Saturday, April 1, 2023

Do not take your eyes off the bigger picture!

Do not take your eyes off the bigger picture!

By P'taah

Through Jani King

Posted on March 31, 2023

Don’t take your eyes off the big picture Beloved, that is what we can say to all of you: Do not take your eyes off the bigger picture of who you really are.

Remember that you are grand and sovereign gods and goddesses come forth to play this game called human life. And you play the game and then you decide that that is enough and it is time to go Home for tea, hmm?  Time to go Home.

You know youare all children playing your game, eh?  And when you are tired of it all, and when it is time – and your soul chooses the time – you will put down your bat and ball and go Home.

And you know, for most of you when that time comes you are very happy to go Home, depending of course on your belief about who you are.  When you are truly in the understanding that you are grand sovereign masters, that you are gods and goddesses, that you are just here to play this game simply for the intensity of the emotional experience, then indeed there is no fear attached to the going Home.

To leave the body behind and in consciousness soar into Universal Consciousness, into the knowing of your own light-being-ness, and your own total being in non-separation, the knowing of non-separation.  It is awesome indeed, quite wonderful – full of wonder, yes.

Q:  Yes it is.  I am at ease with what will happen when somebody goes Home, it’s while we’re still alive …

P’taah:  Yes indeed, it is the journey, and it is

Q:  Tough!

P’taah:  Yes, and to have the ease-ment of knowing, without struggle, make a huge difference.  And as each of you expand in consciousness, as you expand in your knowing-ness, so your entire life eases, eh?  Life become easier, life become more joyful.

So step back, do not get caught up in the story, remind yourself of the greater truths. And you know when you do so there is an immediate ease of concern, an immediate ease of this worry.  You know, you may say to yourself:  Everything is always perfect!

This is just a game, eh?  Just a game.  A wondrous game indeed!

Q:  Thank you so much P’taah.

Love is the truth of who you really are! 

G'day dear P'taah and Jani friends

So we have a big gift for you all in this month of March - there will be two P'taah newsletters! Seriously though, I am sorry for being so late with the February P'taah e-News - after many years of what I thought were successful strategies to avoid a trauma I experienced early in life, the terror in my body finally jumped up and gifted me with such intense pain that I have, finally, taken steps to address it. It's kind of scary but I'm feeling really hopeful, for the first time in a long time!

Meanwhile our Australian skies are continuing to give us amazing gifts these days with the southern lights, the Aurora Australis, dancing in our southern mainland states, a rare occurrence. This photo was taken last week by landscape gardener Hamish Stubbs in the beautiful Margaret River wine production area of Western Australia - wow!

In the February 2023 Conversation with P'taah, Eric (in Phoenix, Arizona) asked some really interesting questions - about chakras and how body energy works, where memories are stored and whether alternative lives can influence this life. You can see all of the topics discussed here:

Jani is well and remains available for Personal Sessions with P'taah on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, Australian Eastern Standard Time (Queensland does not have daylight saving). If you're interested please send an email to

With love from Annie
Light Source P'taah

Quote of the Month
P'taah's Guide for the Journey Home

"As you expand in awareness, and use your astounding powers of focus and attention, you will more and more be able to consciously connect with both the seen and unseen realities.

The desire to connect, and the acknowledgement of connectedness, will transform your world."

P'taah's Guide for the Journey Home is available from the Light Source P'taah website at

If you are in Australia please send an email to for an invoice in Australian dollars

G'day dear P'taah and Jani friends

So it seems that our wet season has finally finished and we're now having glorious days of blue skies and fluffy white clouds. And this beautiful big tree, which has become ‘driftwood’, is now gracing our beach after all the rain washed it down the river.

Jani remains well, enjoying watching her garden grow (which it does very quickly after all the rain) as baby birds chirrup away noisily demanding to be fed.  Jani is available for Personal Sessions with P'taah on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings (Australian Eastern Standard Time) - if you would like more information, or to make a booking, please send an email to

Jani King
Light Source P'taah (Australia)

Compiled by from: 


Reminder discernment is recommended.
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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