Saturday, March 18, 2023



The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on March 18, 2023


On 13 and 14 March 2023 at 04:38 and 06:42 PM CET respectively, the Co-Creators’ ground team gave a brief summary of its 32 operations and Light works since the start of the year through the first decade of this month. Earlier, DNI narrated some ops, other wait for disclosure.

Directly and indirectly, they were all preps for the replacement of the temporary Causal Matrix of Earth with a new and permanent one scheduled for March 21-23. It became possible after the crushing defeat of Darks in the karmic Duel of the Worlds (see – DNI, Duel, Parts 1-12). Why is this replacement so important? And what it will change in the life of each of us?

Today we know that our DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is one of the three main macromolecules (the other two are RNA and proteins) that stores, transmits from generation to generation and implements programs for the development and functioning of our organism, its individual organs and systems, at the cell level.

Physical DNA has a copy on our causal body, which accumulates the energy of our thoughts and feelings and, in accordance with them, corrects our life. This double is called wave or causal DNA. Naturally, it does not contain any “acid”, but is the basis of the main energy shell, through which the Absolutes’ and Source’s Light enters us (or hardly seeps due to our growing karma).

Causal DNA is a mechanism that ensures the fulfillment of our mission on 3D Earth, which the Higher Self set us before the incarnation. It programs a Matrix that contains basic information about us: who we will be in this life, a man or a woman, what will be the color of our hair, eyes and the whole appearance, data on organism inner structure, genetics, etc.

If karma processing is needed, causal DNA is programmed to activate certain diseases immediately after birth, or upon reaching a certain age. Their trigger may be some events, for example, a significant excess of the karma level of the current incarnation.

3D Earth has a similar mechanism. Its Causal Matrix, which is anchored in the core of the Logos, and runs the latter’s manifestation body, i.e. our planet. All its vital activity: atmosphere, climate, winds, volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and all other natural processes.

By analogy with human DNA, all “genetic” information is downloaded into the terrestrial Causal Matrix – planetary constants, elements, their formulas and norms of materialization, the structure of the Logos core and the planetary crystal lattice, etc. It runs Time flow, the course of evolution, synchronization with the energies of other planets, stars, constellations and galaxies of the Local Universe and the entire Greater Cosmos.

For millennia, this mechanism has been controlled by Black Archons with the help of Calladion, the Chief Programmer of the Matrix, who passed over to their side. Only in 2023, after thousands of operations on the physical and Subtle Plane of Earth and the Local Universe, Co-Creators together with friendly space races and Lightwarriors put an end to this. And if there are no new Darks’ surprises, at the coming vernal equinox, our planet will get a new, permanent Matrix.

In March, Co-Creators tested it twice. During the first essay, through the Gaia’s aspect, they introduced a Matrix into the Monads of several Lightwarriors. In the second, they set it in the field of 3D Earth via the City of Light that the ground team built on the Subtle Plan of one of the European mountain lakes. As expected, at these points, the conductivity and velocity of high-frequency streams, entering the planet through the Sun from the Galactic Center, have sharply speeded up.

The full activation of the new Causal Matrix on a global scale will certainly dramatically increase the overall vibrational background and overburden for everyone who is having a hard time enduring the freqs’ whipsaws of recent weeks. Adaptation to new vibes can be accompanied by numerous unpleasant symptoms that have already begun to manifest themselves on the genetic, cellular and general state of our body and well-being. How exactly?

1. Constant feeling of fatigue or exinanition, which can be observed even with light physical exertion. Our body loses density, becomes thinner, and continues to transform intensively.

2. Persistent drowsiness and the desire to sleep longer or more often than usual. There are unusually vivid and eventful dreams or waking up at night between 2 and 4 o’clock. This is a reaction to the restructuring of our physical organs and Subtle Bodies. When we need a break during these processes, we wake up.

3. High fever, runny nose, sneezing from morning to evening, for days and months, migraines, profuse sweat, pain in bones and joints as with flu or pneumonia. Antibiotics don’t help. Thus our body changes the “heating” system, cellular slags are burned, and remnants of the past are removed from our physical and Subtle Bodies.

4. Continuous ringing in the ears and dizziness. Feeling disoriented, losing sense of place. It’s a reaction to a higher frequency background and periodic untightening or lifting of the Veil between 3D and 4D/5D.

5. Chest and heart pain, arrhythmia. They are caused by the tuning of the heart chakra to new energies. In many people this energy center of Love and compassion is blocked or in nascent state. Its activation is accompanied by bouts of longing, depression and unwillingness to live.

6. Gastrointestinal problems, constipation, diarrhea. Intense spasms of different muscle groups, tremor, tingling in the arms or legs, loss of muscle mass and strength is caused by changes in the circulation system. Parts of the body vibrate in 3D, releasing previously blocked energies, while we pulsate in a higher dimension.

8. Breathing difficulties, the feeling of lack of air is a reaction to transforming of the atomic-molecular and chemical composition and increasing frequencies’ fond in the atmosphere.

9. Weakening of the immune system, problems of the lymphatic system. Some previous illnesses return in a more acute, but rapidly passing form. Speech difficulty, it’s hard to find the right words and combine them into phrases. Constant hunger, need for sugar. Sometimes we want to eat, but can’t. This is how the roots of ailments that have been preserved at other information levels of our body come out.

10. Oblivisence. Not only have some details fallen out of our memory, but also whole periods of life. It indicates a short stay in the border zone or in two dimensions simultaneously, and memory is blocked at these moments.

11. Loss of identity. We are trying to return to our past, but it is no longer possible. The old is gone forever. Sometimes we catch ourselves feeling that we don’t know who it is, looking at ourselves in the mirror.

12. Oversensitivity to the environment. Crowds, noise, cars, supermarkets, social events, TV, and even loud voices – all this we can barely stand. We easily fall into depression or, conversely, easily become stressed and hyper-excited. It’s how our psyche adapts to new, higher and more powerful vibrations.

13. We don’t want to do anything. This is not laziness or depression, but a reboot of our bio-computer. Don’t force yourself. Our body knows what it needs at such moments – rest and relaxation.

14. The sudden disappearance of some friends and acquaintances from our lives, changing habits, work, place of residence, areas of interest… We are rising spiritually, and everything that has gone no longer corresponds to our vibrations. Our plans suddenly alter, and we start to go in a completely different direction. Our Soul knows more than we do and tries to balance the inner energy of aspirations. It’s important to listen and trust our heart.

15. Acute rejection of the outside world, awareness of its absolute inconsistency with our needs, emotions and endeavors. This is how we get rid mentally and emotionally of the 3D energies that were inside us. Don’t be afraid and don’t prevent their exit, but try to transform them so that they do not harm others.

Instead of lower vibrational depression, dissatisfaction, distrust, antipathy, cynicism and constant irritability, we must fill the freed-up place with other, high-frequency and opposite-sign feelings and thoughts. Only in this way we could adapt to the new Earth’s Causal Matrix and the transformation that it will accelerate.



Compiled by from: 


Reminder discernment is recommended.
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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