Tuesday, May 2, 2023

What Fear Does

What Fear Does

By Steve Beckow

Posted on May 2, 2023

I think what unstrings us most is fear. We can make fear disappear by simply stamping our feet or shouting, a fact known to the martial arts. Not knowing it, we become disabled by fear when it comes on.

Matthew Ward discussed the matter in 2012 and I’d like to repost his comment because these times will probably bring out fear in many people.

He said: “We say ‘stay out of fear’ because its magnified energy prevents light from reaching consciousness.” Aha. I’ve never known what its impact was.

Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward, Mar. 1, 2012, at 

It is heartening that many of you have correctly discerned that the Illuminati are using the only tactic left in their arsenal: fear. The talks about pre-emptive strikes against Iran to prevent that country’s possibility of producing a nuclear weapon; the possibility of a terrorist attack on New York City; the possibility of another devastating earthquake in Japan; the possibility that North Korea may become sufficiently menacing to cause war in Southeast Asia.

[Our] vantage point … permits viewing the collective consciousness. We know that few are buying into those scenarios, none of which is part of Earth’s destiny. Even those who still are slumbering insofar as understanding that these moments at hand are fast leading to Earth’s Golden Age are aiding the light by refusing to live in fear of “possibilities.”

Nevertheless, let us insert at this point a reader’s question: “Fear can be directed positively, so why do you keep saying that we must stay out of fear?” We say “stay out of fear” because its magnified energy prevents light from reaching consciousness, thereby keeping individuals mired in third density, unable to evolve spiritually and intellectually.

Fear precludes sound reasoning, common sense, logical questioning and the will to rise up against tyranny and corruption – that is why puppets of the dark forces were able to control the peoples of Earth for many millennia. The dark ones “feed” on the energy of fear – without it, they cannot exist!

It is with elation that we see fear subsiding in the collective consciousness, but it’s as potent as ever on an individual basis. Through the universal law of attraction, the energy of fearful individuals goes out into the universe and attracts matching energy; like a boomerang it returns and brings with it still more fearful circumstances for the person to deal with.

Anyone who is “courting” fear in the belief that it can be directed positively is playing with fire. It would be confusing that powerful negative energy with its more powerful opposite: the positivity of living steadfastly in the light, which gives rise to the self-confidence, spiritual strength, courage, wise judgment and determination that can overcome hardships encountered.
Steve Beckow 


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