Tuesday, March 21, 2023


From Your Hostess of Light


By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Posted on Marcch 21, 2023

From Your Hostess of Light

As we move out of the emotional tidal wave of the vibration of Pisces we come face to face with the fiery energies of Aries the Ram. To put this in a goddess perspective think of all the males of the world that drive that big ole Ram energy in the form of a truck. All of that powerful ram energy behind the wheel of a very big engine, that dear ones is a lot of testosterone in all of its ram forms, ready to rut in the spring sunshine.  Like a biological rodeo, spring awakens from a long dormant healing sleep. Ancient irritations come to the surface like volcanic ash after a long dormancy. The very vibration of angry energy demolecularizes all that is good and cancels any desired outcomes. Angry energy dissolves the very fabric of goodness.

As we move into more of spring do not wear a red kerchief in your back pocket you may get way more than you expected.  A great agitation stirs the soul of planet earth as the windmills of old begins to turn in the opposite direction, whipping up what has been manufactured and prophesied. Hidden feelings come to the surface as the body responds to unseen stimulus creating its own emotional weather pattern. 

Planetary Angers ride the surf like foamy white horses heading straight for an unknown shore. What is the body telling us that we cannot see with the mind? What is psychically pushing all of our buttons?  What lurks right outside our peripheral vision in the darkened edges of the future? Dimensional and personal changes transpire all lined up like ducks in a shooting gallery. Where will the chain reaction begin, where will it end?  Time unrolls so that we can see deep into our soft cellular memory. The blueprints of what is hidden are camouflaged in shades of ashen.  The killing fields are flattened in an attempt to halt past injustices. Trust in God, in Heaven, in right, in good and your Spidey senses.

All of our dream-fields merge and mesh becoming intertwined, displacing what was with what is.  We are collectively whipped up like a frozen drink without any chance of an umbrella. Our sleep time is like a nightly three-ring cosmic circus, challenging our perceptions, changing the circumference and diameter of what is deemed normal.  We enter places in our collective consciousness and memory so deep we are afraid of losing ourselves forever. Like a dream that is alive and vivid we observe the nuances and the secrets of what our inner being is trying to tell us, warning us of impending shift in the shape of newly birthed geometries.

‘Reflections’ as Master Teachers

As we all look in the mirror we see an echo of time past, of time to come, a reflective sadness and a slight disappointment is mirrored back. A sadness that proclaims, somehow you have failed the universe, somehow you have failed the Creator and somehow you have failed your soul.  That unsettling thought has not nor could not, ever be possible.  You shall never be judged in the shortness of your aim as seen from a very human perspective.  When you find your heart’s desire instead of just the need to survive, you will never miss your heavenly mark.  For just by your genuine intent- you have succeeded.  It is only the little self that keeps you doubting and fretting and looking at all of the mountains that you have not climbed, instead applauding all that you are.

The first mountain that we all climb is being brave enough to incarnate on earth. Earth is a training camp for masters. Do not allow the energies of Earth to belittle you and beat you down into a pulp fiction. For within the eyes of the Creator you are grand and you have already succeeded.  It is the self that proposes things differently.  Do not be seduced by the energies of the ego. The human element tends to scream louder than any Holy Divinity within.  The true essence of light within you speaks in a quiet voice, subdued and reflective.

If you find that the blueprints within soul no longer serve you –then it is time to re-write the script of your creation. Let go of all that you have held unto in the past. Explore a new adventure, a new entrance, a new thought, a new street to drive down.  If you find that what you have been nesting on is not manifesting, then change the outcome, and see the new, the shiny, all that is possible and probable.  Do not get stuck in a perpetual nesting mode, building and rebuilding waiting on the outcome to change. To create as a the divine instrument you are, always love what you intend to create before it is fully formed, like a babe in the womb of destiny. Your intentions always precede your manifestations.


Pretend that you can see ten miles away like the eagle that soars. Pretend that you can hear like an old hound dog, three miles away. Pretend that you can feel Mother Earth under your feet giving you instructions for the next step of your journey. Pretend that the wind brings you directives from Source for your ears only, Stretch yourself. Dimensionally you are merging into more layers of the croissant of self. You always knew that your humanness would one day grow to meet other dimensional parts of you. The light that you seek, the ascension that you seek, the truth that you seek comes to find you – each and every one of you. You will expand past all outskirts and abilities that you have previously thought impossible.

The time frame between the Spring Equinox and the time of Easter The world asks for a sign; a sign of peace, a sign from Mother/Father God. Mother Earth waits patiently while her children play; As a Mother she will tolerate that for a while, and then she will detonate in frustration. The patterns of weather have been upset as There will be many seasonal fluctuations of energy that will be rerouted into undetected directions. This has already begun to effect the migration patterns of the birds, the whales, and any existing creatures that depends on inner sonar to move naturally.

Each of you have also found your selves going around in circles in your life – whether it is leaving the front door and coming back for something that you have forgotten or leaving the house and driving around the block to come back or walking from one room to another. All of you chase your tails. Take a good look at and examine what tails (tales) you are chasing. Are these the suburban myths and urban tales that are told you? Are these inquisitions of fear? Do these tell-tales and tall tales truly exist?

Whatever you are lying to yourself about on any level, will take definitive form and become rebellious like a teenager. You are not allowed the luxury of speaking negative about another no matter what harm or destruction that other has done. You are Creator Gods and your words will live in your world as living breathing entities, situations, and circumstances.

You line up energetically like ducks in a shooting gallery. Feeling like a sitting duck waiting for Chicken Little to tell you the sky is falling.  This time around the cosmic merry-go-round there will be many that actively step in to stop the fear, the destruction, the mayhem, you being amongst them. Like an artist that paints a picture, you must continue to hold the inner vision until it is manifested on the canvas of life.  

The time between thought, and manifestation grows shorter and shorter, forcing everyone’s attention into the mirrored hallway of responsible creation.  It is there that the reflections shout, “look at what you have created, look at what you have birthed!”  We give ourselves wondrous magical gifts every minute of every day just by the very words we speak. No one is out to get us nothing is out to destroy us every situation is of our own making, a divine creation, a tool to escort us into a higher place of knowing.

The external world but mirrors our internal thoughts and dialogue.  Life is not something that happens to us it is something that we create, continuously.  Knowing that we can and do collectively create everything and anything, lets get busy and create a world of love, of peace, of joy.  A place where every child goes to bed with a full tummy, and every homeless person cashes in their cardboard home, for a real home.  Lets look at our world as always full instead of half-empty and halfhearted.  As you love, you attract. You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. You cannot escape the result of your thoughts; but you can  learn, accept and realize the vision of your heart, not the idle wish.

White Lady of the Woods

Scolecite Healing Stones 

The vibration of what is Birch in nature has made its way to my Spidey senses. Birch is called the ‘ the white lady of the woods’, it is powerful and magical. The vibration of birch is seen as The Tree of New Beginnings.  Birch wood wards off evil and banishes fears. Associated with beauty and acceptance, the Birch's energy heightens acceptance of others and oneself. On first sight, you would think lady birch is a gentle, shy tree – but alas she is the powerful symbol of continual hope and regeneration and has been since ancient times.

The ‘white lady of the woods’ is the most feminine of tree fairies. She embodies beauty and grace and teaches the freedom of woman in all aspects of nature and earth. Her voice is as soft as the wind in the trees. Her message is to follow where your heart leads. Perform the dance of life in all of its forms with joy follow the path shown to you and riches will follow your footsteps.

‘The white Lady of the Woods’ aka the Birch tree is a bringer of promise, light and new beginnings. It is the symbol of regeneration and hope.  The tree carries ancient wisdom and yet appears forever young. The Druids were believed to have used the sap for the celebration of the Spring Equinox. The White Goddess, The Lady of the Woods, and The Birchen Maiden were names for the goddess of birch trees. Birch energy can empower dreams, and visions.  It brings  dreams together and prepares one for the new patterns of living

Use a Birch Broom to brush out the old year on the morning after Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year.  Add the cut bark to protection spells or drink birch beer if you feel you are under psychic attack. Traditionally, Birch twigs were used to light the Beltane fires. The traditional broom of  Witches was made of birch twigs, and cradles were made from birch wood for the sole purpose to protect the helpless children. Birch twig brooms were also used in the ritual of ‘Beating the Bounds’. Members of a Parish would walk the ‘bounds’ of the village, beating various landmarks along the way to mark out the boundaries. Birching can be used as a synonym for beating any object.

The name of these soft beautiful creamy-white stones is Scolecite.  This is a powerful energy tool to work with when clearing and healing ancient lineage and ancestral wounds. In this time of personal and planetary healing this stone opens a door of quickening. This simple white stone allows you to cleanse any patterns that prevent your family from healing. Scolecite is a very peaceful and calming stone. The energy of this stone sends a deep and relaxing peace into all chakras. This stone is helpful in accessing the Akashic records and making contact with angels and guides.  It allows us to receive ancient knowledge from past and future peoples. Scolecite is a stone of connections, patterns, and peace. It helps us to see ever-forming structures within all, creating greater patterns of information.  This unassuming stone is formed in volcanic bubbles called vesicles, just imagine white obsidian, this stone also enhances the dream state and assists with dream recall.

This powerful creamy-white stone asks us to get right to the heart of the matter.  It helps us to manage difficult situations graciously and to bring our life back into harmony and balance.  It reminds us to treat people the way we wish to be treated. It also helps us create good personal boundaries, encouraging self-love and self-sufficiency.  It asks us to be true to ourselves and to focus our energy on what brings us the most inner peace and joy. This stone encourages us to be hopeful, but not naive.  It can filter out mental and emotional distractions that prevent us from seeing things clearly.  It aids us in breaking bad habits associated with negative thinking.  Asking us to be more reasonable and focus on what is good and what works.

This stone will amplify the amount of love in your life, enhancing any kind of existing love no matter how small. It has the ability to purify the energies of your heart. www.theQuantumAwakening.com

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
Reminder discernment is recommended.
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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