Situation Update and Cobra Conference in Japan
Posted on May 22, 2023

The Light Forces are making good progress with clearing of the etheric plane, and some good news regarding that are expected soon.
Clearing of the subquantum anomaly is also progressing to a certain degree.
Physical biochips are much more problematic, at least a this point. They are the main tool of surveillance through which the Chimera controls the surface population:
Those biochips would detect any physical intervention of the Light Forces on the surface. The contacted individual would first be very happy, but his increased vibrational frequency together with the video/audio feed from the biochip would alert the Chimera mainframe computer in the DARPA pit.
Immediate action would be taken to decrease the vibrational frequency of the contacted individual, either by removing that individual through DEW electroplasma induced heart attack, by orchestrating a car accident, by removing the loved ones of that particular individual, or by any similar means. This is one of the main reasons why the Light Forces are not contacting individuals on the surface.
The other reason is asymmetric retaliation. If one Lightwerkers would be contacted, the dark forces are threatening to harm or even kill thousands others.
If non-physical contact is made, or if a certain individual raises his vibrational frequency too much, the physical biochip detects that also, and automatically lowers the vibration of the individual by inducing electroshocks through the navel biochip. The navel biochip is capable of producing electroshocks between 20 and 130 volts, depending on the circumstances. At the same time, the two biochips in the frontal lobe of the brain produce strong magnetic fields that produce sleepiness, brain fog and confusion. Thus physical biochips represent a very efficient slave driver mechanism which controls the surface population.
On top of that, the biochips synthesize mind altering chemicals that produce sleepiness (frontal lobe biochips) and fear (biochip above the navel).
On top of that, the frontal lobe biochips monitor the brain activity and communicate with other biochips and with DARPA mainframe computer through ultrasound, and navel biochip constantly suppresses the vibrational frequency through infrasound.
The physical plane is further monitored and controlled through scalar network created with cellphone towers, cellphones themselves, and wi-fi networks:
The next layer is the global network of ionospheric heaters:
And the next layer is the Space Force (former Air Force Space Command) surveillance network, which detects and removes any Positive ET intrusion attempts into the quarantine:
The Light Forces have explained to me how all this ties into the timing dynamics of the Event:
The first curve on the graph (marked 1) represents the entropy of the surface society. This entropy increases with time, as the physical quarantine is a closed system without any contact with outside positive ET races.
The second curve (marked 2 on the graph) represents the entropy of the Event. This entropy decreases with time, as more and more retaliation mechanisms of the dark forces that would be triggered at the time of the Event (such as toplet bombs) are being removed.
Both curves meet at the certain time that is marked with a circle on the graph. At that moment, the entropy of the surface society surpasses the entropy of the Event, and that is the moment when the Event will be triggered. Current moment is marked on the graph with an X.
If the Event would be triggered prematurely, the simulations predict a partial collapse of the electrical grid and food distribution chain in many parts of the world, which could only be addressed in 1-2 weeks time. Also, the Light forces would not be able to completely block all biochemical weapons that would be released by the dark forces in their last effort to keep control. This would lead to many deaths and untold suffering, and would stain the Event experience for many:
As one of commenters on my blog put it:
Nevertheless, soft disclosure is going mainstream:
With genuine and reliable instructions for the evacuation at the moment of the polar shift available in alternative media:
With awareness of the cyclic nature of the universe slowly reaching mainstream scientific community:
And even with the awareness that we are at the end of the cosmic cycle:
With a simple explanation of quantum fluctuations:
After the Portal of Light activation, more and more people understand mass meditations in balanced and positive perspective:
And finally, Goddess energy is returning to the surface of the planet. Sisterhood of the Rose is more active again:
And more and more people are actually creating physical Goddess temples. If you have created such a temple, you can make it public on the following website:
You can find inspiration in this beautiful book:
Or in past Cobra interviews:
French speaking people can also find inspiration here:
Anybody can get healing in monthly ascended master and stellar rays healing sessions:
Or optimize the personal timeline through this meditation:
And connect with the I AM presence utilizing advanced ATVOR spiritual technology:
Everybody is more than welcome to join our Ascension Conference in Kyoto, the most powerful Dragon vortex in Japan, on July 8th and 9th:
Victory of the Light!
Compiled by from:

The Light Forces are making good progress with clearing of the etheric plane, and some good news regarding that are expected soon.
Clearing of the subquantum anomaly is also progressing to a certain degree.
Physical biochips are much more problematic, at least a this point. They are the main tool of surveillance through which the Chimera controls the surface population:
Those biochips would detect any physical intervention of the Light Forces on the surface. The contacted individual would first be very happy, but his increased vibrational frequency together with the video/audio feed from the biochip would alert the Chimera mainframe computer in the DARPA pit.
Immediate action would be taken to decrease the vibrational frequency of the contacted individual, either by removing that individual through DEW electroplasma induced heart attack, by orchestrating a car accident, by removing the loved ones of that particular individual, or by any similar means. This is one of the main reasons why the Light Forces are not contacting individuals on the surface.
The other reason is asymmetric retaliation. If one Lightwerkers would be contacted, the dark forces are threatening to harm or even kill thousands others.
If non-physical contact is made, or if a certain individual raises his vibrational frequency too much, the physical biochip detects that also, and automatically lowers the vibration of the individual by inducing electroshocks through the navel biochip. The navel biochip is capable of producing electroshocks between 20 and 130 volts, depending on the circumstances. At the same time, the two biochips in the frontal lobe of the brain produce strong magnetic fields that produce sleepiness, brain fog and confusion. Thus physical biochips represent a very efficient slave driver mechanism which controls the surface population.
On top of that, the biochips synthesize mind altering chemicals that produce sleepiness (frontal lobe biochips) and fear (biochip above the navel).
On top of that, the frontal lobe biochips monitor the brain activity and communicate with other biochips and with DARPA mainframe computer through ultrasound, and navel biochip constantly suppresses the vibrational frequency through infrasound.
The physical plane is further monitored and controlled through scalar network created with cellphone towers, cellphones themselves, and wi-fi networks:
The next layer is the global network of ionospheric heaters:
And the next layer is the Space Force (former Air Force Space Command) surveillance network, which detects and removes any Positive ET intrusion attempts into the quarantine:
The Light Forces have explained to me how all this ties into the timing dynamics of the Event:
The first curve on the graph (marked 1) represents the entropy of the surface society. This entropy increases with time, as the physical quarantine is a closed system without any contact with outside positive ET races.
The second curve (marked 2 on the graph) represents the entropy of the Event. This entropy decreases with time, as more and more retaliation mechanisms of the dark forces that would be triggered at the time of the Event (such as toplet bombs) are being removed.
Both curves meet at the certain time that is marked with a circle on the graph. At that moment, the entropy of the surface society surpasses the entropy of the Event, and that is the moment when the Event will be triggered. Current moment is marked on the graph with an X.
If the Event would be triggered prematurely, the simulations predict a partial collapse of the electrical grid and food distribution chain in many parts of the world, which could only be addressed in 1-2 weeks time. Also, the Light forces would not be able to completely block all biochemical weapons that would be released by the dark forces in their last effort to keep control. This would lead to many deaths and untold suffering, and would stain the Event experience for many:
As one of commenters on my blog put it:
Nevertheless, soft disclosure is going mainstream:
With genuine and reliable instructions for the evacuation at the moment of the polar shift available in alternative media:
With awareness of the cyclic nature of the universe slowly reaching mainstream scientific community:
And even with the awareness that we are at the end of the cosmic cycle:
With a simple explanation of quantum fluctuations:
After the Portal of Light activation, more and more people understand mass meditations in balanced and positive perspective:
And finally, Goddess energy is returning to the surface of the planet. Sisterhood of the Rose is more active again:
And more and more people are actually creating physical Goddess temples. If you have created such a temple, you can make it public on the following website:
You can find inspiration in this beautiful book:
Or in past Cobra interviews:
French speaking people can also find inspiration here:
Anybody can get healing in monthly ascended master and stellar rays healing sessions:
Or optimize the personal timeline through this meditation:
And connect with the I AM presence utilizing advanced ATVOR spiritual technology:
Everybody is more than welcome to join our Ascension Conference in Kyoto, the most powerful Dragon vortex in Japan, on July 8th and 9th:
Victory of the Light!
Reminder discernment is recommended. The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. TRUTH need no protection. Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?
Main Sites: Blogs:
Social Media:
( Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.(Big Fat Lie)
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
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