Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Whitney: Crossing the Threshhold

Whitney: Crossing the Threshhold

By Steve Beckow

Posted on March 21, 2023

At my request, Whitney has sent in a very enlightening discussion of Ascension. Of herself, she writes:

Whitney is a passionate student of Life and a psychic empath who has been offering in-depth soul readings for over a decade. For a reading or simply to say hi, she can be reached at

Crossing the Threshold 

Ascension, or the Shift, isn’t necessarily a singular moment for the collective, although there will surely be peak moments on the near and far horizon that will redefine this collective world as we know it. Instead, the Shift is a singular moment for each awakening individual who organically aligns with and clicks into the new world within.

While the spiritual journey is a progression of unique and necessary experiences that propels all of us forward on our paths, the Shift can be understood as a decisive moment within our journeys when each of us crosses over into a new inner world where the old world of dense and ofttimes fractious beliefs, emotions, stories, conditions, and orientations to Life finally begins to disappear.

At the threshold, these things dissolve into space, leaving in their wake an entirely new, open, expansive, solved, and uplifted experience of Life. It is the ultimate paradigm shift.

Prior to and during the Shift, many people will find themselves seemingly separating out from the old world as if watching a 3D movie that is taking place all around them. It may feel disorienting, depressing and even scary to feel so distant from the world, but this is simply the quantum mechanics of the old-world consciousness separating out from our bio-psycho-spiritual systems.

These experiences are thus paving the way for the new world which is a new consciousness that is seeded and blossoming inside our higher minds. Our localized consciousness, which grounds through our physical brains and bodies, is shifting—and so too then is the world as we know it.

Our localized consciousness is entraining to a new cosmic-atmospheric energetic structure, and this is where and how the new world begins. This energy shift emanates from the Heavens during this preordained period of eclipsing of the darkness—which is simply a lower field of consciousness—so that our higher minds are activated to perceive a new life, a new way of being, a new world.

Our old-world consciousness can’t perceive this, can’t understand this, is frightened by this, yet very much thinks it can understand this. But it can’t. We must let go.

And so there is a singular moment, a singular point in all of our individual timelines where our consciousness crosses over; it crosses the threshold from the old world to the new. (1) And as many of you know, there has been extensive individual preparation to get each of us here.

As we cross this threshold, we sense that there is no turning back. We see that the new world is the true world, and that our personal and collective pasts are simply distant half-awake dreams that can’t sustain the light of truth anymore.

And for many, this active crossing over is in process now. What may feel disorienting for many is the result of the old consciousness looking for its reflection in the world around it, but it is beginning to no longer recognize itself.

The old world feels old to us—because it is. To welcome the Shift, we can release the pressure and accelerate the flow by allowing our minds to move away from identifying with the old world. Instead, through continual open and warm yet detached awareness, we are allowing our minds to naturally refocus upward into our higher minds and the higher world, the new world, that is embedding into our physical selves.

This is quite literally how the new world begins. It is a field of light, a stream of a more complex arrangement of frequencies from Source that upends the old world consciousness so that we begin to perceive, perhaps ever so slightly, softly, and slowly at first, a new wave of energies, visions, and potentialities that will galvanize our very own personal ascension paths and missions.

And as we step foot onto this new inner soil, on spiritual terra firma, we then crystallize our energy fields and spirits to the higher plane of the new world where others await us. So these times, these interludes of metaphorical clouded days that line this threshold, are actually the spaces of crystallization—they are the moments where we are actively bridging to the new world inside of us, if we can just let go of the old.

The spiritual intelligence of Source is found in these moments most of all. It’s pulling us away from the old. It’s lifting us up up up and away from the old through a realignment to the light of the new world that is first made manifest inside of us.

Like broken bones that knit their tissues back together in the space of the biological void, so too is Source bridging our consciousness back to the light in what can be perceived as this void space of the Shift.

So we are asked, summoned actually, to be sure-hearted in these spaces and times where the old world is losing its grip because there is a singular moment for each of us that signals emergence into the gorgeous light of a very real new reality.


(1) For the individual:

Archangel Michael: There is a moment when the door opens. So it … has been and is a gradual awakening. You have seen the changes mentally, physically, emotionally; interconnectedness; the shift in the collective. But there is that moment when it clicks. So it is a moment. Actually, it is a period of about 20 to 24, 26 hours. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 1, 2011.)

For the collective:

Archangel Michael: There is an instantaneous moment, and you can think of that moment as a moment within a very elongated process, but there is a moment of soul decision, when either the collective shift takes place  – even though some were already through the portal and anchored, but many were not; most were not [- or it does not].  (“Archangel Michael on the Pause and Full Restoration,” Feb. 28, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/into-the-golden-age-of-gaia/the-midpoint-of-ascension/archangel-michael-on-the-pause-and-full-restoration/)

Steve Beckow

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
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