Thursday, April 27, 2023

Maybe We Share This Planet with The Inner Inhabitants

Maybe We Share This Planet with The Inner Inhabitants

Mystery Sightings

Posted on April 27, 2023

The following artifacts that you’re about to see are all extremely old, to say the least, and as far as we know, no member of the scientific community was able to explain them, to begin with.

Take for example the reputable sandal imprint that is said to be over half a billion years old by now or the hammer of London which is several million years old too.

But that’s not all, as back in 1992 yet another series of out-of-place artifacts were uncovered in the caves of Kupang as experts seemed to come across two strange rocks which had star maps carved on them.

As you can see, the whole solar system is depicted on these rocks, and what’s even stranger about that is the fact that the carvings perfectly resemble the model that was originally sent back by the Soviet Satellite from space.

The planets are all in the right order and the map checks out, it’s legit. But how could this ancient civilization know about our solar system thousands of years ago? Many believe that these rocks were either carved by aliens altogether or that they were told this by aliens and that they carved it all on the rocks to remember.

Could these be the remnants of ancient alien civilizations that visited us back when our civilization as technically still wearing diapers? Many experts believe so.

Check out the following video and see for yourself:

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Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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