Wednesday, May 3, 2023

SaLuSa: Expect a Lot to Happen (2011)

SaLuSa: Expect a Lot to Happen (2011)

By Steve Beckow

Posted on May 3, 2023

In looking for one quote, I often come across an interesting quote on something else.

Here’s SaLuSa in 2011, for instance, saying that the end times have really started and look like chaos. But it’s really the breakdown of the dark and the emergence of the Light as the sole reality.

Little did we know then what was in store for us!

SaLuSa, Nov. 16, 2011, through Mike Quinsey, at

Expect a lot to happen but allow for intent to ensure that the flow is orderly, so that each event complements the last one. As many will know our allies are more active now than ever before, and having considerably weakened the Illuminati we have been able to remove many of those who stand in the way of progress.

At all different levels there are people who have been used without their knowledge, but with

Mike Quinsdey, SaLuSa’s channel

the awakening are beginning to see how they have been manipulated. That alone is often sufficient to get them to resign, and as talk travels fast others get to learn about it. There is also a matter of rising consciousness levels, that bring some people to question the ethics of those they work for. You will begin to see more of this happening, as the thrust for more transparency and truthfulness grows. …

They already know that we have the ability and the divine authority to remove them, and there is no escape from the responsibility for the crimes they have committed. When they accept their situation we expect them to capitulate and stand down. However, we feel that they are sufficiently naive to believe they can fool us, but there is no hiding place as we will always know exactly where they are to be found.

So there is in reality nothing to fear or worry about as we have control over all matters, and at present simply wait for our opportunity to register our first success. …

Like you we await the commencement of changes that are obviously signs that the end times are really underway. To the uninformed it would appear that chaos reigns, and it is unfortunate that it brings with a degree of fear. That is what we wish to avoid if possible, as that energy feeds the dark Ones and they will play upon it.

However, as we have often pointed out recently, the Light is now the supreme force and it will continue transmuting the lower energies.

Steve Beckow


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