Friday, April 28, 2023

Draconian Laws will be Repealed

Draconian Laws will be Repealed

Part 1/2

By Steve Beckow

Posted on April 27, 2023

I’m often asked questions about draconian laws and what will be done about them.

People may be relieved to know that it’s the Company of Heaven’s intention that all draconian laws be repealed and everyone falsely imprisoned be released.

Let me expand on the Company of Heaven’s viewpoint.

The Company of Heaven has been sounding the alarm to awaken us to our peril for decades. Back in 2004, Matthew Ward was warning us that the then-Bush administration’s aims were world domination:

“It is in conjunction with powerful persons of equally dark intent throughout the world that this administration’s aims are not national security, but world domination.” (1)

Diane of Sirius warned us in 2008:

“Your country is now bankrupt yet at one time it was extremely wealthy, but your wealth has been channelled into the families who have controlled your lives. Through manipulation and covert actions they have kept you in need, and at the same time spent your hard-earned dollars on war and politics to gain world control.

“Their actions are no longer secret but even so you will be shocked to learn the extent of their power, and the draconian and fearful measures they have used.” (2)

We’re being shocked as we learn the extent of crimes being perpetrated, primarily against women and children. But the population seems not roused yet.

Here’s SaLuSa in 2009:

“You have been sleeping allowing the dark Ones to take over your lives, but have suddenly awakened before it was too late. We have been active with you, and prevented them fully using draconian measures against you, as their plan for your enslavement was very advanced.” (3)

Until recently, SaLuSa said,

“… it seemed that you were under the total control of the dark forces, as they speak well and seem to promise a better future. However, their ways are intended to mislead you whilst planning greater and more Draconian controls over you.

“An ongoing battle between the Light and dark has been taking place for eons of time. In your present cycle, you are now opening up to the Light more than at any earlier time, and it has become well established upon Earth. Looking around you at the chaotic happenings you would think otherwise, but that is only the outer appearance of change. Within the hearts of so many more souls the Light is growing, and is being continually drawn to Earth with the consequent upliftment of the vibrations.” (4)

In 2011, he again warned us:

“You were just short of becoming totally enslaved and controlled by a draconian World Government that was to be put in place.”

“Your rights would have been strictly controlled and curtailed, so that you had little freedom unless you conformed to the new world order. It has not come about overnight, but has been planned for millennia of time.

“Slowly and almost unnoticed you have been fooled and misled so that you gave your rights away. There were plenty of warnings, but you were lulled into a false sense of security. You need to understand the reasons so that you fully benefit from the experiences.” (5)

And the reasons will be more fully explained in the emergency broadcasts and by later galactic disclosures.

They deep state often used false flags carried out by “terrorists,” whom they themselves commanded, to extend their control over the populace. Ker-On tells us:

“The biggest factor that the dark play on are your fears, which they create by their words and actions. There is no better example than the terrorist threat, and the consequent draconian laws to exert even greater control over you. You see with your very eyes what is happening and how you are being poisoned in many ways, yet your representatives do little or nothing to prevent it.” (6)

It’s unbelievable how many of “our representatives” are part of the plot.

SaLuSa said a long time ago now (2010) that draconian laws would be repealed:

“Time is now of the essence and we are ready to leap into action at a second’s notice. Be assured you are safe from any attempt to create a major incident that will give the dark ones more power over you. One of the earlier aspects of our plan is restore your rights, and draconian laws that are unconstitutional will be removed as quickly as possible.” (7)

And again the following year:

“All is to be uplifted and the yoke of slavery will be removed. That may sound dramatic but we assure you that you have given away so many of your rights, and you have not realised that it was happening.

“You have yet to experience true freedom but it will come, and the first changes will occur before Ascension, as any draconian laws to keep you under control will be annulled. You hardly need to be informed of the new Laws, as they all revolve around Unconditional Love.” (8)

It sounds like a great deal of thought has been given to the matter of legal reform already. We’ve heard reports that Earth delegations are already meeting with the galactics. (9)  Perhaps legal minds among them are framing the new laws.

Evidently it takes a lot to open some people’s eyes because, despite derailments, blowing up gas pipelines, killing populations of chickens and other animals, and injecting millions of people with toxic vaccines isn’t enough to awaken the population to the danger of world domination they’d face, I’m not sure what it’ll take.

We’re at the place now of not taking the next step until a sufficient number have awakened; in the meantime, it’s mayhem and chaos below.

Diane of Sirius recognized this difficulty and reassured us:

“Some people have been easily fooled, and there remains a difficult period during which we will have to provide much evidence of what has been taking place in your name. That will not tax our ability to do so, and we shall make the truth known on a world-wide basis. Your media will be unable to stifle or hide the truth, and they have been as a guilty as anyone at hiding it.”  (10)

The very presence of our star family has had the desired effect upon the dark ones, SaLuSa says:

“Our presence is having the desired effect upon the dark Ones who never thought that their crimes would catch up with them. (11) They now know they are to be tried for their crimes against you and that there is no way out to escape justice.” (12)

(Concluded in Part 2, tomorrow.)


(1) Matthew’s Message, June 5, 2004, at https://matthewbookscom.

(2) Diane of Sirius, Oct. 8, 2008, at

(3) SaLuSa, Aug. 24, 2009, at

(5) Ibid., Oct. 27, 2008.

(4) Ibid., Oct. 21, 2011.

(6) Ker-On of Venus, Oct. 22, 2008,

(7) SaLuSa, Jan. 1, 2010.

(8) Ibid., July 1, 2011.

(9) See Enter the Delegations at

(10) Diane of Sirius, Oct. 8, 2008.

(11) “They never thought she would lose.” A prevalent comment said about Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.

(12) SaLuSa, June 8, 2012.

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Draconian Laws will be Repealed

Part 2/2

Posted on April 28, 2023

(Concluded from Part 1, above.)

As far back as 2008, which is the year I started studying Disclosure, Ker-on of Venus was telling us that “our allies [now the Earth or Q Alliance will] assist us. They are set up to bring the truth out, and also to rid you of the last cabal that still clings to power.” (1)

We’re watching that happen now as we await the emergency broadcasts that will signal the beginning of the climactic phase to remove the cabal from power.

SaLuSa reported in early 2010 that that year marked the beginning of the fall from power of the cabal:

‘Think of 2010 as the start of a new beginning as you see the old regime being swept away, and know that it will be permanent as there is no coming back for them. Their influence is already dissipating, and their structures are being undermined by our allies. Have faith and patience as you really are at the commencement of an historic year, that will be of great significance where your future is concerned. (2)

He said that our collective light was weakening the Illuminati’s attempts to control and asked us not to worry unduly:

“Your collective Light vibrations have the effect of weakening the ability of the dark Ones to control you. In consequence they resort to Draconian measures to prevent you breaking out of their hold. Their plans continue to erode your liberties, until the ultimate event leads to total enslavement.

“Dear Ones, do not worry unduly as you will never be completely subdued, and the more outrageous their actions the more evident their real intentions will become. Already the truth is coming out about many covert actions that have taken place. The evidence mounts and very soon shall the leaders of the Illuminati be taken to account for their crimes against Humanity.” (3)

The Light is reaching even into the minds of the dark:

“As much as they might try, they cannot defeat the Light that is growing in intensity day by day. It is a critical time for the servants of darkness, as there is disarray amongst them with less enthusiasm for the tasks at hand. It is known that there could come an occasion, when they may have to point their weapons at their own kind and for many that is unacceptable. This is an example of how the Light is reaching into people’s consciousness, and awakening them as to how they are being used.” (4)

In 2012, SaLuSa seems almost to be talking about current events:

“We still continue to work hard with our allies to overcome the last obstacles that stand in our way. Once removed, announcements can be made to prime you ready for a series of actions to take out those who have controlled your lives through criminal intent.

“Many involved are names familiar to you, indeed in many cases very well known including others totally unknown. Once the key figures are removed, it will be the green light for our allies to mount a large scale arrest of those of whom we have sufficient evidence to prove their guilt.” (5)

Some of this is in fact happening as we speak.

“They will be treated fairly and given proper trials where they can be represented. The judges will be selected for their honesty and integrity and experience in applying the Law correctly and as was intended.” (6)

One of their first steps will be to see that the falsely imprisoned are released:

“Some of your existing laws are draconian, particularly those introduced by the last administration. One of our first steps will be to release anyone falsely imprisoned or currently held without trial or a right to appeal.

“Justice must be seen to be done, and an understanding and greater appreciation of the circumstances that often lead to criminal actions. Much has been caused by improper treatment that has been based on racial differences. That will all change and not because it will be imposed upon people, but through the understanding that you are all One.” (7)

He asks us to turn our attention from these these events to restoring freedom and putting injustices right:

“We ask you not to dwell upon such issues inasmuch that there are more important ones that directly concern you. One is releasing you from the draconian laws that have taken away people’s rights, and putting all forms of injustice right and giving back freedom to those wrongly imprisoned.

“Secondly are the governmental changes so that the right people represent you so that there is no chance of the wrong people representing you and delaying the necessary changes. They have already been selected and prepared to take up their positions, and that will help create the ideal circumstances that enable us to speed ahead.” (8)

Does our star family intend to punish cabal members? Absolutely not.

“The plan is for a happy ending to this cycle, and take no notice of those who are misinformed, as there will be no question of punishment of any kind. God is All Love, and sees you all as beautiful souls on the ladder of evolution.

“Whatever you experience, the Laws of the Universe apply and these are not draconian like many of Man’s, but both fair and just to aid your spiritual advancement. The idea of a vengeful God or one of wrath is totally false compared to the unlimited love you receive from the Father/Mother God. ” (9)

Diane of Sirius tells us that the galactic part in our future affairs will be to see that the world works for everyone: (10)

“In the future your leaders will be chosen for their honesty and integrity, and their spiritual awareness. They will speak openly and truthfully and shall intuitively know what is needed.

“Our presence will be as ones who assist in ensuring the new plan eventually works for all people wherever they are, and equality will be our byword as the standards of your lives are raised up. So many problems will be overcome in the first few months of our contact with you.” (11)

So our star family is aware of everything that’s happening with the cabal and is working from its side on their removal from positions of power. Once the cabal is removed and it’s safe (for us) that our star family land, they’ll come among us and help us build a world that works for everyone. Their emphasis will not be on  punishment but on restoration and rehabilitation.


(1) Ker-On  of Venus, Oct. 22, 2008, at

(2) SaLuSa, Jan. 1, 2010, at

(3) Ibid., Oct. 7, 2009.

(4) Loc. cit.

(5) Ibid., June 15, 2012.

(6) Loc. cit.

(7) Loc. cit.

(8) Ibid., June 8, 2012.

(9) Ibid., Jan. 22, 2010.

(10) The phrase/context “a world that works for everyone” originated with Werner Erhard.

(11) Diane of Sirius, Oct. 8, 2008, at

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Steve Beckow 


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