Sunday, April 16, 2023

Pushing Our Edge in a Field of Compassion

Pushing Our Edge in a Field of Compassion

By Steve Beckow

Posted on April 16, 2023

Washington crossing the Delaware

While arrests are being made around the globe, underworlds of pedophilia, drug trafficking, adrenochrome, etc., are being closed down, and whole countries are being cleansed of criminal capture, we wait.

And the task at hand is to keep morale high.

When an army loses the will to win, it disintegrates. When it has the will to win in spades, it’ll endure starvation, cold, sleeplessness.

The Israelite army, shivering at the sight of Goliath, is an example of the former.

Hannibal crossing the Rhone enroute to the Pyrannees

Hannibal’s troops crossing the Pyrenees or Washington’s troops crossing the Delaware, both in winter, are examples of the latter.

What makes the difference to me is the quality of the commander. And, I think, the quality of the commander reflects the quality of the society. May I comment as a former historian?

In my view, commanders who combine military skill with deep insight into the human condition and compassion for the suffering give an army the will to win.

Commanders who don’t risk their troops lightly, plan ahead for their needs (such as the availability of winter clothing), and keep the troops informed also engender the will to win. Eisenhower comes to mind as a man I admire here.

Commanders who offer their societies at home a vision they can and would want to live into are followed. Churchill comes to mind for his stirring words.

I don’t think it’s possible to see commanders like this arise in a corrupt society or military.  A peace-loving, uncorrupted army would reflect a peace-loving, uncorrupted nation.

In my estimation, the wartime allies, Great Britain and the United States, at that time – and still today, despite the Illuminati’s best attempts to the contrary – remain peace-loving and uncorrupted at an everyday level.

The same could not be said for their political leadership or, apparently, leadership in many other fields. For those countries or, evidently, for almost any other.

The white-hat military’s job is to expose and eliminate the corruption worldwide. Our lightworker job is to reconstruct society during and after so that this can and will never happen again.

Before you sigh at the thought of that task, remember that corruption could never happen in an ascended society. The love that prevails there would make it impossible even to contemplate.

What that means is that the time between now and Ascension is the only time we need to give thought to. Ascension itself will take care of the rest.

AND, I want to say, as a special attraction: The Ring of Fire/Wave of Love is a wild card because, like Ascension itself, the Ring of Fire is a heart opening. (1) It’s just that it’s temporary.

However, what impact it will have on all of this is both predictable and unpredictable. Predictable because it will introduce the world to transformative, higher-dimensional love. And once that happens, it’s game over for bad behavior. The world will never go back into submission again.

Unpredictable in that it will wane and the disappointment, like the heart opening itself, could be global.

But people will thereafter probably be willing to listen to what has been for so many, not conspiracy theory, but a different term of ridicule – woo woo. The celestials and galactics may be welcomed back into the picture. Then things can really begin.

We can contribute to all this by doing whatever we can to support a global, peace-loving, and compassionate society.

How do we do that? How do we, who are waiting, who lack financial resources, and who are beset by all the difficulties that the deep state has engendered in the last three to four years, create a global, peace-loving, compassionate society? Presuming it’s even missing in our society rather than simply hidden?

I’d suggest we as a global society get started again by one caring action after another, pushing our edge in a field of compassion just as we have for years pushed our edge in so many other endeavors.

You’ve seen the phenomenon happen in sports, in natural disasters, in neighborhoods – people respond to events and others, inspired by their acts, join in. The effort grows and grows, geometrically.

The hope is that each new, bold act in a field of rebuilding will encourage others in cascade fashion.

And then there’s the Reval, which will make bold-new acts universally possible and available.


(1) On the Ring of Fire, Wave of Love, see

Steve Beckow 


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