Saturday, May 20, 2023

The Creator Writings from 2023/14/07 to 20

The Creator Writings

from 2023/14/07 to 20

Trough Jennifer Farley

May 20, 2023

You Gateway

During this shift within a shift within a shift, a lot of your old stuff may be brought to your attention. 

Keep in mind; this is not The Universe’s way of torturing you or making you feel more guilt. 

Instead, it is a way to bring to your conscious awareness the areas you need to work on. 

In becoming consciously aware of past issues, it becomes possible to heal and release them with love. 

You may choose to shy away from very sensitive issues; however, it is in your best interest to deal with them now rather than waiting for a better time. 

This is your chance, your time and your experience…you will deal with it how you choose. 

The Universe is respectfully asking you to embrace the healing presented now. 

It is the gateway to the next step of your freedom. 

May 19, 2023

New Ways

With the changes taking place right now, it may be very challenging to keep your heart, mind and arms open. 

Your usual methods of protection and self-preservation are fading slowly into obsolescence and navigating your Earth place may begin to feel unsafe. 

Please keep in mind, my darling one, that you have never been left unprotected. 

New ways of managing are being introduced to you every day…it is just a matter of identifying and practicing them. 

Kindness and compassion toward your fellow humans is and always will be the key to moving forward in any shift. 

Why? Because there has never been price tag attached to either one of these things.

May 18, 2023

The Choice Is Yours

Now, more than ever, it is important to take responsibility for your thoughts, actions and reactions. 

Your Earth plane is shifting in a way that it never has before and there will be no room for falsehoods or denials. 

If you create it, own it, see it for what it truly is, learn from it and release it to be transformed by the Unconditional Love of The Universe. 

This is much too significant to ignore. 

Of course, the choice has always been yours. 

Make wise, informed ones that resonate with your soul. 

May 17, 2023

The Path

My beautiful and wonderful child; there will be those that, no matter what you say or do to help, will be unwilling to follow the lighted path in front of them. 

They may have been on the path before and have strayed into dimly lit spaces. 

Words of encouragement and support may fall on deaf ears and the extended hand of assistance may be batted away. 

Please do not take this personally. 

Even though you have offered as much help as you possibly can they have chosen and will walk their own path, in their own time and on their own terms. 

Remember you have done your best. 

Send them Unconditional Love and leave the door open…it is the most human thing you can do. 

May 16, 2023

Keep It Simple

Do you ever wonder why others always say, “Watch your words, watch your thoughts?”  

Some of you have noticed that your manifesting abilities have increased ten-fold.  

For those of you not used to it, this may come as a bit of a shock. (Smiling) 

A thought, any thought, you generate as you move through your existence has the potential to become reality in a very short amount of time.  

It is important to keep this in mind because the amazing byproduct of this shift will literally bring whatever you choose into your life.  

Today, you are being gently reminded to keep it sweet, simple and as pure as you can.  

The Universe is always listening.

May 15, 2023

The Next Big Jump…

The current lull in activity may leave you saying, “Wait, what?!”  It has all the signs of a rest period, however, the overwhelm and tension is still in place.  

Please remember there are layers (think alternate dimensions) within each shift so, even though it feels quiet and a little boring, there is still a great deal of busy going on.  

It is very important to remain grounded during this time, take immaculate care of yourself and keep breathing.  

The next big jump is on its way! 

May 14, 2023

Finding Your Power

During these times of change and the shifting/balancing of energy there is much talk about reclaiming your power. 
The…one…thing…you…must…remember; it was never stolen from you! 
Some of you chose to pretend it did not exist for safety’s sake, others have chosen to hide or hide from it or tuck it away in a safe space deep inside so no one could touch it except for you.

Here is your homework for today, darling one; it is time to remember where you put your power. 
Bring it out, dust it off, reacquaint yourself with your Creator given gift! 
It may be a bit scary at first, but it is possible. 
It is your birthright; it is time and you can do it! e always loved and supported exactly as you are in any given moment.


Compiled by from: 
Reminder discernment is recommended.
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?


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Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report,
 accusing me of posting child pornography.
(Big Fat Lie)

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