Saturday, May 6, 2023

The Creator Writings from 2023/04/30 to 05/06

The Creator Writings

from 2023/04/30 to 05/06

Trough Jennifer Farley

May 6, 2023

Grow Together

Now is the time to take a deep breath and gather your strength in anticipation of the next surge forward. 

There are many changes coming in the next few weeks. 

Some may be perceived as good, others not so much. 

Regardless of how they present themselves, they will always be for the highest and best of all humans. 

If you start to feel overwhelmed, there will always be help available when you need it…but you need to remember to ask! 

There is no need to go it alone. The Universe has presented this amazing opportunity to grow together. 

It is time to embrace it!

May 5, 2023

Staying True

During this shift it is very important that you stay true to yourself.  

Transparency, trust in oneself and trust in The Universe will be key in moving forward.  

Presenting yourself as something/someone other than who/what you really are will hinder the growth and forward movement required during this monumental time.  

There will be no room for false advertising.  

As you embrace who you truly are in any given moment, you are giving The Universe a chance to offer you infinite options, choices and opportunities.  

Stay true, dearest one; there is only one of you and you are loved!

May 4, 2023

It Sits Beside You

You have been carrying that around with you for a long time, dearest one! 
Is it getting heavy, cumbersome, hard to deal with? Wherever you go, you bring it with you. 
It sits beside you full of secrets, the things that supposedly keep you safe, as well as your pains, disappointments and regrets. 
If something goes wrong you open it up and add yet another thing, making it even heavier.

What if, just…what…if you left it right where it is and walked away. 
That huge bag would most likely sit in the lost and found, not claimed, not cared about and certainly never picked up again. 
How would that feel?! 
You have this ability; it is available to you every moment of every day. When are you going to be ready to let it go?

May 3, 2023

Remain Steady

In the coming weeks, then the next step of the shift will be coming to fruition. 
It will be imperative to keep in mind that each person will be experiencing this in a different way and each of you will be stepping out of what you were and into what you will become. 
Be patient and gentle with yourself and your fellow humans. 
Using words that have been used frequently on your Earth plane; “Don’t Panic”!

You may also be tempted to push forward or rush the process. 
The Universe is reminding you that the pace was set for a reason and will remain steady. 
If you see others around you struggling with challenges, reach out and lend a hand. Remember, you are all in this together and, as one, you will reach your goal.

May 2, 2023

Have Faith In Yourself

Now is prime manifesting time. What do you want to create for yourself? 

All great things begin with a thought, the piecing together of what it will take to make it happen, then action. 

The Universe can hear you saying, “But I’ve never been good at this!” 

Each master did not start as a master, but they did have the tools, the desire and the drive to become skilled. 

You have these things as well. 

Practicing is what makes the master who they are. 

The Universe has always had faith in your innate abilities, my love. 

It is time for you to begin having faith in yourself and your capability to create! 


May 1, 2023

A Human…Being

Ah, those human moments!  

They come when you least expect them.  

Rather than being embarrassed, berating yourself or, in worst case scenarios, transferring them to others; embrace them!  

They are put there specifically for you to know that you are learning and growing every moment of every day.  

How you choose to react is much more important than the moment itself.  

If all else fails; please remember to have as much compassion for yourself as you do others.  

You chose your specific path to gain wisdom.  

And even though it may be challenging, The Universe wants you to know that you are doing a fine job.  

Keep up the good work!

April 30, 2023

Empathy Is Key!

There will be times when your very presence will trigger some of those around you. 

It is very, very important for you to release the need to take any of it personally. 

People on your Earth plane will deal with things in their own time and own ways. 

Rather than responding with a knee jerk reaction, step back, look at the situation and imagine yourself as the other person. 

How are they viewing the moment at hand? Are they being what you perceive as reasonable? 

Is a reaction to their action really important? Empathy is the key! 

It has been said before and needs to be said again; each of you carries a spark of The Divine within you. 

If you are unable to see eye to eye with a person, find that spark and send Unconditional Love. 

Remember, you are all in this shift together. 


Compiled by from: 
Reminder discernment is recommended.
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?


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Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report,
 accusing me of posting child pornography.
(Big Fat Lie)

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