Thursday, June 22, 2023

In the Audience, Watching the Newsreel

In the Audience, Watching the Newsreel

By Steve Beckow

Posted on June 22, 2023

I write this on the longest day of the year, June 21, 2023.

We’re like a movie audience, seated in the theater and watching all the previews, waiting for the main attraction.

Oh, hey. Here comes a newsreel on what the Company of Heaven has been doing for the last two years, narrated by Matthew Ward. What does he say?

He says they cannot tell us when key developments will occur:

“But what we can do is assure you the Divine Plan is smack on target and extraterrestrial family members are part of the liberating forces of light that some call ‘White Hats.’

“And, let us remind you of the light’s progress in just the last two years or so. The Illuminati’s efforts to start WWIII failed; so have all their attempts to demolish strategic cities with nuclear warheads on missiles.

“Their Covid-19 virus did not kill billions of the populace and trying to achieve that goal via vaccinations is not working either. Their hold on major media is cracking.

“In several countries their bioweaponry labs and storage facilities and centers for sex trafficking, pedophilia, satanic rituals, adrenochrome production, money laundering and cyber warfare have been demolished. Many of the individuals at the top of their diabolical pyramid have been removed.” (1)

All of this is happening without most of us missing our regular Saturday football or basketball game.  However, other areas are severely stressed and suffering. And underground is a war to liberate the children. More on that later.

The galactics have prevented the demolition of strategic cities with nuclear warheads? Wait for the days when THAT’s covered in the mainstream press.

Add that to removing much of Fukushima’s radiation, caused by the deep state, and depleted uranium from predominantly NATO weaponry. DU is a planetkiller. (2) We’d have killed the planet off by now with our wars.

What Matthew says next is interesting to me, because I’ll be involved in it at a future date.

“The Illuminati’s stronghold is their illegally and immorally amassed fortunes, and the light forces are working to separate them from their funds so that money can be used to end mass impoverishment.”

Once Illuminati wealth has been sequestered, it’s turned over to the pipelines, who disperse it, as it turns out, according to St. Germaine’s instructions. Cdr Hatonn advised me, out of the blue, some time ago:

“Hello, my friend Steverino…

“This is Hatonn.  You are worrying needlessly.  You won’t have to make decisions about what to do with money when it’s available.

“St. Germain’s plan will be revealed to the people in charge and that information will be given to you.  It’s not that your ideas won’t be valuable, but they’ll be used within the parameters of the big picture. (3)

Well, that’s a relief.  I was getting worried that G/NESARA would do most of my work for me. (4)

But see how they know what we’re thinking and are able to communicate.

Even so, am I strong enough to do the work demanded of me? Matthew concludes:

“If you think helping in an undertaking of that scope is beyond your ability, let us tell you, it is not—it is right up your alley, so to say. Your light that has been helping the peoples awaken has been undergirding every effort to vanquish darkness from Earth.

“We know it is hard for you to think of yourselves as the powerhouses you are, and this is understandable. You get sick, moody, disillusioned, angry, impatient and exhausted. Some of your efforts fall short and you make decisions that in retrospect you realize were poor. You don’t always have satisfying jobs or enough income or fair treatment, and some days are just plain miserable.

“That is part of life in a third density world, and before you volunteered to go to Earth—and you did that with fervor—you knew that is what you would experience. You also knew you would surmount whatever obstacles you encountered because those feelings and circumstances are not who you are.”

Thank you, Matthew.


Even as we know that all will be well and the golden future will arrive, it’s hard to keep one’s spirits up amid vaccine passports, train derailments, toxic clouds over cities,  etc.

The only thing that keeps me from rolling down the side of the mountain into a funk some days is tapping the artesian well that my heart is. Drawing love up from it on my in-breath and experiencing that love myself before sending it out to the world on my out-breath.

Since love must flow, we get to experience it as it flows through us and out to the universe.  In that way we serve while waiting for the curtain to rise.

Keeping my spirits up also means sending that light and love from my heart out into the collective consciousness, as Matthew notes. In that way I serve all and serve myself at the same time.

I know the answer. I just don’t do it half enough.

I also feel ever more drawn to meditate, as if that’s the next step.

When I ask myself why meditation, I get the inner response, to clear the decks.

Thank you for that newsreel, Matthew. I acknowledge that, with no known reason for why I’m doing it, I am in a process of getting serious with my practice and clearing the decks.


(1) Matthew’s Message, June 1, 2023, at

(2) Steve: If the galactics had not neutralized depleted uranium, would this planet have died?

Archangel Michael: Yes. Now let me explain. It is not just that she would have died. It would have been that her will to continue on would not have been there.

S: Wow, eh? That serious.

AAM: Yes, that serious. (Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, personal reading for Steve Beckow, August 6, 2013, at


(3) Hatonn in Suzy Ward to Steve Beckow, Jan. 31, 2021.

(4) It’ll mandate universal basic incomes. My Six Point Plan just became a Five Point Plan.  And it’ll take away illegitimate debt and national debt. My Five Point Plan just became a Three Point Plan. I was starting to think I’d be rich and idle, not good for a monk’s morale.

Steve Beckow


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Reminder discernment is recommended.
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?


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