Saturday, March 4, 2023

What’s Actually Happening with Chemtrails?

What’s Actually Happening with Chemtrails? 

By Steve Beckow

Posted on March 5, 2023

Part 1/8

The history of chemtrails is difficult to chart in that the deep state appears to have dialed back their resort to them and then increased them again and then dialed back….

So we’ll hear our sources say the chemtrails are gone and, then, some are appearing again but we’ve neutralized them and then they’re gone again, etc.

One explanation for that is that chemtrails are only one weapon in the deep state’s arsenal. Weather-warfare technology is another. Foreign aid, currency speculation, pandemics, climate change, derailments, GMO grains have all been used to extend control.

Each can be turned on or off in a globally-orchestrated manner to keep the public off-balance, responding to one crisis after another – deeply divided between vaxxed and unvaxxed, Democrat and Republican, climate change pro and con, and so on.

These are instruments that the deep state can resort to, almost as with an orchestra, to weaken us, poison us, and eliminate us. Because, useless eaters, that’s what the aim is: To eliminate all but 500 million of us by any available means. (1)

Chemtrails are just one element of the plan.

Matthew Ward in 2010 identified the Illuminati as being behind chemtrails: “The Illuminati … are the perpetrators of … chemtrails and other toxic pollution.” (2)

Before turning to that subject, let’s listen to how Matthew described them some time ago (2010). He now calls them the “deep state” to honor our current usage.

“The Illuminati is not an organization of card-carrying members, but rather the ‘umbrella’ name of disparate groups and a large number of powerful individuals who have been controlling or heavily influencing the most important aspects of life throughout your world for centuries.

“In recent years they also have become known by other designations, such as the secret government, New World Order, dark cabal or the elitists; and they include the top figures in financial institutions, investment markets, multinational corporations, religions, education, media, military forces, judicial systems, entertainment, the medical ‘establishment,’ regulatory and advisory bodies, royal families, Zionists.” (3)

“[Many Illuminati crimes] have been ridiculed by the disparaging label ‘conspiracy theory’; insidious mind-control programs and methods; deliberately-contaminated vaccines and laboratory-designed diseases to reduce the world’s population; corruption in ‘justice’ systems; vast underground areas [like Area 51] and what goes on there; the real perpetrators of terrorism and wars; the international web of collusion that has been controlling the global economy and commerce, health care, education and mainstream media; the long-time presence of extraterrestrial beings and their meetings with heads of governments; and the strategic divisiveness of religions. The amount of information is staggering, and revealing it in one fell swoop would be too much for any psyche to handle.” (4)

Everything about the subject is a lot to handle – Satanism, adrenochrome, child sex trafficking, some things I don’t even feel ready or willing to mention.

Let me turn tomorrow to what the celestials and galactics (and Matthew!) have said about chemtrails over the last ten or so years.



On the hidden war we’re presently witnessing to shut down the Illuminati worldwide, see:

The Hidden War: Stopping the Illuminati at

The End of Darkness; The Dawning of the Light at

What’s Happening on Planet Earth? The Accountability Phase of Ascension at and

There Will be No Nuclear War for the World at

(2) Matthew’s Message, April 26, 2010, at

(3) Loc. cit.

(4) Ibid., March 10, 2009.

Pilots marching to protest chemtrails

Part 2/8

Let’s start from the story’s beginnings.

“Henry Deacon,” aka Arthur Neumann, gave a capsule history of chemtrails in 2006. He told Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot:

Arthur Neumann: Chemtrails were developed by Edward Teller and are basically the seeding of thousands of tons of microparticles of aluminum on the upper atmosphere to try to increase the albedo of the planet, the reflectivity of the planet, because of global warming. (1)

Neumann was quite forthcoming about the real object of chemtrails:

Arthur Neumann: The way they see it is there are too many people, and, you know, they’re right. That’s true. So they figure they need to eliminate them and they’re planning solutions to this. I happen to think it doesn’t have to be that way. Apart from what I’ve mentioned so far about the spacetime problems, the problem is overpopulation. It’s as simple as that.

There are programs to reduce global population for everyone’s benefit. Believe it or not, the intent there is positive. It was put together by Kennedy way back then. The RAND Corporation was involved, and one of the Rockefellers, I forget which one, probably Laurance [Rockefeller], I think.

Kerry Cassidy: By killing people off?

HD: Basically, yes. Artificial viruses that have been deployed using a number of means and are hard to detect or identify and nearly impossible to cure. Medical people in the public domain can’t identify what’s happening. (2)

I recall thinking this would never happen. But it has happened and continues. Neumann went on:

Arthur Neumann: Do you know that it’s legal to test biological and chemical agents against US citizens? It’s legal. You know, all that has to be done is to get the approval of the mayor of the city, or his equivalent in any area. Or some representative official. No-one knows this, but it can be checked out. Go look it up. It’s all carefully hidden away in the law somewhere, but it’s all in the public domain. It’s all there. (3)

Well, of course, in later years, chemtrail planes cross-crossed the skies. No worry there about being discovered or breaking a law. And the deep state’s control of the news, after Operation Mockingbird’s success, (4) meant that chemtrail news was suppressed.

The year before Matthew had reassured us that evidence was being collected to take the Illuminati down:

“Evidence of this new flu effort and other Illuminati activities to drastically reduce the population is being amassed and eventually will completely eliminate that dark group’s long control through fear, ignorance and economic slavery.” (5)

Prosecution and, I regret to say, executions are already taking place in Alliance bases in Guantanamo, Diego Garcia, Guam, etc. and top leaders are being eliminated. This is not a move our star family, the celestials, or the Mother support. It’s no way to enter a Golden Age. (6)

Tomorrow, let’s look more at the cabal’s use of distractions and the off-again, on-again history of chemtrails.


(1) “Interview with ‘Henry Deacon,’ a Livermore Physicist,” Oct. 6, 2006, at

(2) Loc. cit.

(3) Loc. cit.

(4) “The CIA’s Operation Mockingbird,” 

(5)“Interview with ‘Henry Deacon,'” ibid.

(6) Matthew’s Message, July 18, 2009.

(7) See Stop the Executions! at

Interior of chemtrails plane

Part 3/8

In 2011, Matthew discussed how the cabal moves from one issue to the other to distract attention:

“In addition to authorizing the creation of a virus [SARS] and its intended worldwide fear, the darkly-inclined individuals’ aim is to distract the attention of the populace from their growing demands for [the truth about] … the real purpose of chemtrails and weather control.” (1)

Two years later, in 2013, he listed many other distractions the deep state uses:

“For a bit longer the Illuminati will continue countering all progress toward dramatic changes with such distractions and disruptions as their black ops terrorism, stock market shenanigans, bribing or threatening politicians, limited resumption of chemtrails in some areas, weather control, and of course fear-filled disinformation. Since the light continually is intensifying on the planet, it is logical to wonder why they are able to keep going. The answer is fear.” (2)

SGILE 6 in 1 Friction Powered Car Set Push and Go Toys Mini Double Mixer Trucks Cleaner Cars ...

The manner in which the cabal tries to “use” the public reminds me of children using a push-and-go, friction-powered toy car. Their fearful/dire predictions are the friction that makes the car run.


Let’s look at some of the on-again/off-again history of chemtrails.

I can’t claim this look to be exhaustive. It reflects simply what I was able to find in the limited time I had to research. After the Reval, we’ll be able to afford much finer and broader research. (I can’t wait.)

In July of 2011, Matthew was saying the skies were now clear in most areas:

“In most areas where formerly chemtrails were prevalent, the skies now are clear.” (3)

Wanderer of the Skies could only find sporadic instances of them, also in July of 2011:

“We have searched through all of your world and the darkness continually grows fainter as more and more Light [suffuses] your world from energy sources in every way. We have detected only sporadic instances of the use of chemtrails, weather changing technologies, and other devices of the Illuminati over the past several weeks.” (4)

In May of 2013, Matthew told us that “chemtrails still are crossing your skies in some places and other polluting of your air, water and soil continues.” (5)

I asked Archangel Michael in August of 2013 about chemtrails and he said they were being neutralized one by one:

Steve: Anything further to say perhaps to the readers of the blog who also are interested in chemtrails?

AAM: Chemtrails are in the same category … well, perhaps more vicious and violent, more assertive and aggressive … as the pollution of your oceans, your lakes, your rivers. And these are being neutralized one by one by one.

Steve: Right.

AAM: So know this and know that [it] is being taken care of.  (6)

Tomorrow, before continuing our brief history of chemtrails, let’s look at one source of confusion over whether chemtrails have ended or not.


(1) Matthew’s Message, April 28, 2009.

(4) Ibid., Nov. 5, 2011.

(3) Ibid., July 11, 2011.

(4) Wanderer of the Skies, July 22, 2011, at

(5) Matthew’s Message, May 12, 2013.

(6) Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, personal reading for Steve Beckow, August 6, 2013, at

Evergreen Supertanker

Part 4/8

Before continuing our history, let’s clear up one confusion. Michael tells us that chemtrails have stopped and they haven’t stopped. Planes are still spewing out clouds of spray – that much is true. But the clouds of spray have been neutralized and contain nothing harmful.

With that background, let’s hear Michael discussing a seeming disagreement with the Federation of Light:

Steve: A channeling from Blossom from the Federation of Light on August 11 said chemtrails were still happening. Blossom asked, “I had heard that the chemtrails had stopped” and they responded, “From our knowledge base and with respect, we would say that you have heard incorrectly.”

Are chemtrails still happening and, if they are, are they still toxic?

AAM: No, they have been, shall we say, absorbed, primarily by your brothers and sisters from UFOG [Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies].

But what is happening, and this is also where some of the misunderstanding occurs, is that the appearance of vapours, of clouds that look like chemtrails are often still seen. But inside of them, there is no chemical, no poison, no toxins.

Steve: Is that by the cabal’s doing?

AAM: No, it is simply that UFOG leaves the signature but removes the danger. It is science that you’re not privy to as yet. (1)

Later we’ll hear him say that part of the reason for leaving the chemtrails after neutralization is so that the cabal does not realize the deception. If they suspected it, they’d fix their machines or change their methods.

So things are really not as they seem.

In 2019, Matthew announced that the deity of this universe had granted Gaia’s wishes that chemtrails be stopped. He confirmed what Michael said, that chemtrails would still be allowed as long as they were neutralized or transmuted.

“We have joyous news—the spray that forms chemtrails no longer has toxic elements. This development went through the chain of command, you could say, so it wouldn’t deny Creator’s gift of free will to those who are behind the spraying.

“Gaia asked God to end this endangerment to her residents, air, waters and soil; thereupon God authorized the special forces volunteers among you to transform toxins in the spray into chemicals natural to Earth. Thus, the individuals who have ordered the chemtrails still may choose to do so, but any trails that may crisscross your skies are harmless.” (2)

With that announcement, either I ceased to follow the subject or else fewer discussions appeared because the subject doesn’t appear in my databases after 2019.

I’d now like to double back and look in more detail at what our star family is doing to protect us from chemtrails.


(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 17, 2018.

(2) Matthew’s Message, Oct. 15, 2019, at

Spraying from the back of what looks like a C-130

Part 5/8

I already looked at Michael’s discussion of how our star family is neutralizing or transmuting chemtrails.

As far back as 2003, Matthew revealed that the galactics were alleviating the effects of radioactivity:

“The effects of radioactivity, which even now are being alleviated by the technology of your extraterrestrial friends, no longer will affect Earth and her life forms.” (1)

Wes Annac’s Pleiadian High Council, in 2013, gives just a bit more (tantalizing) detail on how the galactics accomplish the neutralization of chemtrails:

Wes Annac: What types of healing are you performing in our skies specifically?

Pleiadian High Council: We’re using transparent and invisible (to the human eye) vibrations that are funneled through our sentient technology, which serve to mitigate and neutralize many of the harmful chemicals in chemtrails specifically, and in other forms of atmospheric pollution that would otherwise be funneled-down to the physical humanity and to the surface of Gaia, wherein the pollution from such things would seep into Her ground. (2)

Michael mentioned that the Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies (UFOG) was at work neutralizing chemtrails.

SaLuSa tells us that the Galactic Federation of Light (GFL) is also part of that effort. In 2010 she (3) shared that:

“A considerable amount of our time has been [given to] cleansing your atmosphere of radioactive fallout [including depleted uranium] and in more recent times the chemtrails.

“We have always kept watch on Mother Earth and her human population.” (4)

And again in 2012:

“We of the Galactic Federation have [taken] part in the cleansing and generally preventing pollution from becoming worse. That also includes Chemtrails which had the potential to seriously affect all forms of life.” (5)

Matthew said in 2012 that our star family was waiting for authorization to disclose their presence and until then they’d clean the Earth of toxicity:

“As soon as the possibility of widespread fear no longer exists, our space family will join you.

“During the interim they will continue using technology aboard their crafts to reduce the toxic effects of chemtrails and other pollutants.” (6)

Ashtar through Philipp in 2013 acknowledged that:

“We have prevented the use of nuclear weapons to reduce the population, as originally intended by your dark ones, and have helped you with the cleansing of your air from pollution, such as chemtrails.” (7)

In 2014 Michael discussed the need to deceive the cabal into thinking that chemtrails were still happening:

S: No. I have a reader who says the chemtrails in her area are worse than ever. Can you confirm for her that the chemtrails are either not happening or….

AAM: It is not that there are no emissions. But even within the fluid of airplanes and other vehicles, the star brothers and sisters have been transmuting this. So she may be seeing what she believes to be chemtrails in the sky … and, yes, is there a bit of deception going on here?

Well, we would call it playful deception because if those who were doing chemtrails thought they weren’t emitting chemtrails then they would get back to work to try to fix the matter.

So they believe their chemtrails are there and everything is fine. They are not. (8)

In that same year, Matthew asked us:

“Please remember and feel grateful that crews in spacecraft are using their technologies to neutralize or reduce as much as possible the toxins in chemtrails, radioactive elements and all other pollutants in your earth, skies and waters.” (9)

That the galactics are responding to chemtrails is one subject that all our sources agree on.  To the extent possible and in line with the laws of karma and free will, the various federations that are here are at work on cleaning up this planet.

Tomorrow we’ll look at what the galactics are doing to ameliorate or neutralize chemtrails.


(1) Matthew’s Message, Dec. 31, 2003.

(2) “Channeled Pleiadian Interview: Awakening to Pollution, Increasing Disclosures and Understanding Energetic Alchemy,” by Wes Annac, June 11, 2013, at

(3)  SaLuSa a woman? Here is Michael:

Steve: You once mentioned that SaLuSa was a she. Is she presenting as a she?

AAM: Yes. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, June 17, 2020.) [Hereafter AAM.]

(4) SaLuSa, March 19, 2010.

(5) Ibid. Nov. 28, 2012.

(6) Matthew’s Message, July 4, 2012.

(7) “Ashtar Talks through Philipp,” February 27, 2013 at

(8) AAM, July 11, 2014.

(9) Matthew’s Message, August 12, 2014.

A tour of a chemtrail plane!

Part 6/8

What is being done to see that the planet is freed from the cabal’s machinations? Matthew told us in 2008:

“By honoring Earth’s free will to never again experience any terrorist activity like ‘9/11,’ God has authorized extraterrestrial intervention to prevent all such attempts and they have successfully done so more than a dozen times since September 11, 2001, including the neutralizing of manmade viruses that were intended to create pandemics.” (1)

A year later he predicted:

“In the ever intensifying light, leaders who follow Illuminati orders will be toppled and replaced by wise leaders with integrity and honor. The ‘black ops’ behind terrorist activities will be revealed, the origins of ‘pandemics’ uncovered, chemtrails stopped, mind control measures ended.

“Incrementally, like a row of dominoes slowing falling, all sources of corruption, deception and vile intent will be unmasked.” (2)

Some of that is happening now. The rest couldn’t come too soon. In fact we’re expecting the revelations he refers to within weeks or months.

In 2019, Matthew said that the public’s demands would see an end to chemtrails. Moreover the increasing light levels will strengthen our immune systems and promote healing:

“As the public becomes aware of chemtrails’ damage to their health and the environment’s, their demands to stop the spraying will end this scourge. And  … light changes carbon-based cells, which are vulnerable to disease, into the crystalline cells that are resistant; people who absorb light in sufficiency will strengthen their immune systems and, depending upon the stage of an illness, bodies’ self-healing mechanisms can halt or reverse degenerative effects.” (3)

Next, tomorrow we’ll look at our sources’ determinations of how the cabal was stopped from using chemtrails.


(1) Matthew’s Message, Dec. 21, 2008.

(2) Ibid., April 28, 2009.

(3) Ibid., March 15, 2019.

Chemtrail operator

Part 7/8

How was the cabal finally stopped? Through a number of factors. First, as Matthew tells us:

“When some of the pilots, mechanics and others involved in those flights learned the true purpose of chemtrails – the toxic payloads were not to compensate for the hole in the ozone layer, but rather to sicken people and pollute air, water and land – they refused to continue working.

“Others who did know the truth participated willingly in return for handsome payment, but as funding dried up, they also left their employment. However, the most decisive factor in this situation is, some individuals who had ordered or financed the flights are among those who embraced the light, and those who want to keep chemtrails crisscrossing your skies have lost almost all means to do so.” (1)

Ashtar corroborates what Matthew said about the effect of the curbing of the flow of money.

“Many will begin to find that they are sick less often as well. This is because of the chemtrailing being stopped and the way we did this was to curb the flow of currency to those who have created a system that, yes, you were dependent on, but they were dependent on even more so.” (2)

Now that they’ve been stopped, we need to participate in the cleaning of Gaia, said SaLuSa:

“You live on a beautiful Earth that it is an entity of high consciousness in its own right, spoilt by lack of understanding. Mother Earth has sacrificed much to allow your evolution to go forward, but you could say it is now payback time. By appreciating what she has done for you, and also respecting her needs to prepare for Ascension, you can work towards undoing and rectifying some of the damage that has been done.

“Certainly you will be called upon to participate in the cleansing once we can safely land on your Earth. It is a mammoth task, yet for us will take no time to speak of because of our technologies. Already we are cleansing the atmosphere, and noting your concern about Chemtrails and are reducing their effects upon you. Indeed, we have for many years cleared the fall out from atomic explosions, and even now we deal with radiation coming from the damaged Nuclear Plant in Japan. As you must now know, we are also currently preventing the use of nuclear devices and will safely destroy them if necessary.

“We will not stand by any longer and allow further deliberate destruction of the planet, and your authorities are aware of our position on this.” (3)

Sheldan Nidle tells us that the technologies will be released after the Reval:

Once you hold prosperity in your hands, many untold technologies will be released. These technologies, which already exist on your planet, will provide safe methods to clean up your water, air and land. Healing technologies will replace your broken medical system.

Imagine a world free of chemtrails, fluoride in your water or soil depleted of nutrients. Yes, envision a world of clean, clear skies, pure drinking water and organic farmlands. Imagine your body utilizing vibrational medicine to fix your physical ailments. (4)


(1) Matthew’s Message, July 11, 2011, at

(2) “Ashtar Explains the QFS,” through Sharon Stewart, October 11, 2021 at

(3) “SaLuSa: May 7, 2012,” at

(4) “Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation, Feb. 27, 2018,” at

Up close and personal

Part 8/8

Matthew gave a blanket assurance that our rising into the Fourth Dimension (or fourth density, as he calls it) will see us healed of everything of a low vibration.

However, keep in mind that the Fourth Dimension has twelve subplanes. I believe the healing he refers to would happen on the highest subplane of the Fourth Dimension, what on the Astral Planes would be called the “Summerlands.”

Also remember that our wearing of a carbon-based physical body skews comparisons between the physical and the astral, where they are unencumbered and can create much more readily and easily.

Matthew says:

“Fear also arises about situations you don’t have any control over, such as the long-term effects on bodies of nuclear radiation, chemtrails, vaccines and depleted uranium.

“That is why we have stated in previous messages that concerns about those are unnecessary because their harmful effects, which exist only at low vibratory levels, will be eradicated along with everything else of low vibrations that cannot co-exist with fourth density’ s high vibrations.

“All persons who accompany Earth into fourth density will be healed of the effects of those toxins and whatever other diseases and infirmities they may have.” (1)

We entered the Fourth Dimension on Dec. 21, 2012, but that was the lowest of the twelve subplanes. Our Ascension will mark the moment we leave the Fourth Dimension.

Sometime in between the two, I imagine that the healing abilities Matthew is talking about should begin to manifest, if they haven’t started already.

Matthew tells us that most people in the world don’t know important matters:

“Reporters are among the majority of your populace who have no idea that members of our universal family would prevent the talked-about possibilities, such as North Korea may detonate nuclear warheads and wipe out vast areas or radiation from Fukushima eventually may kill millions. They don’t know that it isn’t Gaia’s desire for oceans to become so warm that all marine life dies and all coastlines move inland hundreds of miles, so those will not happen either.

“Most of Earth’s residents don’t know that prevailing frequencies are conducive to national leaders choosing to talk instead of do battle, or economic and diplomatic discussions are going on behind the scenes, or many millions of souls are experiencing what they chose to balance other lifetimes and evolve.

“You do know that, beloved family, so surge forward throughout this new year with uplifted hearts and positive thoughts and keep expanding the light in your world. You ARE the changes you want!” (2)

We do know this.

As we watch what the Alliance is doing on the ground, we shouldn’t overlook what our star family, in numerous federations, is also doing above, on, and below the ground. They’re eliminating – or have eliminated – chemtrails, oil spills, depleted uranium, nuclear weapons, etc.

In doing so, they’re defeating the deep state’s plans to eliminate 6.5 billion people from the planet by any available means.

I hope this explains what may have seemed to some people like the erratic nature of chemtrail sightings. We are – or were – watching a failing weapons system fitfully grind to a halt.

One less means to sicken and poison us. One less distraction as the cabal continues trying to divide and conquer us and to offer a globally-toxic solution to a problem of their own defining.

All of this is destined to pass and the deep state to fail in its objectives.


(1) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 1, 2012, at

(2) Ibid., Jan. 5, 2014.

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Steve Beckow

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