. Of a kind that most would never think they’d encounter in their lives.


(1) See “Every Society Needs Honest Witnesses to the Truth,” January 5, 2021, at

(2) See “How to Handle Unwanted Feelings: The Upset Clearing Process,” April 25, 2011, at

See also Vasanas: Preparing for Ascension by Clearing Old Issues at

A “vasana” is the Vedic name for a core issue.

We may be needing this knowledge in the times ahead.

(3) Search on “Xenia” in An Ascension Ethnography at

(4) Archangel Michael: Where our forte is is, yes, exposure so that it doesn’t re-entrench itself because this is rather entrenched behaviour on all kinds of levels.

So you start to bring forward the justice, the truth solutions and it is not merely (and I say that very cautiously) forgiveness but it is the application, yes, of compassion, patience, determination, vigilance… So that this does not occur and reoccur and re-entrench. …

You cannot create a Nova Society where there is not an understanding, an agreement about what is acceptable in the most basic, human-rights ways. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 18, 2020.)

Reminder discernment is recommended.
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?


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