Thursday, May 18, 2023

On Earth's Magnetic Pole Shift and The Solar Micronova

On Earth's Magnetic Pole Shift and The Solar Micronova

A Great Video by Ben Davidson


Posted on May 18, 2023

Are the changes happening in our Solar System the result of an impending Solar event?

I have been following Ben Davidson’s “Suspicious 0bservers” space weather YouTube channel for at least 7 years, and from his research I’ve learned more about astrophysics and space energy phenomenon than I ever did in my college physics courses.

I’ve also learned about important scientific topics that the establishment dares not teach in standard universities, like the true cause of changing climates, Earth’s magnetic poles shifting, and a recurring Solar event that happens in our solar system at a cyclic rate with major cycles peaking approximately every 12,000 years.

Lo and behold, here we are nearing that 12,000 year bench mark once again with many pieces of evidence throughout our planet and solar system showing us that changes are indeed underway - and, in my opinion, it’s absolutely criminal that our media, colleges, and scientific organizations are turning a blind eye to what’s going on, whether on purpose or out of sheer ignorance.

Last week, Davidson released a fantastic overview video detailing the main points surrounding this cyclic event, which include Earth’s magnetic poles moving away from their physical positions, the cyclic timing of these geomagnetic excursions, and how this pole shifting is related to other phenomena like galactic current sheets sweeping through our solar system and a possible Solar micronova event.

These are a lot of big sciencey words and nerdy concepts but they are quite fascinating, and very important to know as to gather what’s going on in our reality, present, past, and future.

I will say that Davidson can take a very serious tone, and some may view his reporting as “fear porn”, but is it? Is he over-exaggerating what is possibly coming with these events? Possibly. It’s also possible that he is not. As the old adage goes, “better safe than sorry”. And when you dig into the big picture of this story connecting all the little dots together, it does appear like there is at least something to his claims, something to at least make basic preparations for - food, water, emergency plans, a few tools, 2nd Amendment protections. If fecal matter really does hit the rotating oscillator, you’d be happy to have these things.

Plus, if all this stuff was so wacko, why did the CIA make the effort to classify research regarding Earth’s pole shifts and cyclic Solar events in the mid 1900’s? Another Suspicious 0bserver YouTube video digs into that question.

While what this all may lead to is still conjecture, what cannot be construed as conspiracy theory is the fact that our magnetic poles are indeed moving, and moving at an exponentially increasing rate. What used to be a few miles per year of drift in the early 1900s is now dozens of miles per year in the 2000s. You can see the North Magnetic Pole used to hang out over northern Canada, yet it is now accelerating over the physical North Pole on it’s way to Siberia, and the Southern Magnetic Pole is making it’s way off the Antarctic continent.

The travel of Earth’s North and South magnetic poles over the last 100 years

This wandering of the magnetic poles is becoming so noticeable the the World Magnetic Model, a geomagnetic positioning database used by governments and agencies can properly utilize sea and air navigation systems, had to be updated in 2020.

In conjunction with Magnetic Pole drift, we also have an acceleration of the weakening on Earth’s magnetic field. Earth’s magnetic field protects us from Solar and cosmic radiation, so the weakening of this field makes us more susceptible to influence from things like Solar flares and cosmic rays. Moderate M class solar flares used to bounce right off of Earth’s magnetic field, yet nowadays even these moderate flares and other energy the Sun spits our way in the form of coronal hole streams and plasma filaments are causing noticeable problems to our infrastructure like radio communication systems.

As mentioned earlier, it may be a good idea to have some preparedness plans and tools on hand just in case you need them. Learning to garden and live sustainably off the land will becoming an incredibly useful skill in the coming decades. Not just useful, but possibly necessary.

Earth’s magnetic field is weakening at an increasing rate

Our society is becoming ever more dependent on electrified systems that we base our infrastructure on, and all of these can be effected with radiation storms penetrating through our planet’s magnetic field. Radio communications, our electric grid, even our own consciousness and can be affected by solar energy sent our way. Something else affected is animal migratory pattens, as many animals use magnetic sensing to base their movement off of. This may be one explanation for beached sea creatures and bird die offs being seen around the globe.

Another topic that has a new light shed on it is climate change. Are humans the driving factor in Earth’s climate changing? No. The main driver is the Sun. And not only are changes occurring on our own planet but climate changes are happening on planets throughout the solar system. These ideas, of course, are not advantageous to the Powers that Be using man-made climate change as a fear-based mechanism to advance their control agendas.

Not only in terms of science, but I think many ancient texts were describing the effects of these cyclical Earth/Solar shifts in allegorical form. Reading about ancient floods, details written of solar-gods, and viewing symbolic inscriptions of indigenous cultures take on a whole new meaning when pondered with the knowledge of cyclical solar system events and an electrically driven universe. Mainstream science and mainstream religion are often at odds, but when you strip away the dogma and shallow thinking contained within them there is quite a lot that coincides.

In my opinion, the topic of Earth shifts and Solar event cycles is one of the most important of our time that many in society are painfully unaware of. On one hand it is quite complicated, as there are many different parts to this story that require connecting to asses an accurate picture (and establishment voices ridiculing the ideas as crazy conspiracy theory only make it all the more difficult). On the other hand, with the help of social media and alternative scientific minds putting the pieces together we can no longer use the excuse of being ignorant. The choice we have now is to either stick our heads in the sand or give these ideas some serious consideration.

Jordan Sather

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